I've had panic disorder (along with depression, OCD, PTSD, major anxiety... ) since childhood. I'm on an anti-depressant now. I've been on most all of the anti-depressants out there and my dr. has now told me that I'm resistant to the anti-depressants. I was on Klonopin years ago (at two different times in my life). The first time I did not gain weight and it worked wonderfully! The second time I was on it I gained a LOT of weight. I'm having a horrible time with major depression and almost constant depression and want to try the Klonopin again, but am afraid of the weight gain. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Has anyone on Klonopin had marked weight gain while taking it?
Question posted by Willow215 on 18 April 2012
Last updated on 8 February 2023
I meant to relay that I'm having a horrible time with almost constant "panic", in addition to severe depression, in my first post. Many times the attacks will eventually subside somewhat, but this time the panic is not leaving or getting better. I need support... I'm wondering if trying Klonopin again might help. I just don't want to gain a lot of weight from it.
21 Answers
Hi! I have also been on Klonopin before and I did not gain weight (22 years old) I'm taking in again now at 32 and I have gained 8 -10 pounds the last 3 months. Also on lithium so that doesn't help probably. I think metabolisms change as we get older and also benzos make you lethargic which can cause mindless couch eating haha. I hope you get the help you need!
I’ve been on Klonopin for many years now I was always very thin ( like eat a cheese cake not gain a pound thin )
Over the past few years I’ve put on quite a bit of weight , I don’t really eat a lot
Starting to watch a little more of what I eat but it’s been a stuggle to loose any weight !
I was recently diagnosed with asthma after having pneumonia and now I hear that the drug may supress breathing !
I’d say talk very well and thurough with your health care professionals about any issues you have been experiencing!
The drug does help me
But my health other wise one being weight gain is concerning
yes it does and so does xanax. Every time I take one I can not control my eating. I have panic attacks. While I worked I could control it cause no food was available. But in 6 yrs I have gained 100 lbs. I was never this heavy and I was very physical when I worked. I enjoyed long walks now I can't do much of anything. Plus I still get panic attacks that keep me from doing things.
Nope! I've been taking Klonopin for years now, no noticeable weight gain!
You can't gain weight off of kolonipin. If anything it suppresses hunger. I'm more than sure that your weight gain is from depression. Maybe if you have lack of sleep that could also be the cause. I was on antidepressants before and that's what made me gain weight. They never worked either but when I finally left my babydaddy (reason why I was depressed) maybe a month-2 months I lost alot of weight because I was happy. You also just really have to find or get or do something that is a bigger change to be happy. Idk what your story is but that's one thing that helped me. I had gotten depression again 2 years after because of something in the past may. It would keep me awake and also anxiety made me not be able to sleep too. But recently I got a puppy and started sleeping again because he majes me happy and he is my shadow making sure I'm ok etc. But I'm on kolonipin for anxiety and Strattera for my a.d.d.
and I haven't gained weight all the weight I was gaining was from antidepressants and the simple fact I couldn't sleep and depression like I said will make u gain weight. I would suggest kolonipin. It doesn't make you gain weight. Loss of sleep and depression will do it.
This is crazy, but while on Klonopin, I lost approximately 30lbs. I was on this medication for 18 months, moved to another state and my new PCP thought I should come off this medication (no other health issues and no other medications) and just try Lorazepam for my anxiety issue. 2 years later, I'm 45lbs heavier and the lorazepam is not working as the Klonopin had for my anxiety. Please note: I watch my calories and very active. I just cannot lose the weight, it is as if, my metabolism just stopped. Has anyone ever experienced coming off of this medication and gained weight? Also has anyone heard of this medication causing issues with metabolism?
Group therapy works wonders.
So does getting down on your knees to god which you have probably done
It's hard to say what happens to the brain once pdrugs enter into the equation.
Look at things like side effects
Long term side effect
Permanent side effects
Research research research
With the web at our finger tips it's very easy to get info
Make sure you go to rep sites
But sites like webmd though republe
Will not tell you much more than your Med check dr
Try some online support groups m
Nami has one
There are support groups for everything you could go through in this life .
Real people telling you their stories
Get to a group support in person I know Nami has them but I'm sure there are many
I pray this helps even one person from going through the hell I have been through.
If it does that then I'm glad
I don't was just researching this yesterday.
They have a name called Prozac poop out
This is what I have seen in hundreds of people .
You have mid to severe depression . You get one drug prescribed . Lots of times it works and you feel great for a few weeks to a few years.
One day you wake up and uh oh why do I feel this way?
You wait a week and go see Pdoc .
This is what they will say
" you now have treatment resistance depression.
Your depression has got worse .
You are more sick .
Then they do one of these:
Up your dose
Add a second drug
Change to antipsychotic drugs or maybe lithium.
Because somehow you are now bipolar depression or manic depression
All of which is a lie
You did not become psychotic
You did not evolve into bipolar
Your body got used to the drug so it stopped working.
My suggestion
Get off all
Go to therapy
Walk a lot
Then after a month or two ask for the drug that first worked at same or lower dosage
They will fight you on this as they can see inside your brain and know what chemicals you need.
News flash
There is no such thing as Prozac defiency
Serotonin is made very easily with 20 min of sun v D
And I have to add that no I'm not a dr and always ask dr first
Only because I have to add it
You should NEVER tell anyone to get off their medications and start walking instead. Not a good plan my friend. More people need meds than you even know. Your opinion is just that. An opinion. And a crappy one at that.
to Willow215. I am on clonopin
because of brain tumor that was removed my head hit the sidewalk when I was 2 and damaged the auditory nerve so I was driven crazy by any noise. have always had blackouts and panic attacks but learned it was Epilepsy. Clonopin helps but I've gained weight. after brain tumor was removed I'm now bedridden so gaining weight not being able to move.
I'm on Paxil but found that since I don't get any sunshine I need vitamin D and I'm slowly coming off the Paxil.
You are in trouble and need a new doctor and someone (like a neurologist) who will know what to do. You might ask for an MRI to make sure your brain doesn't have something that's causing all this. (I hope it's that simple). I feel so badly for you!! Please keep looking for a doctor who will help. I went 55 years searching while flippin out and finally a doctor got upset seeing me walking to the left and knew just what to do and found a large brain tumor that was causing all the symptoms I was struggling with. I'm so happy now eventho I can't walk or go anywhere. So I pray, draw and write scarey stories. I'll be praying for you! I just found you so I hope I'm not late
I've been combing Prozac with Klonopin since my last post, and my eating habits appear to have stabilized, I no longer feel the need to eat everything in sight! The only problem I have now is trying to stay alert during the day and not nodding off at work :P
Yes!! I have been on Klonopin 1mg 3xa day for about 3 months and I have gained 12-15pounds and I have noticed more breakouts on my face I even tried switching makeup and soaps so I wonder if it's all connected with the Klonopin
I'm on klonopin for the past 2 yrs and has helped totally with panic attacks. Yes I have gained weight but rather gain and have no panic attacks. I do walk and eat healthy try yoga it helps a lot with depression. Yoga can be done at any age just on your own pace. I recommend you try it with meditation. I have had anxiety since childhood and have had depression in the past. Yoga, klonopin, eating heathy and exercise will help you. Must work hard on your self to get better. Hope you feel better.
This!! Klonopin has helped me so much for panic and anxiety that I believe it is worth it even if it causes weight gain. And yoga/exercise/meditation are all very helpful.
I have high anxiety and epilepsy and I've been on klonopin. I noticed at first I felt like a total zombie. I'm a vegetarian but I wanted to eat anything even if it wasn't a part of my diet. I tried resisting the urge of over eating but I believe if I gave in, then I would have gained weight and started a bad habit.
Have only started taking Klonopin for about a week now and already I've noticed I'm eating a lot more (everything tastes so damn good!). I reckon the only reason I haven't gained any weight is because I've always been on a diet, so whenever I binge I tend to make up for it by eating healthy over the next few days. I also try and exercise twice a week, so I guess that helps. Worryingly though, I've been binging a lot more of recent.
I believe Klonopin can cause weight gain as you have less self-control over how much you eat.
Dear Willow215, Hi, and hope you are feeling better today. I have found
Klonopin to be a good med for my anxiety and depression. Along with
my anti-depressant, Celexa. I've been on Klonopin for many years and
not had weight gain. At all. If it worked for you before, try it again. DD
Related topics
klonopin, depression, weight loss (obesity/overweight), post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, weight
Further information
- Klonopin uses and safety info
- Klonopin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Klonopin (detailed)
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