I seem to have an allergic reaction when using any type of chap stick, it cases cold sore and fever blisters when I try to use them. I am guessing I may be alergic to beeswax
Can I use Bacitracin Antibiotic whater-jel for chapped lips/cold sores?
Question posted by mpennings on 15 Nov 2013
Last updated on 15 November 2013
You may have an allergy to petroleum jelly, beeswax or lanolin. All three are in all Chapstick and all three are common allergens. If you are allergic to petroleum jelly, and the common reaction is blistering and redness, any ointment is going to do this because they are petroleum based. You can try dabbing a bit of Crisco shortening on your lips which is mainly soybean oils and will work about the same as Chapstick. It may not taste and smell as good but it will protect your lips and give them a bit of gloss.
Also when you have active cold sore blisters and they heal then you re-use the same stick, it can make you break out again. It can also spread the blisters to others if they use the same stick. This may be what is happening bu if it happens even with a new one then it is more likely an allergy. Just an after thought.
Bacitracin wouldn't be very moisturizing. Watch whatever you use that it doesn't have something in it that will burn. I've used lotion that had a scent, like hand lotion and it burned like the devil. What about something like baby oil?
Olive oil can work well too.
I prefer Crisco shortening though. I kind of discovered this works on accident. I was baking and my lips were chapped and I thought "hmmm" so I rubbed a bit on my lips and it made them feel much better. When my hands get really chapped and dry from washing them frequently or using sanitizer, especially in mid Winter, I slather them with Crisco (or any vegetable shortening) cover them with cotton gloves and sleep in them and by morning my hands are baby soft.
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chap stick, allergic reactions, bacitracin, cold sores, blister, antibiotics, lips
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