3 months ago I started Lexapro again (I had taken it 2 years ago with minor side effects) I started experiencing extreme dizziness, like I was on a boat 24/7. My doctors said it probably wasn't the medication and to just continue, but I am convinced it is the lexapro. I tapered off a couple weeks ago, but am still feeling dizziness. Has anyone experienced this as well? How long should I expect to feel dizzy after stopping the lexapro?
I'm also taking .25 Xanax per day, but I don't think that has much to do with the dizziness. It actually is the only thing that relieves the dizziness.
Thanks for any input!
Dizziness 24/7 from Lexapro?
Question posted by Joshfromcali on 17 Oct 2018
Last updated on 5 September 2019
Did you ever get relief? I’m experiencing this right now. I had only been taking Lexapro for a week (had also taken it in the past with no big issues) and the dizziness cameout of no where. It was worst before I stopped taking it. Now I’ve been off of it for 2 weeks and I’m still getting dizziness. I can be fine for a day or two but it comes back. Please let me know! I need to know when it will stop!
Hello Kay Marie,
I had assumed that the dizziness was only a side effect of taking Lexapro, but it has continued for over a year BUT before I discourage you, I'll let you know that I am doing a heak of a lot better and I almost barely notice the dizziness nowadays. I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine along with anxiety disorder. The migraine was my main culprit with the dizziness, but anxiety and stress are huge triggers. I have been on Prozac for the anxiety and now amitriptyline for migraine and have felt tremendous results. I havent had a panic attack for months and I can actually function and enjoy life again. Do you get head pressure as well? If you can, I would try to see a neurologist and see if you might be experiencing something beyond anxiety like me. (Vestibular Migraine is one of the most common causes of chronic dizziness)
Hang in there, once you find the right treatment, you will be so happy! My life went from pure hell to amazing in the span of one year!
Ah thank you! I do get the head stuffiness/heaviness. I thought the dizziness could have been from an underlying sinus issue, as I also had post nasal drip, but after almost fainting twice while driving, I figured this was about much more. I get random intermittent dizziness that sometimes lasts moments or sometimes full days. If I get a bad bout, I also get a panic attack with it. My right eye gets foggy sometimes and I get a sharp headache at the top of the right side of my head. I also have throat pain at times. It is hard to tell whether the dizziness is from the panic attack or if the panic attack is from the dizziness. I do notice that it’s better when I take Advil or a decongestant, but not always. Ativan doesn’t do much for the dizziness but does help the panic. I just wish I knew what brought this on all of a sudden. I have never experienced anything like this. Lexapro is the only thing that had changed before this started, so I assumed it was the culprit.
Yes, dizziness is a withdrawal symptom of Lexapro or Citalopram.You feel like you are outside your body looking in also. As I am weaning off at this moment I say you were lucky to just have that., and no muscle pain,, headaches, or nausea. Please tell me your weaning process.You may help me. Best wishes Maggie
Hi Maggie,
I do have naseau and headaches, as well as trembling. The dizziness is the most debilitating though. I went down to 2.5 MG lexapro for a few weeks and then stopped. I'll take maybe 1mg or so every 4 days if my withdrawal symptoms get bad. But that might just be the anxiety coming back.
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lexapro, xanax, anxiety, vertigo, generalized anxiety disorder, escitalopram, withdrawal, side effect, ssri
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