I’m on week 7 of 20mgs of citalopram. I had one good day 2 days ago. Today every time I go to go out I get a wave of anxiety of which I haven’t had until today & it’s scaring me because supposed to be going away for the weekend next weekend. I’m still not sleeping well, wake up & can’t go back to sleep, I’ve still got tingling/ burning. Why is it sometimes worse . I know I’m still waiting for the medication to level out & people say 2 -3 months to experience a full effect. I’m going to ring the drs mon. I’m worried that she suggests going upto 30mgs & I have to go through all the side effects again
Do I keep going on 20mgs of citalopram or change my dosage?
Question posted by Wendy whitlock on 5 Feb 2022
Last updated on 17 February 2022
Hi Wendy
I noticed in another comment that you withdrew from 20mg to 10mg last September and although you felt good at first the anxiety returned. Now you are struggling to stabilised again on 20mg.
I have personal experience with withdrawal and from my perspective most people do not withdraw successfully because it is done too fast. Many doctors suggest halving doses then skipping days etc. I’ve seen much suffering due to this kind of advice. Experts on withdrawal say the cuts must be no more than 10% before holding and stabilising. Once stable you do another 10% and so on and so forth.
Anyway, from what I can see it appears that you had a bad reaction dropping from 20mg to 10mg and now that you are back at 20mg you are struggling to stabilise. This is completely normal and your body just needs time to adjust. A poor analogy is someone who drinks two glasses of wine a night then stops drinking completely for a few years. When a few years later they attempt to drink two glasses of wine it knocks them for six because they are not used to it.
I feel confident that you will see improvement but it may take a bit longer due to this setback. The doctor may suggest a higher dose but because 20mg worked well for you before it might be too soon to try. Talk to them and discuss your concerns and hopefully you will come to a mutual agreement.
Please let us know how you are going. Also you could try magnesium for sleep, it’s definitely helped me! I take an effervescent tablet in iced water just before bed and slowly sip on it. I find it quite calming.
Hi catholicmom
I got up this morning & my anxiety was really bad. I’m getting really worked up about going out. I have been forcing myself. I don’t know where this is coming from. Rang to speak to my dr told her how I was feeling at 7 week stage & said I should of been noticing a difference by now. she wanted to put me on other meds. I said I’m scared of changing, she also suggested going up from 20mgs to 30mgs. I said I’m worried about going through the side effects again so she suggested every other day. Where I’m not sleeping aswell she said I could take nitol. I’m working tomorrow so not sure to take them tonight because of feeling drowsy. Don’t know what to do for the best.
Hi Wendy
I’m so sorry to hear that you are struggling. It must be so confusing for you.
Obviously I’m not a doctor, just another anxiety sufferer like yourself, but if the doctor has suggested changing your meds she might be considering switching you to lexapro which is the ‘sister’ drug of citalopram. Lexapro is stronger than citalopram so 10mg is roughly equivalent to 20mg citalopram. It’s quite possible that citalopram is not working for you quite as well this time. The change to lexapro would probably be a smooth transition if done under the care of your doctor.
My daughter had to switch medication at the six week mark due to bad side effects. Like you she was scared but her transition was smooth and she felt much better within a week of starting the new meds.
The second option they have given you is to updose to 30mg citalopram. This may help but any dosage change may incur more side effects so it’s obviously something you need to discuss with the doctor.
The third option is to continue what you are doing now and wait it out. I remember when I first started on antidepressants it was 3-6 months before I saw improvement. In retrospect I am pretty certain that the benzodiazepine I was taking had backfired on me and was the cause of increased anxiety at the time. I certainly saw improvement once off the benzodiazepine. Only you can decide if this is the path you want to travel. There are things you can do to help manage the anxiety in the interim period but it really depends on how bad you are feeling. When my anxiety is high I can’t even sit still let alone try to meditate!
Please talk to your doctor again because I’m sure that between you a solution can be worked out. I really hope you have a good day today.
Hi catholicmom
I really do appreciate u replying to my message. It has made me feel better about a change over if I go down that lines. I’m thinking of sticking it out on 20mgs for a bit longer. If no improvement maybe think of taking 30mgs. I have taken it on board about changing. I’ve got another app with my dr in a few weeks so if no better can mention about changing. Once again a big thank u.
I just want to help others who are struggling because I know how it feels.
I am glad that my comment helped ease your mind.
Keep us up to date with how you are going!
Hi catholicmom.
Letting you know the latest. I ended up upping my dosage, 30mgs one day & 20mgs the next. I only started it sat. Ive had a bad night sleep woke up at 2, every time I nodded off I kept jumping & waking myself up. Today I’ve got the burning back down my neck & arms. A therapist rang me today to speak about counseling I told her my symptoms & she said it sounds like the side effects again. To give it 4 weeks to settle down if not talk to the doctor.
Just be careful with the consistency of your dose. Alternating between 30mg and 20mg could be unsettling for your system. It would be better to either stick to 30mg or 20mg. And yes, any dose change could spark new side effects until your body adapts.
From my own experience with anxiety I can become overly in tune with my body and any sensations I’m feeling. I think it is important to try to distract yourself as much as possible, I’m finding sewing quite meditative! Because otherwise we put ourselves in a continued fight or flight state.
Good luck and let us know how you are going
Thank u. I might stick to 30mgs & c how I get on. I’ll continue to let u know how I get on
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anxiety, citalopram, dosage, keep going
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