is brand name Roche klonopin more effective than the generic? more specifically mylan clonazepam?
Has anyone noticed a difference in klonopin brand name and its generic clonazepam?
Question posted by leopardeyes on 25 Dec 2014
Last updated on 7 June 2023 by blue-sky
13 Answers
Brand name Klonopin works better and there's no side effects or weird binders in the pills.
Easier to wean off. The generics set you up to take more...
I have used the brand Solco for years. I once had to change to, ( I just know the pill was orange and not yellow ) and I was having withdraws and anxiety. My pharmacist got me the solco from another company. When he couldn’t get that brand anymore, I had to find another pharmacy that carried them. They too, recently had to change, and now have Teva. My daughter can tell they do not work as well as the Solco did for me, and I feel more tired than relaxed. I am going to try and find them from a different pharmacy. My story is that Teva does not work as well for me. At least not the new ones that are being mentioned.
I was prescribed Clonazepam for several years up until about 3 years ago,I always went to the store that dispensed Teva USA brand Clonazepam because I always felt they were the most effective and worked best for my situation,I even tried the Roche brand name Klonopin but they were not as effective for me and I was so put out with the few times I got scripts from different vendors that didn't work as well as Teva USA did for I would ask pharmacy if they dispense Teva USA brand Clonazepam. Thank you hope this can help someone.
I’m on brand. It’s not as good as old Teva. New Teva is overseas. Will have to try soon.
It sure isn't. I found it be stronger, yet very short acting. Felt panic, more tired, yet did not sleep good.
Yes, the new Teva is made in Czech Republic and I believe the USA. I know that is true for the 2mg. Not sure about the .5mg and the 1mg.
How much are you taking? I have had to up dose, due to all of this mess, but I am ok with it. I just want quality of life. I did so well on the old Teva.
It would be a good idea not to make a direct switch. You may have some withdrawal symptoms as this is much weaker. I wish I knew the variation between the 2 brands.
Thanks for your reply.
I took Teva for 9.5 years. Went on brand. Not as good. I’m totally sick an unimpressed. It’s not as strong. Teva is making again. It’s from overseas, but might be the same. Feel like I’m dying.
Are you on Teva and did you adjust?
I was taking the old Teva and have some left which are pretty old. I have the new Teva and not sure of how effective it will be. What I do is the Brand Roche K is not as effective for me. It does not last as long as the Teva. I went through a major period of stress caring for my Mom and then taking 2 antibiotics which act against the GABA receptors. I feel like I have a CNS that has been destabilized. I just want to be on one brand. I am not impressed with the Roche at all.
I had to switch to name brand because in my small town pharmacy you never know what generic you'll get and it's different every time. The name brand works great but my insurance is only going to pay thru January. So I need to know, does the Teva wafer last as long as the regular pills?
I wish I knew. I dont know anything about the TEVA wafers. I dont even know if TEVA makes them? I just saw someone on one of the threads on this site mention 2 or 3 times suggesting we all try the TEVA wafers because they worked really well. I know that everyone is different. What works for some makes others sick :/ I just wish they would have never discontinued the medication that it seems SO many of us handled just fine.
Yeah Teva doesnt make wafers either. Just stay away from Accord. I have been developing tolerance withdrawals after they stopped making Tevas and the name brand name is just so strong. I take it for chronic vertigo, but I may have to come off altogether after 10 years
I just got off the phone with TEVA. They do make wafers (dissolveable) but she said it was a completely different set of ingredients than the generic clonazepam pill form. She said the only ingredient that the TEVA wafers had that was the same as pill was clonazepam- all other ingredients were different. I called her back to make sure I understood her correctly when she told me that the clonazepam was not to treat anxiety. She told me that it is written to treat seizures and panic disorder. I told her my doctor literally call panic disorder (anxiety disorder/anxiety). She agreed it was basically the same thing, but she had to let me know what they have it written to treat. She got my address and told me that if safety dept. Needed further info from me they will send me a form to fill out by mail. She said it would be a good idea for anyone that is having a difficult time with the Actavis brand or any other issues with generic clonazepam since TEVAs discontinued their formula to call in and report to them so they can send all complaints to the safety department.
I agree everyone should call TEVA about the change. Its been messing with a lot of peoples lives. I was in the middle of a taper and it messed me up SUPER bad. I called them at least 4 times to add on more symptoms as I tried to get used to it. I finally wound up in the hospital.
I tried the wafers, they were very strong but wear off quickly and think they would be good for people who take it throughout the day for seizures and panic disorder instead of for panic/anxiety (with agoraphobia) and insomnia like I do. I sadly had an allergic reaction to them though. I think they wouldve helped had I gotten used to them. They made my brain feel like how I felt on the TEVA pills, so that was helpful at least.
I'm currently getting used to the name brand. Having some break through panic attacks though... really want my TEVA back :(
How does the name brand feel to you? I am still having chest tightness and shortness of breath on the actavis :(
The name brand works great for me. A friend of mine just got hers filled. It's a generic the brand name shows "North". Does anyone know what that is?
I have never heard of North.
Did you ever take the TEVA brand? If so, does the name brand seem very similar for you?
Which one is better?
I have used The Brand Name Klonopin, and the generic (Mylan) clonazepam. I am currently using the generic version, and I have noticed no difference at all. The reason I am using the Mylan version is because my insurance will not cover Klonopin. I know that there is no difference is because I had a few Klonopins left over from a prior prescription. I compared the two versions (one day I used Klonopin, the next day I used the generic. There was no difference in the results. As a matter of fact, now that I think about it, the last generic pill's effectiveness seemed to last a bit longer than the Name Brand, because when I awoken the next day, I forgot to take the clonazepam for two hours. To me, that meant that the generics effectiveness was just a bit better. The companies that make the generics, are closely monitored by the FDA for quality control, so it's safe to say that Mylan's generic Klonopin is up to the standards of the name brand.
So not true. They order it in for you !!!
The name brand Klonopin is MUCH stronger!!! Been taking forv10 years and since generics are no longer available in Mylan or Teva I was switched. I now am bringing my dose down because the Klonopin IS MUCH STRONGER.
I was on TEVA brand for 20 years and just now switched to Actavis brand (since TEVA is no longer making it) and I am having some very strange symptoms. I am wondering if the name brand would work better for me. I tried the Accord brand and was HIGHLY intolerant to something in it. I have never taken the name brand so I am not sure what to do...
BTW, Because of the long half-life missing your dose for 2 hours should not make any difference whatsoever you wouldn't feel it miss it for 2 days then let's talk .
I may have written that out incorrectly. Let me try again. With the Actavis brand I feel bad after taking it (like about 2 hours sometimes sooner than that) it will make my heart begin to race and I feel like I am actually having an anxiety attack and it feels like I haven't even taken anything to help with my disorder. I have severe anxiety disorder, PTSD, and body convulsions. I have been on clonazepam for 21 years and have never experienced a generic brand change. I was only looking for someone that is taking the name brand to see if it works better (or as good as the TEVA brand). I am just having a very hard time and came to this thread looking for advice. I have never been able to go 2 days without taking something or I begin to have bad body convulsions again. So yes, I am taking the Actavis brand and it indeed is keeping certain things at bay (which I am grateful for) but it is also causing me to have some side effects that scare me and it doesn't seem to work as good for me as the TEVA brand did. Just wanted to get some info on the name brand. Thanks
YES, I Can't take Activis, Sandoz or Accord ( who I actually reported to the FDA) All those make me sick besides accord that doesnt work at all. I've had my dose Doubled within one year and I'm still having problems because the brands are not like teva the best one I found is Sandoz. I may have to start tapering slowly off 5mg because these worthless generics have made me reach a tolerance type withdrawal.
I am going to report to the FDA too. And I am calling TEVA tomorrow to see if there is any hope for the green TEVA brand clonazepam to return b/c all other options do not seem to be working (not only for me but SO many others it seems)
I just called TEVA and spoke to the medical department. The lady I spoke with told me that she would send my complaint to their safely department and they would look into it. She said they are getting several calls in regards to this issue. She told me that these medications are more geared toward seizure disorder and NOT anxiety. I informed her I have body convulsions and anxiety and it has helped me with both for 21 years... She told me the green formula by TEVA was discontinued upon a business decision and it could just as easily be turned around to bring the product back, but she has no clue if and when that would ever happen. I asked her about the wafers and she said that TEVA does make the dissolvable wafers but it was a completely different spectrum than the other ingredients in regular pill form clonazepam.
I tried the teva wafers last night and had an allergic reaction. Plus it made me hyper instead of tired... didn't sleep a wink. It did take my anxiety away though
I am finding that the Actavis brand is working for me but it us a little strong. My side effects so far is a tiny bit of left side chest pain but it goes away within 15 minutes or so, insomnia but when I do go to sleep I am OUT. It seems to be very sedating though much more than the TEVA was for me. Maybe my body is just adjusting. I am going to see if my doctor will switch me to a 0.5 mg or just start scoring these 1 mgs
Roche which developed and initially made a class of drugs know as "Hypnotics". Librium and Valium were the first Hypnotics devloped back in the early 1960's as well as many of the other Hypnotic drugs (diazepam aka Valium, alprazolam aka Xanax, Ativan aka Lorazepam and the other Hypnotic drugs that affect the CNS). These Hypnotic drugs were originally developed as an alternative treatment to Barbituates, which were quite commonly prescribed at the time (i.e '50's and 60's) but Barbituates were a lot more dangerous than the Hypnotics. At that time Roche had all the patents on all these Hypnotic drug formulations, so they developed many hypnotic drugs that were just as effective as barbituates but were a lot less dangerous to the patient (when compared to barbituates). Now Hypnotics are still a popular drug to prescribe for medical conditions which call for the use of Hypnotics.
However now since the Roche brand name is a lot more expensive than the generic Hypnotic equivalent drugs that are made a lot cheaoer by generic drug companies and thus scsot a lot less at the pharmacy. So over the past few years Roche, in making a business decision, has just stopped making many of their Hypnotic class of drugs. Therefore you just can not get the Roche brand anymore for many of these various Hypnotic drugs made by Roche. You can only get the generic named eqivalent Hypnotic drug such as lorazepam, aprazolam, etc. (even though people still call these Hypnotic drugs by their brand name such as Ativan, Xanax, and so on). Basically the generic named Hypnotics drugs are a lot cheaper at the pharmacy than the Roche brand name, so that is what you will get at the pharmacy even though the doctor may write a prescription for Valium, Ativan, Xanax and so on... unless it is a Hypnotic that Roche stilll makes, and there are very few of those Hypnotic Roche brand of drugs stilll made by Roche now days. A pharmacist told me that you still can get the Valium Roche brand but he could not think of any other Roche brand in the class of Hypnotic brands, although he added that Roche stilll made a just few Hypnotic Roche brand of drugs. In fact when I was given a script for the mild sleeping pill, Dalmane, which is the Roche brand. I was given the generic drug made by the generic drug company, Mylan. The pharmacist told me that as far as he knew, Mylan was the only company that still made the generic brand of Dalmane. So the short answer is, that if someone wants the Roche brand of a Hypnnotic class of drug, they probably won't get that Roche brand because Rochche doesn't make that brand of Hypnotic drug anymore, but instead they will get a generic Hypnotic equivalent drug... that is unless they happen to luck out and get a script for a Hypnotic drug that Roche still maunfactures.
Lol , not true..just got Klonopin by Roche..its all about what your insurance will pay for. UNFORTUNATELY the Roche brand is much stronger and made me ill.
Lol , not true..just got Klonopin by Roche..its all about what your insurance will pay for. UNFORTUNATELY the Roche brand is much stronger and made me ill.
Has anyone tried the TEVA brand clonazepam wafers that dissolve under the tongue? I have seen a few posts on this thread that these work really well...
I've noticed no difference at all. Depends on the drug I guess.
The only way to tell is to try it, the jury is out on generics vs. brand. Some folks swear there is no comparison while others swear there is a huge difference.
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klonopin, alprazolam, clonazepam, generic, brand
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