I've been taking up to 10-12 350 mg somas throughout the day for anxiety, for a week and a half. I know that I can't take this responsibly anymore. I want to quit, but am afraid of seizures. I take 200 mg of Lamictal for depression each morning (which I understand is also an anticonvulsant). Am I at risk for seizures still if I quit, or must I taper off? I have about 18 left, so if I need to taper to avoid the seizures, I need to know what schedule I can follow. Please help. I don't want to crash while driving and hurt or kill someone, which is a thought that is plaguing me 24/7 now. Thank you.
Carisoprodol - How much soma would be safe to stop cold turkey without the possibility of seizures?
Question posted by dummy68 on 15 Jan 2010
Last updated on 23 March 2018
7 Answers
From My experience I tapered clonazepam for 3 months, reducing doses weekly, not daily. Try to make a reducing plan by your own, but... that takes no less than 3-4 months. Seriously, forming habit drugs are hard to get off.
Well Ive been on soma and lots of opiates for over ten years now since I broke my back. And the surgery, well it turned out the damage was too severe too repair. So Im real familiar with the whole gambit of pain killers and muscle relaxers. I also have "traumatic temporal lobe epilepsy".
Yes life is seldom DULL !
Anyhow You should be able to stop taking the soma without any seizure activity... Ive had to stop several times and have not experienced
any seizures doing so. Also if your taking soma for neuro-pain like sciatica,then soma works the best.. but Id like to suggest Robaxan... it works ALMOST as well as soma but its alot less Haight Ashburry like if you know what I mean.
Me Idunno... Ive had enough fun in life for a fella my age. Anyway I hope this info helps... "Try to keep it green" if you can... it really helps.
Please, please call your prescriber today and get into be seen. This is not something that should be deciphered over the telephone, and you need a visual assessment. Please do not be ashamed, we all have our vices, caffine, etc.. It takes a strong person to realize that this cannot go on forever and also your prescriber can find something to give you for anxiety. Best regards, and many, many positive thoughts your way, Cindy.
Thank you very much for helping me. Unfortunately, I've waited too long to be able to taper off much, and now that it's a long holiday weekend, I'm ... not even sure what to say. I've never had seizures before, and I had been taking more soma than I have been in the last week and a half. I've never had withdrawal symptoms from this either, but I don't care about feeling crappy. I just don't want to cause some terrible accident for someone else. I'll leave a message for my pain doctor on Tuesday to see what he thinks, but it usually takes 2 to 3 days before their office ever gets back to return the calls. At that point... who knows what may or may not happen. Well, thanks again for your time, Jeff.
Believe me, I understand about doctors taking time to get back with you when you call them. Since it is the holiday weekend and in your fragile situation, I would strongly, strongly suggest that you go to the Emergency Department, explain your circumstances, they'll probably call your doctor anyway to let he or she know that you are there or whomever is oncall for your provider. The fact is you need to be medically assessed and may need to go inpatient for two to three days for detoxification so that you can be monitored in a safe, secure environment. So, Please do not wait as your health and overall wellbeing are in need of help, best wishes, Cindy
Your Dr sounds like mine, takes days to get answer or anything done.
Now what you might want to try is call after hours and leave a message for your dr or the one on call.
I have been taking somas for years, sometimes every day, most times really as i have fractures and muscle spasms etc, just fractured 2 more with siezure few weeks ago. But i haven't take one in days, and have been fine, my problems are with opiates, have to be very careful . Taper down as much as u can, half them. But try the after hours emergency number for
the dr office. Good luck to u and Cindy was right, valium of zanax or ativan for a week or so would help. I am also on that same seizure med, just started it, so maybe that will help too.
Take it slow and easy. Good luck, Mare
I've been on soma for yrs. Now doc cut me off. Will I be okay and not go through withdraw if I've taken a half a day for last week.
Don't try to do this yourself. I don't know what amount you need to safely taper, but this just isn't worth the risk. Consult a health care professional and do it safely.
Thank you for writing me. I'm still not sure what I can do since I wouldn't be able to get a hold of my doctor until Tuesday. Usually it takes 2 to 3 days for them to get back in the best case scenarios. I've never had seizures before, and I had been taking much more soma for much longer than a week and a half. Do you think that this may be good news for me? I also happen to take Lamictal for depression, and it is supposed to be an excellent anti-seizure medication as well. Any of your thoughts on this would be a relief to me if you can. Thanks again, Jeff.
If you have insurance, or if you can afford their fee out of pocket, you can also go to an urgent care clinic ... they are open on the weekends ... in order to get some kind of treatment until you can see your doctor.
Just had one more thought. Please be very careful about taking advice that you should be ok on your own. Only a heathcare professional knows your medical background and has knowledge about how your Lamictil factors into this situation. What worked out ok for someone else, could be harmful to another person. Everyone has different medical issues and your medical history is a very important factor in deciding how to get you tapered off.
For siezures you can go on a low dosage of (alprazolam, clonapan,ect.) you no benzos, but talk to your doc about a low dosage for a short period of time. They are very effective and you can avoid addiction by syaying on them for just a week or two... good luck and be careful with the benzos!
Thank you for your time and suggestions. I can't get a hold of my doctor during the weekend, and here it is a holiday one as well. I've tapered from 10 to 8 to 6 somas as of today. I have enough for 4 tomorrow and 4 Sunday. Do you think that this taper, although fast I guess would keep me safe? I hadn't used somas for a couple of months, and I started taking them again about a week and a half ago, so I haven't been on them again for too long. That, and I take Lamictal for depression which is supposed to be a good anti-seizure medicine. With all of this, I'm just curious what you think, if you have time. Sorry for the long message, I'm just too anxious. Jeff.
I at one time was taking over 200 in a month for back problems. You must talk with your doctor and tell him/her what is going on. Honestly I think this is a call of depression, and I do understand. Right now the whole world is in turmoil. Finances to housing to just emotions. But the way things are, we have to deal with it head on. Think of it this way, even doctors are having problems that they too need to talk it out.
I wish you all the best and I know you will be able to deal with the turmoil in your life, safely.
Thank you for your input, and best wishes. I was wondering, how did you taper off from 200 a month? Did you have seizures or were you able to get help? I am down to being able to take 4 each day for the next two days and then I'm out. Does tapering from 8 to 6 to 4 to 4 a day sound like it would be slow enough to avoid seizures? I also take Lamictal, 200 mg/day that is supposed to be an excellent anti-seizure medicine. (I take it for depression). Well, thank you again for your concern and time. If you had time, I'd love to know what your opinion is regarding the two extra questions I've asked (sorry). Jeff.
I took 1/2 as much for 10 days then 1/2 as much for ten days till I was down to nothing. I had no seizures.
You have no worry, as I know you are taking care of yourself. All else fails call a doctor.. : )
Soma seizures...
i've been taking soma for about 5 yrs. & i've built a very high tolerance (about 30 to 40 -350mg pills) for Soma, and would like to know if there's a chance of having a seizure while trying to quit cold turkey??? This drug (Soma) is the worst drug/medicine that I ever experienced!! It's the F***ing DEVIL!!! No Joke! Worse than Oxy's/Morphine... Any thoughts on the topic?? thank you!!
you should call the pharmacy thats 24 hours and see what the effects of rapidly stopping this med arre... and then tomorrow call your doc and tell him whats going on. (its better just to talk with the healthcare professional and tell them the truth)
Thank you for your idea about this, and tomorrow I'll give it a try. I won't be surprised if they say that they can't tell me and that I need to talk with my doctor. Tuesday I can leave a message for the doctor, but they usually don't return calls for 3 to 4 days. At that point, I won't have any more to taper with now that I'm down to 4 a day for two more days. Do you feel that this dose should be low enough to stop completely in two days? I've never had any seizures, and there have been other times where I was using more than 10 to 12 a day. The Lamictal I take for depression is supposed to be an excellent anti-seizure medicine. Do you think that this would help to offset a seizure problem? Thanks again, and I really appreciate your input. Jeff.
i doubt you will have a seziure while on an anticonvulsant... as long as your keeping some in your system i dont think it would get that severe but you will feel withdrawal effects
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soma, seizures, anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder, carisoprodol
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