... and deodorant under my arm pits. I also wanted to know after applying the Drysol and letting it dry did you sweat at all in the area you applied it to or did you stay dry becuase I do not want to sweat the Drysol off?
After putting the Drysol on and washing it off in the morning can i put lotion on my hands?
Question posted by boddie12 on 15 Aug 2009
Last updated on 17 August 2009 by suzanne66
From: https://www.drugs.com/mtm/drysol-topical.html
"Drysol Solution is to be used only at bedtime because sweat glands are most inactive during sleep. This allows application for 6 to 8 hours when sweating does not occur.
Do not apply to broken, irritated, or recently shaved skin.
Wash and completely dry the affected area. Using a hair dryer on a warm setting for a few minutes can help ensure dry skin.
Assemble the applicator according to package instructions. Some packages provide an applicator; others instruct you to use cotton balls.
For underarms - To minimize irritation, let the alcohol evaporate (if needed, blow dry with a hair dryer on a cold air setting), leaving an evenly distributed film of medicine on the skin. Wear a T-shirt while sleeping to prevent the medicine from being rubbed off on bed linens.
Wash the treated area the next morning thoroughly with soap or shampoo to remove excess medicine and prevent skin irritation. Towel dry the skin or scalp.
Do not use other deodorants or antiperspirants while using Drysol Solution.
Repeat use of Drysol Solution for 2 or 3 nights until the desired lack of sweating is achieved. After that, usually once or twice a week should maintain the desired effect.
Avoid contact with your eyes. If contact occurs, wash eyes thoroughly with water. "
Yes you can use a handcream but do not use any other antiperspirant or deoderant whilst using Drysol. Remember to use Drysol for 2 or 3 nights until you are happy with result and then use it once or twice a week.
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