It will be a month on January 4th since I've had surgery on four tendons in my right wrist as well as my medial nerve. Since then I have been a perscribed 300 milligrams motrin as well as percocet 5. I finished those, they really helped a lot.

I recently started hand therapy about a week and a half ago and the pain in my hand and wrist is sometimes unbearable. My doctor recently prescribed me 500 milligram naproxen to take twice daily for pain. as well as 300 milligrams gabapentin to ease onto I have to take 300 milligrams once every evening for 3 days then 600 milligrams in the form of two doses a day for 3 days and then 900 milligrams in the form of three doses daily for 3 days

I am currently on my last day to take 300 milligrams once every evening and the pain is still sometimes unbearable. At times it's nearly impossible to go to sleep . Tonight I took the 500 milligram naproxen followed by the 300 milligram gabapentin and I still have a lot of tingling and throbbing throughout my hand and wrist and a little bit of my arm

I am really in a tough spot because I must follow the doctor's orders and take the doses as advised but if I cannot sleep this is not going to work. I need to know if anyone else has experienced gabapentin not working? Has anyone took an extra dose of 300 milligrams when it hasn't worked? Is that safe? What can I possibly do to ease the pain other than to contact my doctor and request a higher dosage because I just started gabapentin?. I am 19 years old and weigh 165 pounds.