I took Plan B and got my period about a week and a half later. It was a week early. I know this is normal. But now, a week later, I'm on my period again. This is when it's supposed to be. It may just be spotting, but I'm not sure. Is this normal? I'm also on birth control to control when my period comes.
I got 2 periods in a month after taking Plan B. Is this normal?
Question posted by Megs1234 on 19 Feb 2014
Last updated on 30 June 2020
3 Answers
Oh yes, that can happen. Plan B is a huge dose of artificial hormone for your body to deal with. When you combine it with the artificial hormone in your regular birth control, it can really mess your cycle up for a month or even more.
I actually had similar so I took plan b because condom broke the. Got withdrawal bleeding a week later which was spotting then 3 weeks later I got my period for two days. I’m worried if I’m pregnant because on third day I’m spotting but the other two days was normal dark red.
Its not two periods, the first one is break thru bleeding from the hormones. If you are on the pill why in heavens name did you take plan B? It is not magic and not near as effective as birth control. All you did was mess up your cycle with unnecessary hormones. I don't understand when you girls do that. There are only a few cases where you need plan b when you're on birth control. If you took it because the condom broke, you don't even need a condom to prevent pregnancy when you're on the pill.
I did it because that week I had taken a couple pills late by accident and then had unprotected sex. I didn't think much of it but he got me plan B just in case.
When you take pills late it lowers your protection by a bit, but its started out at more then 99%. Plan B is only 80% effective, its still unecessary in this instance. You girls seem to think its a magic potion. I wish I had stock in the company that makes it, for all the unecessary doses that are taken. I'd be rich.
No need be mean to the poor girl... Its only human to want that extra protection if you're unsure. However.. I am not on birth control and the same thing happened to me. Now, my period hasn't come yet this month and is roughly a week or so late. I am assuming that its because of the hormone overload last month threw me out of cycle or something. Would that be correct?
This has recently happened to my friend. She got 2 periods in a month, while on Birth control and Plan B pill. How did things turn out for you? please let me know??? thanks!!
It ended up fine! I skipped a month, but then everything got regular again. Don't worry!
The exact same thing is happening to me now (down to the detail) Not on BC but the same situation. The breakthrough bleeding for me felt like a full period, not spotting and now I'm having another full on period cramps and all. I think I learned my lesson on this one. My period is usually super reliable for my whole life. This is awful.
Im in the same situation i just got my period last week and now i have it again. It feels like hell but i learned my lesson too. No more plan b pills for me for a while. Trust me ladies its best to just wait to have sex when u know you can deal with the out comes or go on bc. I took it 3 times in two months so im happy now thatmy body is washing out all the hormones. Just use the right protection or wait.
well I ended up taking plan B and I'm having the same systems. I'm glad i'm not the only one but this is weird. Now it's like, how do I explain this to my mom without her getting mad. Welp. I learned my lesson.
Omg why are u responding and being so judgementle ??? She acted for a reason. not her mom or someone else who feels the need to lecture her on something we feel comfortable asking on here because we feel like we won't get judged. Yikes lady...
I don't understand why you're on here. You're so rude.
I also have a question. I took plan b last month and had a period 4 days after I took the pill. So I basically had 2 periods cause that second one felt like my normal period . But now this month I’m suppose to be on my period around his time and I’m not I’m like 3 days late... and I’m worried something might’ve happened when I had protected sex with a condom
You sure are a pleasant person. I was always taught, questions are only stupid when you don’t ask them. How’s about quit acting all high and mighty miss know it all. Are you an MD? Didn’t think so.
i also got two periods after i took plan b but it was early and my period only lasts for 5 days but it lasted for 4, can you help me?
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