I soaked my feet in epsom salts using a large amount of the material and since have had wide flucuation with my blood pressure, ranging from 98 to 144 over 60s. could this be a side effect of epsom salts?
Can epsom salts cause lowered blood pressure?
Question posted by xingu on 12 Jan 2012
Last updated on 21 May 2017
I use to take a bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts and then I became unable to take baths in the bath tub so I started making my own double OO capsules with it and it has done wonders on my blood pressure. When I started using it both of my legs were seeping water and one got hard and swollen and would not go down. When I took the Epsom salts for a good while all that stopped and I have never had that problem again. Epsom salts is good for your blood vessels and arteries by making them flexible. I have been taking two capsules a day for years now.
i would like to know what is OO capsules, it would be very nice when a person post something that all details will be given how to take it, how long and the full name of item or product ,
for i would like to try the capsule (WHERE THEY MIGHT BE) you mention it blood pressure .
WHAT EXACTLY DO THIS BELOW MEAN BELOW ,you took the capsules with it ,what is with it or what
so I started making my own double OO capsules with it and it has done wonders on my blood
I'd sure like to know because if it can I'll do it. I need to lower my BP and the meds they gave me aren't working real well.
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epsom salt, side effect, blood disorders, blood pressure
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