I am a 40 year old female with no genetic predisposition for blood clots. On 9/4/16 I had a sclerotherapy to treat varicose veins on my left calf and three weeks after that I developed a superficial blood clot and DVT which is attached high in my tigh. The doctor told me I should be on the medicine (Xarelto) for three months and that he doesn't recommend talking it afterwards. Aside from being slighly overweight (BMI 27) I have no other risk factors. Have you been in a similar situation like mine where you had an event to trigger the DVT and have no genetic predisposition for DVT? Did you take Xarelto for 3 months only? Did you take something else afterwards? Did you develop new blood clots while and after taking Xarelto? Forgot to mention that I was told to wear graduated progression stockings 20-30. Thank you!
Has anyone been recommended to take Xarelto for three months only to treat DVT in leg?
Question posted by Kara2016 on 3 Nov 2016
Last updated on 1 January 2021 by 56ker60
3 Answers
I had an ablation of my left leg vein and developed clots upper thigh and behind knee. I took xerelto for 3 months. I have a history of DVT when I was in my 20’s from the pill. I have redeveloped clots after being off Xarelto and can’t afford it so I am on warfarin. It is now lifelong treatment and hopefully can get something else when I get Medicare. But if you have not had clots before the data says 3-6 months for initial DVT. The physician will make determination but you may ask him the rate of reoccurrence of clots. I don’t know if there is a lot of data b/c the ppl who did my ablation said it could not have been the cause, so not documented as such. I disagree as I did not have a problem since my 20’s and then after the procedure. Hope this helps.
I was given script for xalto.
I have small clot lower left leg after having knee replacement surgery..3 days into taking it..I broke out in welts /bumps itchy on my back..thought I'd been bitten..CALLED the nurse hotline..stated STOP taking it immediately..if had reaction... I'm no we on lebonox injections 2 days so far so good..then to warfarin..iv never had anything like this b4 in y life (72) I would never have had knee replacement had I known all this.,watch for the back breakout... goodluck
I had a DVT and PE after ankle surgery and immobility! I was on Xarelto for only 3 months since the doctors seemed sure it was related to surgery! I am off Xarelto for 50 days and so far so good! I take a baby aspirin every day but will switch to fishoil once my heartburn is gone all the way ! I did not wear compression socks! My doctor said there were no benefits in wearing them long term !
Thank you for your response! While you were on Xarelto, did you feel like your head was pumped up from the inside? I get dizzy from time to time and feel like my head is pumped up. It is interesting what that they you about the socks. Yesterday I did not wear them and started having pain in my leg. I also red that eating dark chocolate prevents blood clots since it acts like aspirin. I will be eating it every day now.
Kara, I had lightheadedness, anxiety, and heartburn. Everybody seems to react different to those meds. Some people have no symptoms at all ! I never had pain in my legs, maybe that's why I didn't have to wear compression socks :)
Thank you!
Best check up is to do often ultrasound I wish you to get well soon
Wearing prescription compression stockings for venus insufficiency will actually worsen the foot and leg, e. g. making it larger.
Related topics
deep vein thrombosis (dvt), deep vein thrombosis, varicose veins, blood clot, xarelto, female, genetic, vein
Further information
- Xarelto uses and safety info
- Xarelto prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Xarelto (detailed)
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