I don't mean to sound to ignorant of the facts. People do sell this stuff on the street, right?
Now, those of us taking for reasons we know of, also know after a while it fills the receptors.
How would someone get 'high'? I mean once their receptors are full, how would a person get high. I'm talking about someone who has never taken an opiate before or someone, let's say, who uses recreationally-(are there people out there like that??).
Just a thought which has been popping in and out of my head now and then.
Do people really take suboxone to get high?
Question posted by lady from T.O. on 7 Nov 2011
Last updated on 28 September 2019 by Bubblebustme
7 Answers
Yes they do 100% I absolutely know for a fact. I’ve got friends who take it everyday all day and like it. Sad to say
How does one figure out dosage? Do I take it as needed? I took one about 6 hours after my last perk yesterday at 6pm and took another at 6 am this morning
In my opinion if someone is on suboxone it's not supposed to be to get high. The whole point of the drug is to deter u away from opiates. If u want to get high u might as well get off the suboxone and do your thing and not waste your time and money and the doctor who's trying to help yous time if you're not ready to get clean. Just my opinion I'm not trying to be a bitch.
lyndseyM6785, Its not that people are getting high on sub and their buying it on the streets. Most of the unperscribed sub buyers are using it because of 2 reasons. 1 because there is no good quality drugs to buy and if their on a limited budget which most are,and its the only thing thats gonna hold off withdrawl symtoms untill they find either more money or better drugs or their trying to get clean via a short cut or kick a drug habit before a urine test is coming their way.. 2,and this is the one that could ruin it for all of us who are benifiting from suboxone use.Some people go to a doctor and get perscribed sub then turn around and sell it for money to buy drugs that will get them high. these are the people who's doctors don't make sure that go to counseling or get urines on a monthly basis.So go right ahead and bitch ,vent or whatever it takes to stay clean and sober. subzero58
I so agree
This is a very touchy subject. The reason being "We" who use Sub DO NOT want the doctor's to think we are experiencing a mu high from Sub. Because if they think that they will no longer give it to us. Nevertheless, when I took Suboxone for 6 months, and then when I took Name Brand Subutex for 5 years, at times I felt almost high. But it isn't a mu high. And not everyone gets it, nor does everyone get the burst of energy. In fact I was driven off another web site for saying that I felt this. I was called an active addict and a drug seeker because I said I used to feel that with the NB Subutex but not with these generics. This is true. From what my doc tells me we now know that the semi high, or better stated as that feeling of "I'm OK" or also called "Just feeling normal", it comes from 2 things. Yes Buprenorphine is a partial stimulant at the mu receptor. But it is hardly a euphoric high as we got from our favorite opiates.
Bupe is also a total antagonist at the kappa receptor. That means it is blocking stimulation of the Kappa receptor. This begs the question, what does the kappa receptor normally do, or cause? Well ... get ready for this. Under normal conditions, and people with the addiction brain disease are not under normal conditions, the kappa makes you feel like the biggest piece of crap this side of the Sun. Oh no, you say. Why would it do that? Simple, the kappa is instrumental in conscience, and Bupe doesn't turn that part of it off. But people who feel depressed, have low self esteem, and just feel like crap about themselves all the time, have their kappa being overly stimulated. How that happens I have not found out. But I'm not searching for an answer. Mainly because all this receptor knowledge is brand new, and new things are being learned every year. Sometimes conflicting what was believed last year. Thus is the way of the Scientific Method. So between partial positive stimulation of the mu receptor, and total negative stimulation of the kappa receptor, Bupe causes the good feelings I call, I'm OK. And I have not felt OK since I was a child. I have felt bad since I was 7. I know this because I remember telling an Aunt I would be dead before my 8th birthday. I did say that. I remember it clearly, including where we were when I said this. So if I said that as a 7 year old child that meant I was depressed since then. However, I also recall what started me feeling depressed. This has brought me to a new theory that I doubt is being studied.
We know a chemical imbalance in the brain can and does cause depression. Today this is a fact. We also assume this chemical imbalance is inborn and hereditary. In some cases I'm sure it is. I learned 30 years ago that what fits 1 person can't always explain everyone. But, if you take a normal child, and continually subject him to a high stress and sad situation starting at 6 years old, can that cause his brain to develop in such a way so that as an adult he will always feel depressed? In fact he will have what is known as the addiction disease. Can that be caused to happen to an otherwise mentally healthy child through a sad and stressful environment? My answer is yes, absolutely and unequivocally yes. It happened to me, because depression doesn't run in my family, nor does addiction disease. I developed it. And now starting at 52, Buprenorphine has finally arrested the disease. I am now what I might have been if my life hadn't changed disastrously at 6 years old. So I will probably be on a low dose of Bupe all my life, or until I develop OIH again. Maybe I won't. I hope.
One more thing about the original question. I think most of the people who use Sub to feel high are kids who call any change in their usual mental state a high. Or, following what I said above, these are kids who have the addiction disease and don't know it yet. When they take Sub it makes their bad feelings about themselves go away, and they call it getting high. But anyone looking for a true mu type of opiate high, cannot get it from Bupe. It just doesn't do that. But again, to a totally opiate naive person, Sub will cause a change in consciousness that may be called a high. But I tend to think it fits in right above smoking banana peels to get high.
Alright, I'm done. For now.
Thor..you rock! Thanks for putting in words what I have thought for years!
thanks Thor!
You said it beautifully, and yes, even succinctly! How you explained it now allows me to do so more research on all these receptor sites and how they work.
I am familiar with one of those sites who put people on sub down, let alone, dare I say for getting an oomph-energy burst. NO, it is not a euphoric feeling like the poison we were taking before-I totally agree with you.
Thanks for coming and spending part of your day here.
You're a keeper, hon!
Hey Renee,
If you can find a site, or even a library book, that sums up all our current and present knowledge on receptors and how they work, I'd appreciate you posting it. I admit I haven't been to a library to find information since I got a PC some 10 years ago. But sometimes I think they are still the ultimate source for written knowledge. The problem I have had in trying to learn about the receptors is finding a source for information online. I have not been able to do so. I picked up something here, and I picked up something there, and I have tried to put it all together in my head with what I know about medicine and the human body. But I can see that what I would need is a current up to date type of college text book. Something that presents the information in a grow as you go way. This is how collage courses used to work.
Often you walked into a classroom pretty green on whatever the course was about, and after a semester of having the info presented to you in a grow as go way, you left the course feeling like a minor expert on the subject. Now granted in collage you have the professor giving lectures 2 or 3 times a week. But anyone who has thought they could pass a collage class just by listening to the lectures was sadly mistaken. You'd have a better chance to pass with just doing the reading and not attending the classes. Although in reality you need both, to pass. That's what I feel I need with this receptor knowledge and I don't think there is anything like that, unless you are in a collage class or maybe you need to be in Medical school. And I think the reason is because as I write this, research is being done that may give us a new and more accurate understanding of how Bupe is working by next year.
Lately most of my info comes from my current doc, who while I don't always like him, he does seem to be up on the latest drug knowledge. I am positive he had his drug problems when he was younger and that's why he does this. He has in truth, devised his own successful weight reduction diet, using some unconventional drugs to help him. This proves to me he likes to use drugs as much as I do. What he doesn't believe is that like him, I have almost always used them to cope with my problems. He's doing the same thing. For me, Bupe has almost solved all my problems, the physical, mental and emotional, with very minimal side effects. But I will say again, I do not get that oomph of energy with generic Bupe like I did with the NB. Consequentially I have taken to using Provigil more often than in the past. But the damn insurance co. will only cover 30 a month and I used to get 60. When I got 60 I had NB Bupe and didn't need them. Now I do. I also need a benzo much more often with generic Bupe. I was on NB Bupe for 5 years. I think I know what I'm talking about. The doc doesn't want me to take Provigil nor Benzos, and he also refuses to fight the insurance co. for NB Bupe. About 5 years ago, I had a bad depression and needed Cymbalta for a while. I think it took 3 or 4 months to get coverage. I had to make multiple phone calls and write multiple letters, and the doc also had to do his end, but finally we won. And he was the doc who did it with me. So I am convinced we can win, but he doesn't want to fight with me. I can't do it alone, and I don't think he can neither. But together I think a patient and doc can always win.
So Renee if you find a great source for receptor knowledge, let me know. Thanks
All of you people are junkies. Now for people like me with multiple herniated discs cannot even get a days worth of relief. All of these medications you are using are just a crutch. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I don't want to hear "oh i have a disease" it is all a choice. You chose to be a junky loser now deal with it. You are still on narcotics and you still enjoy them or you would not be in here asking about dosage and how it makes you feel. Losers!
Normal1234, You are both wrong and right. You're wrong that addiction isn't an illness. It's a very complicated illness that has both psychological & physiological components to it. We still don't understand it because we don't understand the brain. Neuroscience is in it's infancy it's akin to when they learned the heart pumps blood through the body and that you can't cure the flu by bleeding a person. They used to do you know, they thought draining bad blood out of a person could cure them of disease. Many a person died like that. And while it's true that a person may start using a drug for fun, once you see yourself losing your house, job, car etc and you still can't stop its bc you're sick.
However Suboxone is not a very good pain killer. It may not help degenerative discs at all. You're probably 1 of the rare unlucky people who is sensitive to to the Naloxone in it. You might get better results from Subutex. It definitely kills pain but don't compare it to Morphine. Not all opiates work equally well on all people with all kinds of pain. Morphine seems to be the best universal pain killer. But Dilauid, a Morphine derivative, doesn't work well for everyone. This is 1 reason there are so many different opiate pain killers.
Much of the street sales are addicts who sell theirs to those they know who are trying to quit opiates, they get the cash and buy pills. When you first start subs, you can feel it, however, as my brain got better, if I felt that again, I knew I needed to taper down. It was a while before I felt it too, but it was one thing I looked for to say I could taper.
Very interesting patti... bcuz I must admit that lately... not that I have been feeling high... but it is just a "different" feeling when I take my sub dose... whereas before I did not feel anything??? Except, of course, for minor sweats, major dryness of mucous membranes, and moderate constipation. Ugh... BUT... this "different" feeling that I am having... not high... just different... like I feel that I have taken "something.". Does this mean I need to taper a little bit more?? Will appreciate your input... di
I still feel a bit of what I call 'an oomph' feeling. Not a high so to speak, more of a zip of energy. Maybe it's all in my mind, I don't know. I don't always get it and some days that oomph is stronger than other days. Of course, as known I am on 24mg. Will be going down shortly. Actually will definitely be discussing this with my doctor. I don't want to hurry the process. I have accepted the fact I'll be on Suboxone for some time to come. When I first started I thought I'd be on and off it before a month was over. Thanks to many people here-including you patti, and pup and runnermom and mary... and so many more I realized if I am going to do this I am going to do it right! After all if I were still using, I'd be spending a lot more money than I am on the subs. So what is the hurry. What is a year, or more to get my life A life on track?
OK, once again, I've gone flapping out the mouth!
dear Pup, thatni likely a sign you are stable and can drop, but if you ever have to take a crumb here and there, that is ok too. LADY, I hope you are feeling level now, dropping 4 mgs should be fine, when you're ready. Patti
WOW! thanks for asking that question! and THANKS for the answers..I KNEW I wasn't crazy! I also felt "high" when first on higher doses of sub..and once I tapered down..I just felt nomal.
Now, I had NO IDEA that I've been sprouting new receptors all those years of abusing opiates..but now it makes sense as to why I am almost 2 months clean from sub and still getting mild w/dsymtptoms(NOT BAD..not enough to ever go back) :) (2 months on 11-11-11)
Here's a question to this group..did you ever know anyone who snorted their subs?? bc I did(know someone) and I can't imagine WHY they did that??? Could they have been getting high that way?
DO NOT try this at home... please, if anyone is reading this I DO NOT endorse this practice!! I hope I haven't broken any rules here :)
Just curious..
8 miles into my next marathon and still runnin!
I posted an answer and a question on this but it's pending approval??? I guess I'll wait to hear from the admin in this :(
You have got a great attitude T.O. You will be OK... you know yesterday i was wanting to tell you that you could go down as much as patti suggested... i was just afraid that i could screw you up because i am not as knowledgeable as patti is with subs... so i was so glad when she recommended it because i do feel you could do it with little effect. But... go with what you feel comfortable... with you and your doc... you will be fine not matter what... you are right... what is a year in the whole scheme of things? A year to get better CORRECTLY for the rest of our lives... not so bad...
Keep up the good work T.O. You are on the right track...
RM... congrats on your marathon training... you really impress me. I used to be a runner and loved the endorphin "high" that it gave me... i could just run and run and run... until i broke my ankle rollerblading... BAD... a plate and five screws later ( and not the good kind lol) and a repair of the tibial tendon on the other side... done with running... I feel the hardware in the ankle when I run... oops... so sorry I digressed!!
anyway... what was your question... oh snorting the suboxone... I am pretty sure... like 98% sure that it is the same as IV use... it doesn't go thru "first pass" and the naloxone would throw that person into wd. Now, if it were subutex... which just has the buprenorphine... yes, immediate high... but please don't do this at home... like patti suggested... anyway... have a good evening...
LOL Pup! not the goodkind..u crack me up!
But so sorry yoou had an injury that made you unable to run..that would be the end of my sanity.
Interesting about the first pass info..thx
RM... was sorry when I posted that comment... lol. Was afraid I might offend someone... just being cute lol. But really... being off the opiates and now going down on the subs... well the uh hum... hormones... are back in full force!!!
Anyway... yes, first pass is interesting but makes sense...
Everyone is different re reabsorption of the extra receptor sites by the RE (reticuloendothelial system) by the body... can be anywhere from 6 mos-2yrs. Or longer... anyway... gotta go to work. Have agood day...
Where do you all get all the information about the mu receptors and 'first pass'? I'd like to get more knowledgeable about these things. I've been meaning to ask for some time now. I was hesitant because I thought I 'should' know this stuff. Pretty silly I know, coming from the lady is believes the only stupid question is the one not asked.
SO... I am asking??
I feel a boost of energy not exactly a high. However it is something I feel I can't exactly put my finger on. I don't nod out but I get, like I said a boost of energy and can take care of my errands and child. Nothing worse than feeling sick and not being able to care for your child the way you should.
Hey TO... PUP here!! Yes people do take this drug to get high. When I had my first dose in the doc's office when I was feeling awful from WDs... he initially gave me an 8 mg tablet under my tongue and I got high as a kite... it fell like I had popped 4-5 Norcos at one time. Although it was a good feeling... AND... I was out of WD, it DID scare me. The doc said it was normal. I have not tried to take the 8 mgs again to c if it would do the same thing..don't want to do that and would b scared to do that anyway??? But u r on a higher dose aren't you?? And u don't get high???
I dunno... kind of confusing but I DO know that people do take it to get high at higher doses. I am not sure what would happen to a person who has never before had used opiates. I would imagine they would get a little high. I do know that it gives qn energy boost at times and some people do take them for that.
Buprenorphine which is the opiate in suboxone is a great analgesic for many people. I think that Thor takes bupe for pain relief. As far as receptor sites go... yes bupe does have a higher affinity for the mu opiate receptor n our brain so it kicks off any other opiate which is there. That is why it is called an agonist/antagonist drug. If someone is od'd on another opiate bupe can reverse this and treat the OD. The only drug that has a higher affinity for the mu receptor site is naloxone. When given IV it will wipe everything off of the mu receptor and can put a person who is addicted into full blown WD. Yes, the receptors may be saturated with the bupe but not all of them. We, who were abusing opiates, have so many extra receptors in our brains due to the many years of using opiates which up regulate and sprout many extra receptor sites... all screaming to b occupied. The bupe just has such a higher affinity. So, to answer your question, yes much more suboxone COULD attach to other receptor sites... everyone is different as to what will make them high... but yes, in higher doses it can make a person high. Sub is sold on the streets for other reasons... the same reason why we r on it... to get them out of wd until they can get their next fix.
Re the naloxone in the suboxone that we r taking... it is ONLY there to prevent someone from melting it down and injecting it... when this amount is given IV it WILL put that individual into wd. It is a safety mechanism placed there by the company. We really get NO effect from the naloxone itself... because it goes thru what is called the "first pass effect." This means that it first passes thru the liver and gets broken down. If given IV it doesn't go thru "first pass" and acts immediately.
I hope this helps. It IS quite confusing!!
And Denniepoo... I hope this has helped you also... and yes, suboxone is considered an opiate. It has the opiate, buprenorphine in it and of course the naloxone which I just explained.
Buprenorphine does not up regulate like other opiates, therefore it does not cause other receptor sites to sprout... so... conceivably it can be taken over a period of time without ever having to increase the dose to achieve the same effect unlike the other opiates like the ones to which we were addicted.
I hope this helps.
You say u t new to suboxone. How long have u been on it?? R u doing OK?
We have some great people here to help and give support. Pattishan is what I call the "resident guru" here on suboxone. Maybe she will come on and explain or havea better answer to help explain.
I hope u r also going to an addiction therapist. This is very necessary and helpful in our recovery. Please read my answer to TroubledMan yesterday where I explained the benefits of the addiction therapist and also the traps we can get into to try to replace the opiate in our life.
Please come here with any questions or concerns u may have.
Take care. U guys will be n my thoughts and prayers. We will get through this together... God Bless...
Hey there fellow golfer :-0) Say pup, have you heard from Dave? I pm'ed him earlier today and nada, zitlch. If you happen to answer this, and I don't reply, its because I've a few errands that I need to have done,
Pledge... will send u a pm. Golf game is great. How is yours? Played lovely course n FL panhandle over w/e. Was cold!!! Anyway... look at my pm. Pup
Pledge... will send u a pm. Golf game is great. How is yours? Played lovely course n FL panhandle over w/e. Was cold!!! Anyway... look at my pm. Pup
Hey pledge... did not realize we were not friends?? I friended u so friend me back and I will pm u or u can eliminate a step and send me a pm and I will answer!! Confusing!! No?? Pup
:-0) Hi there pup, we are now friends, (not that we weren't before) ha!
Honestly i barley started taking it and it doesnt seem to do anything for me as of getting high off of it,so im not sure why someone would want to take it if its not really a narcotic.
It is very much a narcotic.
It is a potent narcotic and will give you withdrawals!
Related topics
Further information
- Suboxone uses and safety info
- Suboxone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Suboxone (detailed)
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