Does this pass why is this
Did anyone experience vivid disturbing dreams while on paxil or another ssri?
Question posted by theresa06 on 18 Aug 2013
Last updated on 8 November 2015 by chuck1957
Should I go off the medicine does this meanits not for me please help
7 Answers
I know years ago when this was one of my first medicines I had lots of dreams and such but they finally stopped like most the side effects when you first start them I would just continue but if they keep up let your doctor know about them.
Paxil or no I get vivid dreams... and nightmares. It's either a PTSD thing or side effect of paxil.
For me it's ptsd thing and therapist helps me with this.
Good luck to you!
I am on paxil 10mg and ge hrdoxyzine pam 25mg now for 1 month for axiety and horrible ptsd from my stint in the army on active duty. I went a long time un medicated and now I am having horrible recurring dreams of a tornado coming and runny out of the house and grabbing my husband and children and running for it. Now I can not even sleep when it is raining at all and if I do sleep it is the same dreams about tornados. I am freaked out. What should I do?
Talk to your doctor. this is obviously not the right med for you.
Many seem to have disturbing dreams on paxil
Yes I had "crazy" dreams when I first started taking paxil, but they went away. I can't say they were nightmares, more like emotional reality, but in a dream. And you can remember them so well, you almost think it was real.
Can this be a sign that paxil will work for me or does that have nothing to do with it
Anti depressants are mind altering drugs, you are aware of that, right? And yes, if you started having the dreams after you started taking paxil, I would say it is working on your brain, transmitting and storing the medicine. I actually had "bombs" going off in my brain, usually when I was asleep, not necessarily dreaming, and bang, a loud pop that would wake me up. Also saw alot of (psychedelic) patterns and lights (we called it in the 1960's). And always after an episode of this I would have some good days. I think it's waking your brain up. I hope this helps you. I am no longer on Paxil, I take cymbalta now.
Not sure if I'm grasping for straws but I'm just dying for a good day I'm looking for any possible sign. If u don't mind me asking why did u go off paxil and onto cymbalta ?
I'd been on paxil for 20 plus years and the doctor felt I should come off it. There are many days I wish I was still taking it, as I have some side affects with cymbalta that I did not have when on paxil. Both are expensive medicines too.
cowgirl keno and Theresa,
I also had those weird "bomb" noises in my sleep while taking Pamelor. I'd completely forgotten about those until I read your comment cowgirl!
Very strange indeed. I do wonder what caused those bomb-like noises in my head. I used to awaken my husband and ask him if he heard that explosion noise, then I realized they were in my head, not outside our windows! It's funny now, but wasn't funny at the time.
Did that medicine work for you is it a sign it can work
Theresa, I don't know if those weird explosion type noises meant that the med was working, but Pamelor DID work for me.
I'm in your corner, hoping something helps you very soon!
After over 10 years on Paxil, I tapered off - it took over 6 weeks with fairly constant headaches, and those vivid dreams began then. I had to go back on the Paxil, but the dreams never left. It has been over a year now. I hate those dreams. They are long, up to 3 hours, linear, and usually unpleasant, though not exactly nightmarish. I wake up with either a headache that will not go away unless I can catch another 15-20 min. sleep with no vivid dreaming, or I wake up totally exhausted. I figure I'm stuck with them for life, now. Thanks, Paxil.
I did with xanix i didnt know why i had the bad dreams id wake up all the time screaming my husband pointed out it started when i took that med i stoped taking it and went thrugh a w/d a little i was scared to fall asleep because the dreams were so bad now im ok
Yes! One of them was the entire Looney Tune cast (fitting huh? Lol) cussing at me! That means your Meds are starting to work ! It doesn't last long though, at least mine didn't.
Really is that what it means
Is that definitely whAt it means u think how much longer should it take?
Well, the Meds are getting to your brain I do know that. Serotonin is what causes it I believe. In my personal case,I started to feel better shortly after.
Hi Theresa!
I don't know if it is normal or not but I did experience vivid disturbing dreams when starting zoloft. I actually was taking too high of a dose for my system, but I am extremely med sensitive. When I took a smaller dose I still had vivid dreams bit not as upsetting. I still can remember many of my dreams. It has gotten better with time. I don't have, or don't remember as many dreams now. This should pass for you also.
Did Zoloft end up working for you? Could this be a sign that the med might work for me? What do u suffer from depression anxiety? How long did it tAke for Zoloft to work if if did have u tried alot of meds over time please let me know thx
Yes, it sounds like the Paxil is doing something. This could be your med. I hope so! I am taking Zoloft at a very small dose for anxiety, depression, panic disorder and PTSD. I have only been taking it for eight weeks so I am not sure if it is going to work. My anxiety is better but I have had many side effects that have not gone away.
I have been looking for about fifteen years for something to help. I have been taking ativan as well. I have been getting by until last year when I experienced extreme stress and can't find anything to help. I have tried many meds but because of my sensitivity, I haven't found anything I can tolerate.
You are certainly not alone in your search. I feel for you as I know how hard it is. I hope you start to feel improvement very soon!!
Wow sounds like we have some of the same issues r u able to work or live your life "normally" at this time? Did u ever try valium it's the only benzo I haven't also did u ever try different classes of antidepressants thx for your time
Related topics
paxil, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety and stress
Further information
- Paxil uses and safety info
- Paxil prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Paxil (detailed)
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