I’ve been on duloxetine for 6 weeks, and the vivid, wacko dreams are getting to me. I want to quit! But how? I’m only on 30mg. I use it for neck pain, but it’s not working. Doesn’t help with anxiety like to anesthesiologist said either. Can anyone answer?
Is anyone having vivid, wild dreams with duloxetine?
Question posted by Once in a Blue Moon on 27 Nov 2021
Last updated on 27 November 2021 by cindy-59
Hi Once in a Blue Moon. I was prescribed Cymbalta for chronic nerve pain. It didn’t help me either. I actually experienced anxiety because of Cymbalta along with many other side effects. I experienced the wild vivid dreams also. I would wake up feeling like I was still dreaming and I would be talking along. I guess the best way to explain it was I had a hard time waking up from these dreams. It was a very strange time for me. I didn’t realize it was the medication that was causing everything but when I did I immediately started tapering off it. I tapered off by 10% of my previous dosage every 2 weeks. Some people can go faster without having horrible withdrawals but some people have to go even slower. It’s a good thing that you have taken it for only 6 weeks. I was on for years before I realized that I needed to get off it. My doctor told me that Cymbalta was a miracle drug and it would take away all my pain but it actually caused me to have more. The weight gain certainly didn’t help. I’m in a Cymbalta support group where there are over 30,000 people in it getting help to taper off Cymbalta. Getting off Cymbalta was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. Now that I’m completely off Cymbalta every side effect is gone and I have a life again. I’m feeling joy again and it feels great.
Related topics
pain, neck pain, duloxetine, neck
Further information
- Duloxetine uses and safety info
- Duloxetine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Duloxetine (detailed)
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