My son is taking suboxone for a week now and is doing great on it, he broke out in hives so can he take benadril for his hives or will it mess up anything.
Does Benadril affect Suboxone?
Question posted by page11 on 16 Jan 2011
Last updated on 17 August 2019 by Medhelp115
4 Answers
He may be allergic to naloxone if he's breaking out in hives on his face especially then you might want to talk to your doctor and get him switch to Subutex or something without the naloxone blocker let the doctor know right away before continuing hives can get especially bad around the face nose and ears
not knowing all the things about your son maybe the hives are from another source I know this is not ( a direct answer) but possibly you need to let his doctor know and see what he thinks I would in no way give advice that might cause harm please take care both of you
Hi Page, Using the benadryl with suboxone may increase the respiratory-depressant effects. But there's no adverse reaction warnings about taking the 2 together. Have you discussed the hives with his sub doctor? Hopefully it's not an allergic reaction. Happy to hear he's doing well on the subs.
Take care and best wishes,
Hey Page, Suboxone has warnings that it reacts with many medications, but, I personally have taken subs and benadryl ( I have horrible allergies, oddly, I sneezed only 4 or 5 times in the 2 1/2 years on subs) and he will just have to make sure he is not driving, operating heavy machinery, babysitting, anything that would require total alertness as it COULD make him sleepier than normal. And only take 1 tablet, don't start with 2 tablets of benadryl. See if you too can figure out what caused the hives in the first place, if you suspect the subs( which would probably isn't the cause) please call his subs doctor and let the doctor know. Subutex might be substituted if doc suspects suboxone is the cause.
thanks, my only concern was that he be not only safe but if his hives were cause by another problem then the doctor might need to be called thanks for your help
With my son for what had happened, his girlfriend took him to the hospital Friday evening because where he had used a needle a few weeks back, this is before he got on suboxone, well anyway his arm was all swollen and red streaks going up his arm and they had to lance it opened and drain it. He told them he was on suboxone and didn't want any pain killers, they only gave him bactrim for the infection and some type of non narcotic pain pill. He is doing great on the suboxone so far and has taken bactrim before as an antibiotic so we are certain that it was the non narcotic pain killer that broke him out in hives. He only took two of them. So I got him some benedril for the itching. I was cocerned about mixing the two, benedril, and suboxone. He is doing okay though.He is on day 6 with subs and in the morning he goes for counseling and Tuesday he see's the doctor again. I don't know when they will give him take home meds so we won't have to travel everyday.
I think they will take another drug test and if he passes it then take home meds is a possibilty. I am hoping to find a doctor in our area to prescribe him subs to cut down on the cost, but want a doctor that will have concern for his patients and not just hand out scripts. Then we can do the n.a. classes here local.
So glad he seems to be doing well on suboxone. I hate to bring this up, but, people can develop allergies to things suddenly. I know many a person who is allergic to sulfa, and that is what bactrim is, just make sure his mouth, tongue and throat are not swelling and if he gets anymore hives or swelling in those areas, go to ER, or call doctor for advice. And Page, just so you have this info in case you need it, go to the suboxone homepage on the web, look for the doctor locator button, and write down all the doctor's names, you can call all of them to see how much the various fees are, how often he would have to make an appointment and tell him to make sure he doesn't get below one weeks supply before calling for an appointment( when he gets the take homes) so that he is never caught out or super low while doc is on vacation. Almost happened to me and happens to people all the time. Good Luck.
Related topics
Further information
- Suboxone uses and safety info
- Suboxone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Suboxone (detailed)
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