Starting on this for the first time tonight for severe back pain. Intending on taking my 10mg tablet at 8pm, to try and avoid feeling groggy in the morning.
I usually go to bed around 11pm and get up around 8am.What is the best time to take it in your opinion?
if your taking Elavil or amitriptyline take it while your in bed and ready to go to sleep. it has about a 15 min window of putting you right out after you take it. keep water next to your bed for dry mouth. in am. but if you take it and don't go right to sleep you miss the window . and you will put on weight so be careful with eating junk food . eat healthy and don't overthink it your on a very small dose . good luck subzero58
Votes: +1
23 Oct 2018
I couldn’t work out how to post a comment on my original post to everyone, as it only seems to allow me to comment on individual replies. So this update is for everyone :)
Been taking it for 5 nights now. I haven’t had any of the side effects yet (dry mouth, increased hunger etc.) and it hasn’t made me feel tired at all. I felt a bit groggy around midday on the first 2 days, but that has gone now.
I sleep OK anyway (9 hours a night usually, less a trip to the loo) and the only thing that has changed on the tablets, is that they seem to be helping my chronic back pain, which is fantastic!
I’m supposed to increase it to 20mg after 2 weeks, but may just stick to the 10mg if it’s still working.
23 Oct 2018
10 mg is the lowest dose I have ever heard of??? I’m on 200mg and I take it at night. My starting off dose was 50 mg and I took at 5-7 pm and yes I was waking up very groggy but it passed. I ’m so tolerant to it now it does nothing except help sleep a bit because of severe insomnia. Be careful about weight gain with Amitryptiline because it makes me eat like a horse right after I take it.
Votes: +1
20 Oct 2018
That is the timing for me and it seems to work although you will have some grogginess to start out until your system gets used to it. It also depends on what ever else you take that can make you sleepy. I hope that helps you.