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Quetiapine for Insomnia User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Seroquel, Seroquel XR

Quetiapine has an average rating of 7.7 out of 10 from a total of 507 reviews for the off-label treatment of Insomnia. 69% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Quetiapine

  • Totou
  • October 14, 2019

"Honestly, quetiapine works very well for sleep. It doesn't have any side effects for me, it makes me fall asleep smoothly but efficiently. Furthermore, it helped reduce the stress I have before sleeping. I used to be a very occupied person with tons of projects going on at the same time. It was extremely hard for me to turn the switch off when it came time to sleep. Quetiapine helped me a lot in that matter. For sure, meds are nice, but working on yourself is also a remedy that adds to the equation."

9 / 10
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67 Report
  • Koraki
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 20, 2020

"I took this quetiapine medicine initially for insomnia, and while on it, began hallucinating and became increasingly paranoid. My doctors, thinking I developed psychosis, upped the dose. This caused nightmares. I went from 25 mg for sleep to 400 mg, and I lost reality. I do not recommend this med if you do not have the specific conditions (schizophrenia) this med was initially created to treat."

1 / 10
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58 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 9, 2009

Seroquel (quetiapine) "My doctor prescribed this to me because I have trouble sleeping. I don't know what I would do without it. I am 28 years old, and I have had insomnia most of my life. The first time I took it, it helped me so much. I so would recommend this pill to anyone who has had my problem."

10 / 10
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155 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • sbrant
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 17, 2015

"Lately, due to a lot of stress because of an ex-boyfriend harassing and threatening me, I've been staying awake all night and not being able to fall asleep, and it had been increasing the anxiety so much. Well, I went to my doctor, and she gave me 25mg of Seroquel to take at night. And this is where I will add my 'WOW' haha! This pill has been a lifesaver. I can sleep through the entire night and do not wake up at all. But if I need to wake up, I can without a problem. Medications work differently for everyone, but for me, it's worked wonders. So thankful!"

10 / 10
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105 Report
  • Henri...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 10, 2016

"I scarcely leave reviews but I feel compelled to give credit where it is due. I have fought insomnia, anxiety, depression, and a myriad of everything in between for the past 8 years. This has completely changed the game and given me my life back. I can sleep again! I haven't gained any weight. In fact, I have shed a few pounds due to feeling so amazing and having the energy and wherewithal to get out of bed and tackle my day. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but I seriously have tried EVERYTHING - benzos, SSRIs, tricyclics, natural remedies, counseling, and inpatient rehab. Seroquel wins hands down as it conquers my insomnia, which is my worst trait. I noticed a little bit of a short temper at first, but that has subsided."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • prairie...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 20, 2014

"25mg for insomnia. I always used to fall asleep and have a sound sleep until 3 am. Come 3 am, I used to wake up and stay awake until 5 or 6 am. This compromised my day. My experience is to take Seroquel before 1 am. I get 8 or 9 hours of sleep every night. If I wake up, I am sure to fall asleep right away. On the flip side, I believe I became addicted to Seroquel to the point that if I even miss one night, I don't sleep well. Oh well, it's a tradeoff, I guess."

9 / 10
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106 Report
  • IDRK
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 6, 2020

"On Pristiq 100 mg for general depression, but my doctor started me on 25 mg Seroquel for nagging insomnia. At first, it was fantastic and worked within 30 minutes. I've now been taking it for over 2 years, but a warning! Your body will start to tolerate it. Your 25 mg dose soon becomes 50 mg, which then doubled to 100 mg, and now some nights I need 200 mg to fully knock me out. And it takes about an hour. 25 mg is 2/10ths stuff all, but 200 turns you into a flat, emotionless droid. This drug is great at what it can do, but I feel trapped on it and can't see any real alternative."

7 / 10
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59 Report
  • KPMC
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 18, 2015

"You owe it to yourself to give this medication a chance. Been dealing with insomnia for 10 years. Then last year, my little brother killed two people and committed suicide. My anxiety, depression, and insomnia went into overdrive. No meds worked. I was prescribed 50 mg of generic Seroquel. If you've had insomnia for years, nothing is going to work the first night. You're worked up about the insomnia and so desperate for the pill to work that of course it's going to be a night from hell. That led to a rocky 2nd night. On the 3rd night, I slept great! It takes 2 1/2 hours for onset. I owe my life to this medication. If you have the kind of insomnia that is near psychosis, please give this medication a real chance. You do not have to suffer anymore. Sweet dreams."

10 / 10
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95 Report
  • pebbles
  • January 31, 2017

"I was put on Quetiapine 25mg after my husband passed away as I could not go to sleep. My mind would always race. Once on quetiapine I sleep well... I still have the problem of racing mind but as long as I take the pill I am good. I also wake up with no problem. It has been a life saver."

10 / 10
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83 Report
  • Olga
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 24, 2019

"I have taken half a 25 mg (12.5 mg) tablet for insomnia most nights since 2011 (8 years) and have found it wonderful. If I don’t take it, I wake up after 2 hours of sleep and then stay awake for several hours before having another 2-3 hours of sleep. This was also my sleep pattern before I started taking quetiapine. I have always gone to sleep easily, but have not been able to stay asleep for at least the last 25 years. I am now 69."

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • DaveC
  • June 11, 2016

"I was prescribed this at a treatment center in 2008 (8 years ago) for insomnia because it's non-addictive. Although a schizophrenia drug in large doses (1000-1500 mg), smaller doses have more sedative effects. It has worked wonderfully for me! I don't wake up feeling sedated or hungover for long. If I don't take it, I have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep for more than 4 hours. One thing to understand, the sedative effect is actually higher in smaller doses. I take 50 mg about 45 minutes before sleep and get 8 hours, and feel fine after coffee or a shower. If 50 stops working well, I go to 100, and then back to 50. In 8 years and many others tried, it's been great for me and again non-addictive. Also, it can be used for anxiety at 25 mg."

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83 Report
  • Jody
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 9, 2019

"I started taking quetiapine about 5 years ago for insomnia after I stopped using methamphetamine. It helped me have a great night's sleep, gained a little weight but nothing too serious. I am on 25 mg, and I never get hungry after taking it. I am usually asleep in 30 minutes, if I do wake up in the middle of the night, it's only because I need to use the bathroom. After I go back to bed, I fall back to sleep and always wake up feeling refreshed. I did stop taking it for a while, and I had the worst night's sleep. My doctor suggested I start up again, which I did. Great little pill."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Geo
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 21, 2019

"I've been on this drug for over 15 years. I'm 31 now. I've been through a plethora of weaker sleep aids and found this to be the only thing that does the trick anymore. I've had horrible insomnia since I was 13. The four big problems with the drug are: 1) crippling withdrawals if you miss a dose. 2) maddening night hunger. 3) requires a full night of sleep or else. 4) having to up the dosage every couple of years. But good news, you can sleep again."

9 / 10
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58 Report
  • Dana
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 18, 2019

"I’ve struggled with severe insomnia for all my adult life. Had a severe 14-year benzo addiction which I kicked 20 years ago. Since then I’ve tried everything out there that’s not a benzo: Lunesta, Ambien, etc. Nothing worked. Quetiapine has been a miracle for me and my insomnia!!! I’ve been taking this for two months now, and I can’t believe I finally found something that works that’s not addictive. I started at 50 mg, which helped. But my Dr. upped it to 100 mg and bingo!!! I highly recommend this to anyone who has struggled with insomnia for years like I have!!!"

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58 Report
  • Hacksaw
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • July 7, 2014

"I'm 31. I've been diagnosed with depression several times. Gradually, as I got older, I was having more and more trouble falling asleep. Eventually, I would be awake all night and then fall asleep sometime in the afternoon or maybe the next evening. It was a very bad situation for me. Eventually, I got on 50 mg of Seroquel and now I sleep well every night for about nine months or so. I have very few side effects from Seroquel; I get restless legs and it makes me a little irritable about half an hour before I get drowsy. I lost like 25 pounds once I started sleeping again."

10 / 10
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95 Report
  • Chain...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 1, 2019

"This stuff saved my life. I had never had a problem sleeping until several years ago when, within a few days, I became unable to get to sleep at all. I am talking zero sleep. I was exhausted, but I could not pass over into sleep. I had some throat and neck pain, thyroid tests... no cause (I suspect I injured my neck). I tried Ambien and could only sleep 4 hrs. and it stopped working, Lunesta - only two to four hours. Finally, a new doctor put me on 100 mg of Seroquel. First night was not so good, knocked me for a loop, but after a few hours got some sleep. After that, it started working really well. Great dreams, so sleep is fun, like an adventure. I have gradually lowered the dose as I want to get by on as little as possible. Most nights I am down to 6.5 mg, though my sleep quality isn't as good as 12.5 or higher, and once in a while I wake up early. If it persists, I up the dosage for a few days then bring it back down."

10 / 10
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56 Report
  • Userr...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 8, 2013

"25-year-old who has suffered from generalized anxiety disorder for what seems like forever. My anxiety got much worse my senior year of college, and I started having major sleep issues. I became obsessed with my fear of not sleeping, and it really took a toll on me. I was taking Klonopin at night to sleep, but that just made me out of it and feeling guilty worrying that I would become dependent on a benzo. I do not like the idea of taking medicine to sleep, but I was desperate. My psych prescribed me Seroquel 25mg at night, and the first night I slept 7 full hours after months of hardly any sleep. The Seroquel has allowed me to work on healthy lifestyle choices with the goal of eventually not needing it anymore. Minor weight gain."

9 / 10
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99 Report
  • Tj360
  • July 21, 2016

"I've yet to find a sleep aid that works as well as quetiapine. I've begged my doctor for 5 years to help me sleep, and we've tried many other prescriptions. Others had bad side effects or didn't work. Enter Seroquel, and hallelujah. It not only works, but it has no bad side effects for me. I did have to go from 25 to 50 mg per day, but I sleep like a baby. No grogginess in the morning, no weight gain, no bad things period. I've been taking it for 14 months. If I don't have it, there's no withdrawal, but I don't sleep as well. I think it also is a nice adjunct to the Zoloft I take for depression and anxiety (100 mg). Overall, it's the drug I'm most thankful for."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Mamahen
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 4, 2024

"I have had insomnia for over 50 years, like my Mom and Grandma. I fall asleep quickly but wake up after a few hours and struggle to get back to sleep. Sleep studies over the years were “normal” showing no sleep apnea. Finally, after again telling my doctor that I am tired ALL of the time, every day, she referred me for a 3rd sleep study. That doctor looked at my 2 previous tests and said that, when sleeping, I was spending most of my time (75%) in light sleep and not getting enough restorative, deep sleep. He said that Seroquel wasn’t just a sedative, but actually improves the quality of sleep by extending the amount of deep REM sleep. I take 12.5 mg of Seroquel 30 minutes before bed and now I sleep through the night. I am having dreams almost every night, which I rarely had before. I feel so much better! I’ve learned not to take it if I don’t have 8 hours to sleep, or else I feel groggy when I wake up. Honestly, this medication has changed my life."

10 / 10
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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 16, 2012

Seroquel (quetiapine) "I am 21 and have trouble sleeping, due mostly to my depression and anxiety. I got prescribed Seroquel (50mg one before bedtime) about a year ago, and it has helped me SO MUCH in a couple of ways, INSTANTLY - helped me sleep and stay asleep. At first, a couple of weeks, I was drowsy when I woke up, but after a month or two of taking it, I wake up feeling great. (Makes sleep amazing, and I have the most vivid awesome dreams.) Over time, taking this medication has lowered my depression and anxiety. I have noticed that hard situations and emotions are much easier to handle. I can stay calm compared to always freaking out."

9 / 10
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107 Report
  • Brenn...
  • October 10, 2015

"Prescribed this medication at the age of 16 for insomnia. 25 mg. Knocked me out for 14-20 hours at a time. Changed to half a 25 mg tablet. Sleep just fine. Now at the age of 20 after not using it for 3 years still works the exact same way, no side effects, helps me fall asleep and stay asleep for at least 8 hours. LIFE SAVER. Never been on a higher dose than 25 mg, solely used for sleep."

10 / 10
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83 Report
  • Roadb...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 31, 2020

"I've been on a 200 mg dose of quetiapine each night for a while now, and it has its ups and downs. After 30 minutes, I start to feel the effects and it usually helps me sleep for at least 4 hours each night. It can make me sleep during the day, though, so I take naps. The downside is that I gained an insane amount of weight since starting it."

6 / 10
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48 Report
  • J Texas
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 22, 2016

"I've been taking Seroquel for 8 years. Yes, it puts you to sleep. Yes, it makes you dumber. Yes, it makes your body hurt. It changes your body so much. I can't sleep without it, but I wish I'd never started on psych meds. I now have chemical dependencies on the medication and problems that I can't fix, and doctors don't want to help with because they're just side effects of the medications. Be strong. Learn to stand on your own, especially if you're in your teens or twenties. Doctors and drug companies do not have your best interest in mind. They want you to be a slave to their services and products. I have migraines 3 or 4 times a week for the last 6 years, and the doctors tell me it's because I smoke cigarettes. BS."

1 / 10
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78 Report
  • hscol...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 17, 2016

"All my life, a typical night would start with 1 to 2 hours laying in bed before falling asleep, and then waking several times with trouble getting back to sleep. My bedroom has light-blocking curtains plus a white noise machine, but I still had trouble getting more than five hours of sleep. My doctor has prescribed Ambien CR, Rozerem, Sonata, Restoril, and Trazadone. I have tried Benadryl and Melatonin/Valerian pills, but nothing worked well or long-term until I tried Quetiapine. I take 50mg 30 minutes before bedtime, and I sleep a good 6 to 8 hours daily! I have more vivid dreams but no nightmares, and 3 years with no loss of effectiveness and no weight gain! A good dose of morning caffeine and I have no lingering grogginess either!"

10 / 10
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76 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 3, 2010

Seroquel (quetiapine) "This medicine has changed my life. On for 2 months now. Almost didn't try because of bad postings. 46 y.o. male with lifetime insomnia, worse the last 8 years. Off and on sleeping pills and self-medicating daily with alcohol was destroying my marriage and life. Sleep 7 hrs every night without fail now. A little slow to get going first thing in the morning but otherwise feel like I'm 20 again. Taking 200mg at bedtime. Zero weight gain. Just had bloods. Cholesterol 140, Triglycerides 53, glucose 79. I work out daily, eat extremely healthy, take no other medicines, and have had no alcohol for 2 months with zero desire for it."

10 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.