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Propofol for Anesthesia User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Diprivan, Propoven

Propofol has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 385 reviews for the treatment of Anesthesia. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Propofol

  • Anonymous
  • October 20, 2010

"I had my first colonoscopy yesterday and was given Propofol and Zofran. I believe some people can have an allergic reaction to Propofol, which is what I experienced. Right after the procedure, my nose was really itchy, and I sneezed several times. It continued with a runny nose and lasted several hours. I took DayQuil when I got home, and it didn't stop the symptoms, so two hours later, I took a generic antihistamine, and that stopped it. I woke up this morning without a runny nose or sneezing."

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  • Alexi...
  • March 9, 2017

"I put off my first colonoscopy for 15 years (mostly due to the barbaric prep) until today, and I'm glad. I had an endoscopy 30 years ago with IV Valium and it was a dreadful experience. I went in to this with extreme apprehension and the nurses kept telling me things have improved a lot. Wow! They were right! Propofol made it so much easier. I went to sleep, never had even a fuzzy hint of the procedure, and I was dressed and leaving 20 minutes after it was over. I'm so grateful."

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  • RNano
  • January 9, 2020

"I was given propofol during my colonoscopy. When I woke up from anesthesia I could not speak. My voice was like almost completely gone. I had a terrible sore throat and when came home I vomited and sore throat continued. The next day the pain in throat become a little better. Today it is more than 48 hours after my colonoscopy, I can hardly speak and still have a sore throat."

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  • Sneezy
  • December 16, 2019

"Had the 2nd EGD in my life yesterday and was given propofol for sedation. I've had other procedures & surgeries with propofol but this is the 1st time I had a persistent runny nose & sneezing afterwards. It started about 4 hours after the procedure & >24 hours later, my nose is still running. I had been worried about the O2 via nasal cannula because I am prone to 30 minute nosebleeds and even had a 5 minute nosebleed before the EGD so I'm not sure which it was from but doubt I'd have these side effects this long after receiving O2. I have a sore throat but think that's from the actual scope. I 'm suffering so much because I can't take antihistamines due to the risk of a major nose bleed. Sorry to hear others here have experienced this but glad I'm not alone"

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  • Joysmom
  • March 28, 2019

"I had my fifth colonoscopy 2 days ago. They used propofol. I have had it in the past with no side effect. This time I had a irritating side effect that is continuing 2 days later. I can’t stop sneezing and my nose is running like a water faucet. I did a computer search this and it can happen during a colonoscopy and or endoscopy. What luck I have. Will request to not have propofol next time. This is worse than the preparation for the colonoscopy itself. I have to keep a tissue stuffed up my nose or it pours out like a waterfall. Ask questions about this to your doctor before they knock you out."

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  • Doshar
  • November 13, 2019

"Had a colonoscopy today, this is my 3rd one in 6 years, they gave propofol the first two times and had no problem but this time after I woke up I had a cough, congestion and a very sore throat and a headache. Not sure what happened this time, not sure this is such a wonderful drug."

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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 3, 2016

"I'm 22, had a recent colonoscopy and was given propofol. I completely recommend it for anyone with anxiety. I take anxiety medication and was very nervous I'd have a freak out due to the effects of the anesthesia but instead I fell asleep so quickly, I did wake up during my procedure briefly and it was just funny because I remember going wow this is so cool can I stay awake? Then I was asleep again. When I woke up again I was being wheeled to the post-procedure room and I was completely aware, no grogginess. Overall I thought the drug worked wonders because I was completely clear headed and relaxed when I woke up!"

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  • My...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 4, 2016

"He had his tonsils removed. Dr. did report that while in Surgery my son's body was jumping on the table. 7 days later he started bleeding from his throat was taken to the operating room for Surgery. Once again he was given Propofol, then had to have a trec and was on Propofol for 3 days while on a breathing machine. His father and I watch his body flopping like a fish out of water is the only way I can describe it. We have never seen anything like this before. They had to put padding all over his bed, it was that bad. He was moving so much he kept pulling out his IV'S. When they took him off of the Propofol 3 days later the jumping of his body didn't stop, he was in the Hospital over a month. He can't walk."

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  • mandy...
  • September 2, 2014

"I had my colonoscopy yesterday. I was out like a lamp. But I did experience some pain and woke up briefly during the procedure. I was quickly popped back to sleep. I remember the doctor apologizing and saying he would give me some more. Overall not my worst experience in life. I woke up shouting too !! Was it a girl or boy?"

9 / 10
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  • Crazy...
  • April 1, 2017

"Given propofol for endoscopy and colonoscopy. This drug went beyond my expectations, I don't even remember going to sleep, I have no recollection of the procedure and had no adverse reactions upon awaking. It did make me exceptionally chatty for first 10 minutes in recovery which is unfortunate because I knew I was making no sense. Able to eat and drink within 20 mins. Don't try to to text or email too soon afterwards, you will write and send nonsense. I remained extremely lucid for the rest of the day but did not feel at all sleepy. Felt a bit run down the day after but nothing that a bit of light exercise couldn't clear. Wholly recommend this drug."

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  • VidPS
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 15, 2016

"I had my first preventative care colonoscopy today (As a male, I joined the "Over 50 Club" this year), and I have to say that I was a bit ambivalent about being sedated for this procedure. As soon as I was administered Propofol intravenously, I was out within 5 seconds! The next thing I knew, I was being awakened in the recovery room, and was out within 10 minutes. The only after effect of my colonoscopy, was feeling a bit crampy, as if I had eaten Mexican food, that was heavy on the beans (sorry for that visual). There was no nausea or other adverse reactions afterwards. All in all, the procedure and administering of Propofol was great!"

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  • FL Girl
  • June 20, 2019

"I dislocated my elbow and went to hospital which is a teaching hospital. They gave me propofol to put my arm back into place. I could hear everything they said, exactly, although I couldn't feel the pain, just the pressure of them putting my arm back in place. When I woke up, I told them I heard what they said and repeated back to them what the exchange was between the two of them. Of course, they found it very interesting, as that's exactly what they said to one another. I'll also add that I do not do any kind of drugs nor do I drink. I'm as straight as they come!"

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  • wonde...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2015

"I had a colonoscopy yesterday and went out quickly, didn't remember anything. Thought it was great! Actually told the Dr. he could give me more of that stuff. But later in the day, at home after a nap, I became very aggressive to the point of violence and I am a gentle person by nature. I slapped and hit my 30 yr old daughter, argued with her and her father, and when he came toward me I thought he was going to hit me and swung my leg out to kick him in the stomach. I was wondering if anyone else has had a reaction like this before. Totally out of character for me!"

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  • Anonymous
  • March 20, 2009

Diprivan (propofol) "My pain doctor gave me 12 shots in my cervical spinal nerve roots. He used this on me - after a couple of minutes then up to five minutes (according to him) I still was fully conscious and alert. I told him this and I told him that I didn't think the medicine was working on me. He decided to start the injections and after the first injection (6" needle) I screamed and told him I could feel the the entire pain effects from the first shot. The anesthetist said he would give me a second dose (did he? I don't really know) and then we waited for a few minutes - he gave me a second shot - and I told him I was still fully alert and the medicine wasn't working."

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  • Rainy
  • August 2, 2017

"I recently had a colonoscopy and when I woke up I felt fine. I've had this drug with a previous colonoscopy and had no problems whatsoever. several days after the procedure I my vision was blurred and I was seeing double. My heart felt like it was racing so I took my blood pressure and it was elevated despite being on blood pressure meds. I also had three separate weird events happen that day that are hard to describe. I finally concluded that they were some type of hallucinations. My vision still isn't perfect and it has been several weeks. Fortunately the hallucinations have ceased. Not sure I would want to have this drug again."

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  • Joel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 4, 2016

"I had outpatient surgery last week and received propofol to induce general anesthesia. By the time the anesthetist removed the syringe from the IV tubing after injecting it, I already felt it taking effect and lost consciousness within a few seconds. Within the blink of an eye, I awoke in the recovery room with no ill effects. After reading some of the comments here, I worried that the propofol injection would be painful, but there was absolutely no pain - did not feel a thing."

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  • Alex
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 27, 2019

"Well I’m 30 years old Had a colonoscopy Wednesday April 24th , propofol was used through an IV Today is Friday and I’m itchy all over my body . Thursday it was worse And I’ve been taking Benadryl all day today. My gastro doctor stated he’s never heard of any side effects Like these which I have a hard time believing, and another On call specialist said it was probably the sheets Which I don’t believe to be truth I’m not allergic to anything! I’m really concerned about this itching:( Will not be using propofol again!!!"

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  • chica...
  • July 3, 2018

"Had my colonoscopy today and was given propophol. Everything went well during the procedure. After waking I was offered juice and peanut butter crackers. I noticed that I had a hard time swallowing it so I didn’t eat anymore and figured it was just due to the texture. When I came home I noticed my having difficulty in swallowing. When drinking my throat felt a little closed up. No difficulty breathing. I’m wondering if this is a side effect? I’ve had propophol many times. I am currently on Breo Ellipta inhaler that has cortisone in it for coughing that I have been experiencing off and on for several months. It could be asthma (specialist not sure yet). Definitely not GERD. Anesthesiologist and I discussed all of this and she was not concerned but said she would monitor me closely. If this is still happening in the next day or so I’ll call my doctor. Not sure if others have experienced this. Any feedback would be appreciated."

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  • Ducke...
  • January 8, 2014

"Propofol was amazing. When I was in the operating room and the nurse injected Propofol in my arm and told me to go ahead and close my eyes, so I did and then I decided to open eyes and I was already in recovery room. I cannot recall being falling asleep."

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  • Jim...
  • August 26, 2014

"I'm 59 years old. What a great experience. I had an umbilical hernia repaired and surgery lasted about 1 hour. I tried to catch myself going under but it was like turning off a light switch, that fast. The only problem I had was I went #2 on the recovery gurney. The nurse said that was not unusual but It was still embarrassing. Absolutely no other side effects. I had Propofol two other times and never had a loss of bowel control. Anesthesia has come a long way and I wouldn't hesitate to ask for this in the future."

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  • CJano
  • August 28, 2019

"I had propofol for a colonoscopy a few days ago. As I was receiving the drug, I had a strange tingling sensation on the right side of my throat. I was out before I could call attention to it. When I woke up I had a very sore sore throat just on the right side that lasted 24 hours. I used lozenges for sore throats and it did nothing to help. I would not want to have the same drug used on me again."

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  • Muffy...
  • June 11, 2008

"I had versed and propofol for a colonoscopy and it was wonderful. I went out like a light and then almost instantly woke up afterwards. I was not even sleepy the rest of the day and could have driven home (although it would not have been advisable). There was no pain upon injection and no soreness at the injection site. Propofol was used as I throw up if I take any kind of narcotics or synthetic narcotics."

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  • horse...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 15, 2016

"I am a 72 year old woman. I had propofol for a heart ablation. They had a hard time trying to start my IV and when finally in it was very painful to even move my wrist but decided to leave it in as it was working and I didn't want them to dig around any more. In the operating room they put the oxygen mask on me and then said I would be going to sleep. They said what they were putting in my IV might burn a little. It was horrible! It felt like they poured boiling water on my arm and it just kept getting more intense. I tried to get away and screamed at them but they kept up till I passed out. Horrible, experience. Have had 6 major surgeries and never had this happen before."

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  • Inser...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • May 10, 2019

"I receive Propofol, Versed and Fentanyl for my procedures every 4 - 6 wks. Have them put the IV in your arm, not your hand. It won't burn as much going in. Make sure the blood pressure cuff is not on the same arm as the IV. My experience: I go in, they inject it with the other meds, it burns for a few seconds, I feel tingly and floaty, I can hear the staff talking but they sound diffuse and muffled. Then the procedure is over and I'm in post op. I have no nausea afterward. I'm discharged to home, sleep for a few hours, have a meal, watch movies with hubby and chill for the day. I'm usually fine the next day. There have been a few times where my energy is zapped the next day, but those are few and far between. I never have any irritation of the mucosal membranes in my nose, mouth or throat, but everyone is different in how they react. I have found that this cocktail of meds works best for me as I'm hard to sedate. Results may vary from individual to individual."

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  • NickN...
  • November 17, 2015

"I was given Propofol during my first routine colonoscopy after turing 50. Wow, what a drug. I went out like a light and next thing I remember was waking up in recovery and feeling like I was coming out of the best, most relaxing sleep of my life. I can see why Michael Jackson got hooked on it. What I really liked was the quick recovery time. About two hours after the procedure I felt fine, no drowsiness, nausea or anything."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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