I have been using drysol for a little over a month now and it worked at first so I reduced the amount of usage. Then I used it for 2 weeks straight and I had to combine in with an antiperspirant throughout the day for it to work. Now it has stopped working altogether and I just want it to work
Why does drysol only work sometimes?
Question posted by ZachJ on 9 March 2016
Last updated on 8 September 2016 by sjpmike12
Use Drysol until the sweating stops or is at your preference level. After the sweating stops/at your preference level, you are supposed to apply it less often (every other day, two days, etc.). That amount depends on the person and their preference. It does take care or underarm odor to an extent. I use cologne because other areas of the body also sweat. Also DO NOT apply any other type of deodorant to your underarms while using Drysol/Hypercare/Xerac AC it can cause major skin irritation or even reduce the effectiveness of the medicine. If it still does not work, talk with your doctor about getting a higher percentage solution!
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