Im 15 and a girl. A few days a go my outter labia felt a little sore but i thought nothing of it. 2 days go by and i find out i have 3 crater like holes, not cyst or stuff like that, just holes. Theyve filled with some yellow subtance and i cleaned it out with hot water. I am really petrified aswell as paranoid. I have no idea what this is. Now just to help, ive been with one guy only , we only started having sexual intercourse 7-8 months ago. I need to know what to do to help it heal!
Why do I have crater like holes in my inner and outer labia lips?
Question posted by R2D215 on 15 Aug 2016
Last updated on 15 August 2016
You're going to have to go to the doctor, unfortunately. If you don't want your parents to find out just tell them you're sore and don't know why so you need to see someone. They cannot tell your parents what's going on. You might have herpes or HPV or something. This is an STD or STI. It's not normal to have symptoms like this so you need to get checked. Herpes can present like this. It might get worse and you might keep trading it back and forth. It doesn't matter if you've only been with one person. You can absolutely get infected. That's how it works. I don't want to freak you out too much but this is a situation where you must get checked and you need to get some kind of medicine for it. I know it's embarrassing but you're going to have to suck it up and do it. That's one of the things you have to deal with when you're sexually active.
But my mom is aware of this! She knows i have intimacy with my boyfriend. She is fully aware. I just wanted to know what i had. I asked my mom and she said to wait a bit but i dont know. Honestly im not sure how this could have happend. It worried me even more because he doesnt have anything, no sores and what so ever. Im just confused
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