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Propofol for Anesthesia User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Diprivan, Propoven

Propofol has an average rating of 7.6 out of 10 from a total of 385 reviews for the treatment of Anesthesia. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 20% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Propofol

  • Anonymous
  • May 28, 2015

"I would give this more than a ten if I could! I am the most anxious patient ever. Was crying, kicking and screaming before my endoscopy because I was so so scared. I was dreading it forever and I made such a huge scene. BUT AS SOON as they gave me versed with propofal shortly after, ALL I remember is waking up! I woke up slightly drowsy, slightly dizzy which lasted very shortly, but 99.9% mentally alert and aware of what was going on. They let me take a quick 30 minute nap and then I was able to walk out of the hospital to the parking deck (with a bit of assistance). Honestly I have NO idea why I was so anxious. What an easy experience. No pain, no itchiness, no sneezing, nothing. Just a good 15 minute sleep."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Nnbbll
  • August 13, 2014

"Had propofol for colonoscopy. I have had many colonoscopies as I have Crohn's and was always in significant pain on sedatives. This time I was out like a light and woke up feeling very peaceful. No longer will I dread colonoscopies."

10 / 10
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  • NoProp
  • March 14, 2017

"Colonoscopy without any anesthesia is safer, not painful but some people can find it a little uncomfortable. I had it with no anesthesia from a gastroenterologist who told me he had his own without anesthesia. Only in US and UK more than 90% of this procedure is done with general anesthesia. In Europe this percent is from 6% to maximum 35%. In Asia is even less. It is safer because you can guide or let the doctor know if the tool pushes the colon too hard in those three specific areas where the tube must change direction almost 90 degrees. OK, in short, general anesthesia requires anesthesiologist and they just make a lot of money. Side effect from general anesthesia using even propofol could be terrible. Doctors still don't fully understand how general anesthesia works, says Dr Robert Sanders, an honorary lecturer at the department of anesthesia at University College London Hospital. Significant numbers develop post-operative cognitive decline (POCD), suffering from memory loss and behavior changes; they're also just not as sharp as before. This can last weeks or even months. Some believe it can be permanent. But this is not the only potential effect. Recently it's been suggested that general anesthesia may also increase the risk of dementia - possibly by causing inflammation in the brain. Cause for concern: One study found that a year after surgery, over 75% of surgery patients aged over 60 still had mild cognitive decline. Some experts,- believes there is 'good science' to link general anesthesia to problems beyond decline of brain power. He says it can reduce the activity of the immune system, too."

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  • WifeM...
  • June 22, 2015

""I had a colonoscopy today and propofol was used as the anesthesia. The doctor said he was injecting it into my IV, and I felt a little burning sensation in my arm, and then I was awake and in the recovery room. I had a little bit of drowsiness, no nausea - I got dressed, and went home, where I felt sleepy for the rest of the day!""

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • langu...
  • September 3, 2015

"I had propofol for my second attempt at my first colonoscopy. During the first attempt they used Versed and Fentanyl and I was in so much pain the procedure had to be stopped half way through. During my second attempt, at first colonscopy yesterday, propofal was used. It was like night and day. As they wheeled me into the room I made a comment to the nurse about the lighting and that is the last thing I remember until about an hour later I woke in recovery, fully alert and ready to go. I felt fine was rested most of the day. What an amazing drug. The problem with conscious sedation is, they don't know who it will work on. And who wants to do that prep twice? With the propofol it is a step deeper than the conscious sedations, and works great"

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 31, 2014

"I'm a horrible patient, and very anxious about medical procedures being done. I was concerned about the level of sedation I would be under, as I didn't know if it would be like my wisdom teeth removal where they said I would be sedated and not remember, but I was conscious and remembered every second of it. There were no problems during my endoscopy using propofol today. They prepped me and brought me back to the procedure room where the anesthesiologist gave me a light sedative to start. A few minutes later he administered the propofol. I remember asking him "is that the propofol" and him telling me "yes", and then I was out. All the way, lights out, asleep. No dreams. Woke up in recovery feeling tired which wore off quickly."

10 / 10
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  • Bob
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 16, 2018

"Well, where do I begin. I gave it a 3 because I don't remember the NIGHTMARE AT ALL! I was having a endoscopy done (basically, they send a camera down your throat) I had a reaction to propofol. I went from my incredibly nice polite 33 year old self into a combative patient from hell. They couldn't even do the procedure because I was flayling around and trying to grab the scope thing and hit anyone trying to get close to me, even after they gave me the max amount of the drug for my weight. After that in recovery I guess hated my wife, yelled at her, cussed and in the mix I jumped off the bed and tried to run out of the room. It was bad enough to where a nurse asked her if she felt safe at home... I have never felt so bad in my life. Thank God my wife is a nurse and understood exactly what was going because she had witnessed somebody else having a similar reaction. So no more propofol for me "

3 / 10
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16 Report
  • Very...
  • April 17, 2017

"Just had my 8th colonoscopy. Previously always had Vicodin, etc sedation and woke up feeling great - hydrated, hungry, ready to get on with my day. No problems at all. Anticipating feeling fine after procedure would get me through the prep! Unbeknownst to me, my doctor now has a nurse anesthetist administering propofol during procedure. Woke up nauseated (despite IV Zofran), feeling dehydrated and somewhat disoriented. Ate very little, no appetite. Slept 5 hours and woke feeling like my face was on fire. Also headache, grogginess, no appetite. I will take my chances with my high risk GI issues. I will NOT have another colonoscopy with this anesthetic. These are not truly serious problems but they are 100% unnecessary."

3 / 10
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  • dagra...
  • March 16, 2017

"Went in for an endoscopy/colonoscopy procedure. All went well until I woke up uncontrollably crying which was really, really awful! My poor husband didn't know what to do and the nurses told me that this happens in some patients (younger patients) and would go away. I am 52. I would have like to have been warned ahead of time that this could happen. The good news is that it passed after about a half hour, but made me never want to use this drug again. In the past, have had versad (sp?) with great results so wasn't worried going in, thinking I would have that again."

2 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 6, 2015

"The oral surgeon sedated me (via I-V) with propofol for an hour to extract 4 wisdom teeth. It was wonderful. I dosed off immediately and the next thing I know I wake up an hour later and the procedure was over. No side effect what-so-ever. Amazing medicine!"

10 / 10
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  • Kelli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2014

"Had never been hospitalized before and had to have a stent placed for a kidney stone. Don't even remember the feeling of falling asleep. Was on the OR table getting monitoring electrodes placed and then instantly in the recovery room and felt fine. Transported to hospital room and was immediately able to drink a soda and eat a sandwich. No tired or sleepy feeling all. Will request same for upcoming lithotripsy procedure."

10 / 10
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  • Cheyfox
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2017

"Very frightened to do colonoscopy ! I had bad experience years ago with prep GoLYTELY. Anesthesia that they used didn't work well and I woke up during the scope as they turned the corner in colon. Also was out for most of the day. Today was a totally different experience! I took Miralax, Dulcolax and pushed the fluids! Gatorade and water. It wasn't to bad at all except some upset stomach later in the night. The anesthesia Propofol was a wonderful experience! I had no pain was out in 20 seconds and just dreamed.It was just like I fell asleep! Woke up a little groggy and head felt little heavy for about 10 minutes. I went home and am eating and feeling fine."

10 / 10
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  • fred
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 17, 2018

"It has been 3 weeks since my colonoscopy and I am getting worse. Came home with slight headache, but the headache and neck pain are getting so bad that I'm experiencing nausea. Never had incontinence before, but that's getting worse. Even when I don't feel any urge to urinate, I pee on the floor. I don't want to go back to the same dr, because I've just gotten excuses before. But I don't know where to go, other than the emergency room."

2 / 10
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  • Mack...
  • January 14, 2014

"I went in today for an Upper GI endoscopy and it went fine. They put oxygen into my nose, hooked me up on monitors and told me to lay on my side. They said "We're going to start giving you the medication, take deep breathes" I looked at my hand with the IV and saw the white propofol going in then rested my head, next thing I know I woke up and was on my way to recovery. It was as if I blinked and then I was in the room. No dreams, No sleep feeling, almost as if I was just dead during those times. Very effective."

9 / 10
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  • jaxsp...
  • March 20, 2012

Diprivan (propofol) "I had a minor procedure done to remove a piece of food that stuck in my throat. I also am on the fentanyl patch for the last 10 yrs for my constant pain. After about 2-3 minutes the first shot didn't have any effect on me. I was not sleepy at all. To make a long story short because of my pain management medicines they had to give me 4 shots to put me under."

10 / 10
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  • Jay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 6, 2018

"Had a colonoscopy yesterday that went fine - I was out in seconds and felt/remember nothing. The after effects have ruined the experience though. I’m having very bad sinus problems that have been persistent since I got home - a burning in one nostril and constant sneezing, coughing and nasal drip. I’m going to ask for a different drug next time."

3 / 10
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  • Joel
  • August 26, 2015

"Was given propofol for colonoscopy. As soon as the nurse gave it to me, my arm started burning like it was being dipped in acid. Unbelievably painful. I sat up and reached to pull the IV out of my arm and then the drug took effect and I lost consciousness. It is was a barbaric, excruciating experience that thankfully was over quickly. Should have at least warned me that it would hurt."

3 / 10
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  • Jenin...
  • September 30, 2016

"Just got out of procedure for upper endoscopy and colonoscopy. Was very nervous about the anesthesia, which I'd never had before, but it was totally fine. No arm burning like some people have mentioned. I was out in 5 seconds, next thing I knew was waking up in recovery with my husband next to me. Though I felt mentally alert fairly quickly, it did take me a little while to feel steady on my feet. But all in all, I feel great and would not dread this procedure again. So to anyone putting it off: get over it, it's a piece of cake. Even the prep wasn't as awful as people make it out to be. Think about what people had to endure in the "old" days, like 100 years ago...this procedure could save your life and it really is no biggie."

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  • thisl...
  • January 21, 2016

"I am a 32 year old male, and have been experiencing some pretty scary health issues. About 8 months ago my hair started falling out in random patches, and I have lost pounds in the same time. I was schedules for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Yesterday I checked in for that. I am a super nervous person. Have been diagnosed with severe panic disorder caused by anxiety. I have always feared general anesthesia as I have some sleep apnea issues. Could not believe how quickly I went out and then was in the recover area with a juice box! No more worries about this drug again. Also had a runny nose and slight eye irritation. It surprises me that none of you would know that its from the oxygen in your nose though? Obviously."

10 / 10
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  • RNano
  • January 9, 2020

"I was given propofol during my colonoscopy. When I woke up from anesthesia I could not speak. My voice was like almost completely gone. I had a terrible sore throat and when came home I vomited and sore throat continued. The next day the pain in throat become a little better. Today it is more than 48 hours after my colonoscopy, I can hardly speak and still have a sore throat."

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  • justa...
  • January 18, 2016

"I woke up feeling pretty good, like after you've had a good night's rest and feel slightly euphorically sleepy. I asked if I was going to see the doctor and the nurse said the doctor already came. I had no memory of time I was awake. Then had energy the rest of the day, was talkative, went to the movies, felt great but slightly racy, like just a little too much coffee. It was the next day, when it took me forever to even remember what I had for breakfast. I actually had to strain to remember. Then I realized I couldn't read anything. It was like my brain was "slipping" all day long. It's been 48 hours now and I feel like I'm almost back to normal but am going to take it easy for a few days, not do a lot of driving and running around."

5 / 10
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  • TDW
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 25, 2017

"Just had my first colonoscopy and anesthesia today Jan 24,2017 and I must say it was not bad at all. So far I have had no side effects from the Propofol and was just a little groggy when I woke in recovery. The Propofol worked quick, within 20-30 seconds it was lights out. They did remove three polyps which were sent to the lab and I was told to have another colonoscopy in three years. Over all the Dr. said things looked fine and he was not very worried about the polyps."

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17 Report
  • Col
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 4, 2020

"I was given propofol for the first time for a dental procedure yesterday. I did not experience the sneezing, congestion and profuse mucous secretion that I have heard others have suffered with. I had another unfortunate spike this morning in Blood Pressure, my systolic (top #) exceeded off to Urgent Care. They were able to lower it. I was told that I had an atypical reaction to this drug propofol and to never have it administered again. The dentist pushed it too quickly and seemed to ignore my hypertension meds which I mentioned 3 times. I was given an Rx for Acetominophen with codeine (made things worse) and was then told to use ibuprofen, which rendered my beta blocker and ACE inhibitors ineffective. Still feel groggy and forgetful. The propofol was like an unpleasant "black out" experience. It made my husband frightened when they hustled me out of the back door of the office. Never again."

2 / 10
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  • Nayners
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 12, 2017

"I had a colonoscopy and the anesthesiologist used Propofol. When I woke up I wasn't groggy and my mind wasn't fogged. In less than an hour after the procedure, I was able to use the restroom, get dressed, and walk out of the hospital without assistance. We went to a restaurant, went to the mall to shop, and I was so clear I couldn't believe it. This would be my anesthetic of choice."

10 / 10
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  • Silk
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 17, 2018

"I had Colonoscopy on yesterday. Propofol was given. It knock me out then they woke me up in recovery. I was groggy and confused and jittery with spasms. Now next day today I am jittery, spasms and feels like I have Parkinsons and I am not feeling well. Is this normal? When will it wear off?"

6 / 10
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