In addition to copd and congestive heart failure, I'm missing the bottom two disks in my back - I've seen the pics, they've degenerated to pretty much nothing.
So, depending on which doctor I'm speaking with (primary care, orthopedic surgeon, pain care dr, pain care NP) it's been called Spinal stenosis or degenerative disk disease plus, sciatica is also thrown in.
Is there a difference between spinal stenosis and ddd? If so, what? I'd just like to know how to explain/describe when asked.
The difference between spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease?
Question posted by Daddyjack28 on 8 March 2015
Last updated on 8 March 2015 by kaismama
Stenosis is narrowing of the canal the spinal cord comes down.The nerves are pinched. The discs are the cushions between the vertebrae. When they go the vertebrae can go together and pinch a nerve. So its just a question of which is pinching your nerve.
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heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, doctor, heart, disease, spinal stenosis, stenosis
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