my 13 year old was feeling ill, woke up to go to bathroom still half sleep. Felt dizzy leaning on sink then passed out and fell back onto closed bathroom door. Grandfather heard fall and she woke up to his voice and got up. her back is hurting from muscle strain, not bruising or abraisons. just muscle pain in upper back, increased pain when she moves. grandpa want to give Flexeril 5mg. is it safe. needs pain relief just to get comfortable enough to try lying down to sleep. strong pain when coughing or just trying to get comfortable in bed.
A 13 year old female safely take Flexeril 5mg for muscular back pain?
Question posted by beaushay on 18 Nov 2012
Last updated on 28 November 2018 by Althomas69
6 Answers
Hello beaushay and welcome to DC. I would hope by now that some resolution to this dilemma has been found. I would hope that she was taken to a doctor or the ER to have her thoroughly checked out and also to determine if she injured herself in the fall.
Secondly, it is ILLEGAL to give a medication to another person (regardless of their relationship) and is considered to be practicing/prescribing without a license. If anything happened to her as a result of taking such drug... the grandparent would be in a lot of trouble besides feeling horrible that something bad happened to his granddaughter. Never, ever give your medication to another person... even if they take the same medication. A doctor is the only person who can accurately diagnosis a condition and the reason one person takes something could be very different than another and must be followed up accordingly. Besides the fact that a doctor might report that person for dispensing a med without a license.
That is a path no one wants to go down.
I do hope she is well and nothing bad is going on. It would be nice to here back regarding this topic so that we can offer more support or help along the way...
Be well and I wish you all GOOD HEALTH!!!
I agree with you headstarter! Hopefully this little girl was taking to a doctor to be checked and giving meds to someone other than the person that they are prescribed is illegal , not to mention the fact that you should NEVER give any meds that are meant for an adult , to a child, you can cause them to overdose.
If it is her grandad's Flexeril, then no!! Do not give it to her! If it is prescribed to her by her pediatrician, then by all means yes. If she is having that much pain, why don't you take her to her Pediatrician or the nearest Emergency Room? You are not a doctor so you can't know for sure that she is just having muscle pain, although it does sound like a muscle strain, you can't be sure without X-rays and an exam. Please take her to the doctor or the ER, and if money is a problem, there are free medical clinics in every city. I hope tthat your daughter is feeling better soon, and in the meantime, give her something like alieve, Motrin, or Tylenol for her pain, do not give her a prescription that is not hers.
Its not recommended for under 15 yrs old. I would take her to see a dr if she has a strong pain when coughing, she could have broken a rib. Then there's the matter of why she fell. Its not normal for a 13 yr old to just pass out.
I would recommend as previous poster, she needs to be seen by a doctor to determine why she past out. Flexeril, a muscle relaxant, is not the best idea under the circumstances. Some plain ibuprophen (Motrin or Advil) and a trip to the doctor is what I would do.
If it's prescribed to her, then yes. If it's not, and she has a reaction to it, it could be really bad.
Sorry, I didn't read all the details before I answered. If she got dizzy and passed out, it might be a good idea to have her seen by a doctor. They can address her back pain issue as well. She could have injured herself in a spot that can only be seen on an xray or some other imaging instrument. Hope all goes well!
Related topics
flexeril, pain, back pain, female
Further information
- Flexeril uses and safety info
- Flexeril prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Flexeril (detailed)
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