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Prometrium User Reviews & Ratings

Prometrium has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 32 reviews on 58% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Prometrium

  • Beck
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 20, 2020

For Amenorrhea "I had a uterine ablation 4 years ago at age 46 that failed. The Dr. encouraged hysterectomy, but my research scared me, so I continued to research other options. I learned about Prometrium and asked the Dr. if I could try it after birth control pills and progestin failed. The Dr. said it would not work, and she ended up being so wrong. Prometrium gave me my life back and stopped my heavy periods. I have lost weight and feel like myself. I went off of Prometrium for about a year but need to go back on at age 50 because I believe the weight loss changed my hormones again. What makes me upset is that 2 OB-GYN doctors never told me about Prometrium, and I suffered in pain and became severely depressed and anemic for several years. Ladies, do your research! Healthcare in the US is profit-driven, and the well-being of patients is secondary in my opinion."

10 / 10
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156 Report
  • Stat
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 21, 2019

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I was given Prometrium 100mg vaginal inserts for 14 days out of the month, along with Estradiol patch 1mg for post-menopausal symptoms. Prior to taking the Prometrium, I was sleeping poorly and had stubborn weight around the belly I couldn't get rid of. After menopause, my figure changed, and I gained a total of 10 lbs. Well, miraculously, in a month on these, I lost 7 of those pounds! I am sleeping really well, almost too much but maybe I needed it. My post-menopause pants are getting too loose now, and I think I'll have to unpack my high-rise jeans. Yay for Prometrium!"

8 / 10
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132 Report
  • Missy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 12, 2018

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I’m 46, perimenopausal, regular periods. I had very bad PMS and sore breasts for 2 weeks before period, and a serious inability to lose weight. I started this 3 months ago and I’m down 8 pounds, sleeping better and PMS is way better although it took the full 3 months for it to start helping. Now weighing 140 pounds at 5’7. I was very worried about weight gain on this, but it was opposite for me! I take 100mg at bedtime and stop it for 7 days during my period. I also started on Estro support (DIM) to lower estrogen as well. That also made a huge difference! Get your hormones tested so you know exactly what’s going on in your body!"

10 / 10
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145 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Danie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 2, 2020

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "After 8 days on this medication, I was having full-blown panic attacks. I was on 200 mg daily. This is a horrible side effect, just want people to know about. It may not do that to everyone, but if you have ever had anxiety in the past, be careful on your dosage."

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111 Report
  • Just...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 5, 2016

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I've been taking Prometrium for about 4 months now, and for the most part have no side effects. It works like it's supposed to and keeps my progesterone where it needs to be. However, just an FYI, you should always take it before bed with food. I mean lights out in bed to sleep, not watching TV or playing on your phone or tablet. If you take Prometrium and do not go to bed, it will cause a euphoric (high) feeling, which may be unsettling to some people and may cause panic because it does feel really weird."

9 / 10
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157 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • March 20, 2010

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I'm pregnant and my lab work came back indicating I have a low progesterone level. My doctor prescribed Prometrium and initially I took the medication in the daytime, but then found that it makes me extremely tired. I decided to start taking the medicine at bedtime then started having very bizarre dreams only when I take the medication at bedtime. I informed my doctor, but he dismissed the side effect as not being related. I'm positive the side effect is from the medication. I hope this comment lets other women who experience this side effect know that you are not alone. Just because it's not a listed side effect doesn't mean it can't happen."

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190 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 13, 2019

"I am 21 years old and in about 2 months gained 30 pounds although I worked out consistently and kept a clean diet. In addition, I wasn’t sleeping, was retaining so much water I could not wear rings, and had horrific mood swings. However, my main problem was that I could no longer breathe, just speaking or walking felt like a marathon. For 8 months, I have had an endless nightmare of appointments and tests with different medical specialists with no answers. After loss of all hope, I finally decided to see a hormone specialist. Because of a mild progesterone deficiency, she recommended Prometrium for 6 weeks. I have been on 200 mg of Prometrium for two weeks now and after only 3 days, I started noticing my water retention lessening and I could breathe again! I can now work out better than I ever have been able to in my life, I sleep well, my stress levels are down, and my mood swings have subsided. This medication may have saved my life. Get your hormones checked!"

10 / 10
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86 Report
  • skrumm
  • March 4, 2009

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I'm 48, and found that this nicely balanced the issues I'm having with estrogen dominance. I've had no side effects that I can tell, but a real clearing up of the fuzzy brain, night sweats, and trouble sleeping. I love it!"

9 / 10
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190 Report
  • kbehu...
  • November 12, 2010

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "Taking it at 100 mg. Didn't like the dizzy feeling. Started taking it at night, much better, but I feel it building up in my system over time. I wish I could take half or 3/4 as much, but it is not available in those doses. I have absorption issues, and the liquid form is great except I can't cut it in half. I do like what it does for my thinking, digestion, emotions, etc., but over time, irritability, heavy dreaming, pregnant-like feeling build up. I am a small woman, about 110 lbs, 5 feet, and wish smaller doses were available. A little bit goes a long way."

7 / 10
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169 Report
  • boomer
  • November 22, 2016

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I was diagnosed with hyperplasia. I was experiencing very heavy, clotty periods for YEARS. I thought this was normal until I had a month-long period. This pill is heaven-sent. I have not had a period for about 8 months, have lost a ton of weight, have more energy than I have had in years, and I would say the only side effect is tender breasts. I cannot guarantee this result for everyone, but clearly I was not producing my own progesterone."

10 / 10
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90 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2020

For Uterine Bleeding "I am on 200 mg Prometrium due to uterus bleeding and enlarged uterus wall. Other than the bleeding, I had no post-menopause issues (I am 57 with high estrogen levels). After 2 days of taking the medication, bleeding stopped - great! After a few more days, I started gaining weight, breast tenderness, breast enlarging, very strange dreams every night, very tired during the day although I sleep at least 8 hours now, and bad headaches. Too many side effects for me. I went to my naturopathic doctor to do detailed hormone tests. Result = extremely high progesterone level. Make sure you get your hormones tested before taking the medication!"

3 / 10
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52 Report
  • Beach...
  • December 23, 2016

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I'm 42 years old and perimenopause has taken over my life. My estrogen dominance was so bad that for 8 whole days before I even started my period, I was almost bedridden. My breasts were so sore, it was as if they were engorged, and I, at times, felt a low-grade fever coming on. I have a 21-day cycle. I have one week a month that I felt pretty OK... Only one week a month!! Went to the OBGYN and begged for help. I'm now on day 5 of Prometrium. So far, my head is clear, no boob pain, I'm awake not tired, not hungry either. I do have some uterine cramps every afternoon for some reason. I can't wait to see how my whole cycle will be. So far so good, very happy."

7 / 10
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87 Report
  • MiaR
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 18, 2021

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I am 46. I am estrogen dominant and have low progesterone. I also have PCOS. I take 100 mg after menstrual bleeding, 200 mg upon ovulation, and none when bleeding starts. My periods were abnormal (cycle 25-36). I take it by mouth at night and go straight to bed as it makes me extremely drowsy. If I try to stay up, I have lucid dreams. Some tiny stomach cramps but not bad. Breast tenderness has drastically decreased. Some left shoulder pain. Not sure if that has anything to do with the medication. Since starting break-through spotting during ovulation and a short window between ovulation and period. Cycle is currently now at 20 days. I have read this can happen but can’t find a lot of reviews on it. Not sure if that is normal and will be following up. Facial hair growth appears to have decreased."

9 / 10
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38 Report
  • SL2
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 12, 2022

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I tried taking 100mg of Prometrium daily for 3 days after entering menopause at age 51. I have not had a period in almost 1 year. It is awful stuff. It immediately gave me a horrible dull headache, a sense of depression, and a feeling of malaise. I'll stick with natural remedies for hot flashes, which Prometrium also made worse, frankly. It is also worth noting that I have never taken birth control or any other hormone supplements."

1 / 10
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27 Report
  • Jacqu...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 8, 2022

For Progesterone Insufficiency "Side effects not worth the gain. Had been using bioidentical progesterone (via a troche) for the last 12 years with no side effects, until my doctor retired, leaving a 5 month wait for a new bio-id doctor willing to take on new patients. In the interim I moved to an online service that prescribed prometrium. It's awful. I wake each morning feeling like I've been hit by a bus: deeply tired, no energy, no libido and a consistently flat mood bordering on mild depression with swings of moodiness. The worst symptom though is the extreme increase in asthma and struggle to breathe even after the lightest exertion (something I've not experienced before and is equally frightening for my family). The service advised me to double the estrogel, hoping to balance it, then to cut the prometrium dosage in half, but that's causing noticeable weight gain and the side effects lessen on the day after i don't take it, but not significantly. Its been 3 months of struggle This drug clearly doesn't suit me."

2 / 10
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23 Report
  • rebel...
  • August 29, 2014

For Premature Labor "I was on Prometrium from day 1 up until week 19, then I was placed on the Makena shot, which is also progesterone, until I was 36 weeks. I fully believe this is why I have my daughter today. She is almost two and has had no side effects from me taking this medication in pregnancy. I have MTHFR factor and low progesterone. This is why I needed to be on this medication."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Stephie
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 2, 2020

For Perimenopausal Symptoms "I started taking 200 mg day 14-28 of my cycle. My Dr had me combine it with a progesterone cream. My breasts became bigger and much more tender. I began steadily gaining weight up 7 lbs now. I am going to go off the prometrium and go back to the cream only and see of the sore breasts and weight gain subside. The cream worked well for in the past not sure why my Doc felt I needed both the cream and the pill. I do feel progesterone is wonderful for reducing mood swings and food cravings. That issue is all but abolished when I'm on the progesterones I just am obviously not a fan of the weight gain. So if the goal of the medicine is to increase progesterone levels and decrease mood IS effective ."

6 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2012

For Amenorrhea "I am currently taking this medication for a missed cycle. I was told to take it at night due to the drowsiness it may cause. So far, I have not noticed much of a problem with that. I have been on the pill for 5 days, and the side effects are almost unbearable. I have breast tenderness, but also the muscles around my chest/back area are aching to the point of being painful. I called my doctor about this side effect and was told that the medication has not been known to cause achiness. After reading this website, I see it is very possible. I have had some dizziness, sweating, and irritability as well. Either way, the medication seems to be helping, but I really cannot wait to quit it!"

6 / 10
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52 Report
  • chicago...
  • March 10, 2010

For Amenorrhea "This drug is effective at inducing a period, but it has awful side effects. Basically, you will feel pregnant—tired, dizzy, hungry for junk food, and bloated. My breasts grew half a size within 3 days of taking. Then the rest of me caught up and I gained 5 lbs in the 10-day time frame that I took this drug. But it did do what it was supposed to do, so I can't totally complain."

5 / 10
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59 Report
  • Melba...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 1, 2018

For Uterine Bleeding "I'm 50 and developed simple hyperplasia. Went eight months without a period and then had a three-week period that was very heavy and sent me to the ER for hemorrhaging. The doctor put me on Prometrium 100 mg daily for three months. After just two pills, I was having panic attacks during the day and at night. Could not take it. Current endometrial lining is 8.4 mm after three weeks of bleeding, so likely will need a D&C. Will work with a naturopath to have some hormone testing done. It's likely that this dosage is just too high for me, but Prometrium doesn't come in a lower dose than 100 mg."

2 / 10
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33 Report
  • swhit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2012

For Progesterone Insufficiency "I am 49 and have been on this medication for one cycle. The side effects have not been as bad as I had anticipated. I had a few mild headaches, a bit of bloating, tender breasts, and a mild acne breakout, and was a bit tired a few days. I am taking it for a proliferative endometrium, and after 4 days being off the medicine, I am getting a period, so it seems to be working as planned. I am taking 200 mg."

8 / 10
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48 Report
  • ACE
  • November 13, 2008

For Uterine Bleeding "My doctor is having me take this medication because I have excessive bleeding. So far, the bleeding has stopped, but I'm on day 10, and the side effects are kicking in. I have breast tenderness, stomach cramps, and it makes me very tired. Overall, so far it has done what it needs to do. I go off of it in 2 days, I'm hoping that my body will regulate."

8 / 10
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59 Report
  • zoda
  • August 19, 2008

For Seizures "This article says it's not known what happens with an overdose of Prometrium, but I can tell you do not take 2 doses at once. I normally take 800 mg/day for the last half of my cycle to suppress catamenial seizures. It works great with no negative side effects. I take 200 mg every 6 hours. I recently missed a 200 mg dose, so I took 400 mg at once. I was completely anesthetized for a couple of hours. My body went jelly-like. Everything slowed way down to the point that words came too slowly, if at all. My family opted to take me to the ER. Later, it was determined I was likely not in danger of dying but was clearly knocked out for a while. The memory of much of those 2 hours is totally lost to me. My family says I was pleasant and cooperative but out of it."

10 / 10
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55 Report
  • Dawn...
  • July 12, 2009

For Amenorrhea "Prescribed by my gynecologist to treat amenorrhea and long, heavy periods as a result of anovulation (I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, which causes anovulation). Due to the anovulation, I would go several months without a period only to eventually have a period that would last anywhere from 14 to 35 days. The period would be much heavier than the norm, especially for the first 7 to 10 days. I would also have very large clot-like discharge. I take Prometrium for 21 days, then off for 7 days (which brings on my period). The only significant side effect has been hot flashes during the day, usually in the late morning, I will have one bad one with profuse sweating. Then usually one in the afternoon, but it's not as bad."

8 / 10
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51 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 2, 2012

For Premature Labor "Early pregnancy loss was a huge issue. I have been on Prometrium since the day after ovulation. I am 18 weeks pregnant. Doctors wanted me to stop at 14 weeks, I had extra and continued. I ran out for two days and started having contractions. My doctor decided it was best to stay on Prometrium due to evidence of risked preterm labor."

8 / 10
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35 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.