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Roxicodone User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Roxicodone has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 70 reviews on 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 3% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Roxicodone

  • Anthony
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 26, 2024

For Chronic Pain "I've been suffering from intense chronic pain for many years due to a C5 bulging disc, which causes pain throughout my entire right arm, and L3/L4, L5/S1 disc herniation with stenosis, resulting in constant sharp and burning sciatica pain. After trying numerous treatments and medications, Roxicodone has significantly alleviated my pain and greatly improved my quality of life. I've been taking Roxicodone for 4 years now, and it remains consistently effective. I take a 5 mg pill four times a day, every 4-6 hours. I don't experience any 'euphoric' effects from this medication. It effectively relieves my pain and allows me to continue my work with minimal discomfort."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 2, 2010

For Pain "I have been using this medication for about 6 months. Roxicodone 30 mg every 4 hours. It does work great, takes the pain away within a short time period, about 15 minutes once taken. I have had 17 surgeries and have been unable to do a lot of things until I started taking this medication. I don't feel tired or get a 'high' feeling. I am happy I found a medication that works for me. Only one bad thing - I had when some of my medication was stolen. I had to stop taking it. I thought I was going to die - I was in bed for 3 days. Like they say on this site, put all your medicines up and follow the directions. I wouldn't want anybody to have to go through withdrawals on this medication."

9 / 10
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53 Report
  • Quetz...
  • November 15, 2011

For Pain "Roxicodone has improved the quality of my life exponentially. Like so many others on this site, chronic pain has been a debilitating nuisance for me, one that I initially dismissed as a sign of aging. As my doctor confirmed a sciatic nerve compression, I was given Roxicodone to manage my aches and pain. Immediately, I felt years younger -- no longer am I stuck avoiding everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping, for fear that the pain will ruin my day. This medication has also improved my performance at work and at school, as I am able to concentrate without random aches and pains distracting me. I feel more rested when I wake up in the morning. Yes, this is a 'serious' drug, but taking it as prescribed will get your life back - seriously!"

10 / 10
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49 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • September 4, 2009

For Pain "I was taking OxyContin after 2 shoulder surgeries, then I was in a bad auto accident. Even upping me to 80 mg 2x daily wasn't enough. My doctor suggested the OxyFast for breakthrough pain, so I tried it. This was the only combination that took away all my pain, so I could work and care for my family. Then OxyFast was removed from the market and my doctor put me on Roxicodone. It doesn't work nearly as fast as the OxyFast, which worked in under 10 minutes, this takes 30 minutes and works almost as well. At 29 years old, I thought my life was over, but these medications gave me my life back. If it wasn't for these medications, I don't know where I'd be now (10 years later). I have kidney and liver function tests done 2 times a year with no changes from day one."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • Gammy
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 12, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I have been taking this med for along time starting out with the 10s now on the 20s they are 2 strong so I now take the 15s with a 500 mg of tylonal and that help the best you have to just peak it and find what helps you the best"

6 / 10
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21 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Manic
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2017

For Pain "I recently had 3 very painful surgeries within 3 weeks. It's been a month & one week since my last surgery & I've been on Oxycodone IR 15mg every 3 hours (max 8 pills per day) ever since. I am a recovering heroin addict so this is a very slippery slope however i am now being tapered down VERY SLOWLY by one pill every 2 weeks until I can be off of them completely. I have a very patient & understanding pain mgmt dr. This med works extremely well as a pain reliever & is also very calming. I see the potential for addiction & the only downside is how fast tolerance develops. After a month & a half I feel like I need 30mg every 3 hours to do what 15mg did before but still it eases my pain & that is all that counts. I have zero side effects too!"

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Marip...
  • May 17, 2023

For Chronic Pain "So for me, there are only three pain meds that actually work for me, Literally!! Roxicodone is one of them. I like Roxicodone because it seems to work somewhat fast, however, this go round I have noticed some major inconsistencies and I am presuming it has everything to do with my migraine meds. For one day the Roxi will work in 30 minutes and then the next day it will take an hour. The last few days however I have noticed that it has only been touching the top of the middle level of my pain, I have what I call 3 levels of pain. Top, middle, and bottom, the bottom being the worst. I've also noticed it's been wearing off at the four to four half-hour mark and I start going into withdrawals which is awful!! I am currently taking 15mgs four times a day. I've also only been back on Roxi for almost a month. I cannot say it was like this last time because I wasn't on this regimen last time. I am fortunate because I do not get high from pain meds and I only deal with the physiological side effects."

8 / 10
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8 Report

More FAQ

  • Lonaka
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 4, 2016

For Chronic Pain "I have been on roxycodone for 7 years now . I was in a bad car wreck.. I was on 8 day when first started on them after wreck. Now I'm on 3 a day. I normally get the blue 30mg tablet with k-8 on it. Today I got a white tablet with rp and 30 imprinted on it. Large white round tablet. I went back into pharmacy thought I had been giving wrong med. No just new u suppose Seem to be working actually better for my pain than the others..."

7 / 10
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31 Report
  • loving...
  • November 5, 2011

For Pain "My husband has degenerative disc disease. He has had a two-level spinal fusion on his L5 and S1 discs, as well as two rods and six screws of hardware in his spine. He was only 27 years old when this injury happened. I totally feel for anyone who has to suffer from back pain. It changed his life forever. Normal activities that people take for granted every day were almost impossible for him to do. He's been through numerous doctors and has tried every pain medication out there. He now takes 30 mg Roxicodone six times a day. It has totally been a lifesaver for him and given him his quality of life back. He still has some pain and bad days, but nothing like before."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • MRSDJ...
  • February 24, 2012

For Pain "After 11 back surgeries (cervical, lumbar) due to scoliosis and degenerative disc disease, I finally feel almost normal again. I have complete pain relief from my 3 a day Roxy 30 mg and Fentanyl patch 150 mg. I have actually been cutting back on my Roxy as my condition improves. With virtually no side effects (constipation, sometimes drowsiness), this has kept me comfortable through all my surgeries and recoveries. Take only as directed by your Dr, and you too can experience freedom from your chronic pain. Highly recommended!"

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 16, 2010

For Pain "At first, this was a very good pain medication, and it helped a lot, but due to taking it for a few years, the effectiveness is not nearly as good as when I started taking it. Since so many people are addicted to these things, when I had my medicine stolen from me, I had withdrawals, and it was horrible."

7 / 10
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39 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 3, 2009

For Pain "This medicine has worked wonders on my chronic back pain. I have tried everything from Tramadol to Opana ER, and for the price, Roxicodone 30 mg tops them all if taken as prescribed and at the same time each day. The only downfall is that you must take the pills more frequently than, say, MS Contin or OxyContin, where you only need them every 12 hours. However, that was my main problem with the Opana, OxyContin, etc., they didn't seem to last the full 12 hours as advertised. I was lucky if I got a good 8 hours from them."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Blond...
  • December 17, 2011

For Pain "This medicine was great. Like you all say, I got my life back, but then I started to get to where I felt like I was 80 years old in the morning. I had severe leg cramps causing me to walk like an 80-year-old woman would walk, and I am only 46. I had pain in my calves and in my heels, shoulder pain severe. I could not sit or stand for long periods of time. I kept telling myself that it was not the Roxy I was on that was causing me so much pain because I liked how it let me get my work done. But then when I started feeling the horrible pain in my calves that I could barely walk and made me very weak, like I could not do my normal stuff, it put me into a depression because I felt like I was old before my time."

5 / 10
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35 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 17, 2008

For Pain "I have taken this medication for severe sciatica nerve pain and neuropathy, and overall it has been the best pain reliever I've ever taken. Far better than Lortab, that really does nothing for this type of pain. I also have degenerative disc disease, and it helps with this also."

10 / 10
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42 Report
  • gems
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2016

For Chronic Pain "Itchy, itchy! I've found opioids analgesics are the best for my chronic pain. Roxicodone caused pruritis for me. That might not seem like a big deal. However, when dealing with pain that's been constant for years, a side effect like non stop itching is one more thing that magnifies the pain. Then there's pain, itching, and more loss of sleep. There were a couple of remedies. The doctor rxing a different medicine. Or taking an antihistamine to overcome the itching. In today's current anti-opioid environment, doctors seem more likely to throw up their hands, and say, "Well I guess you're just not a good candidate for opioids!" Which just isn't true. Switching worked like a charm for me."

4 / 10
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24 Report
  • fallb...
  • March 12, 2009

For Pain "I have chronic pain and have tried everything, and this works best. Roxicodone is a great 'breakthrough' medicine. I take 8, 30 mg pills a day as needed. I also take 3, 80 mg pills of OxyContin 3 times a day for constant pain control. This is a very large amount, but after years, it is needed."

10 / 10
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38 Report
  • Bradley...
  • September 8, 2011

For Pain "I've been taking this medicine for over three years. Started off at 30 mg three times a day, and initially, it worked great. Now, a few years later, I'm taking 60 mg three times a day, and it is only about 50% as effective. I recently added 30 mg of Cymbalta, and within three days, I was feeling great! Better than I had felt in years! I even cleaned the grout in my bathroom! Unfortunately, my insurance company won't pay for Cymbalta. So now I'm trying everything else. Unfortunately, nothing has even come close to working. Now I can't even kneel down to even look at the grout I vigorously scrubbed three weeks ago. It was like having my life back and then having it yanked away from me again!"

8 / 10
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33 Report
  • Mickie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 14, 2018

For Chronic Pain "I have taken these as a med for breakthrough pain in addition to oxymorphone 30 mg ER. The roxycodone is quite beneficial in helping to control my chronic pain. I would rather have the brand name with these but it is too expensive."

8 / 10
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18 Report
  • otstr...
  • March 11, 2012

For Pain "I agree with everyone. This is the best pain medicine I have ever used. I had Discitis which led to a Lumbar Lamenectomy and Multi Facet Joint Fusions. I take 30mg every 4 hours. It used to take the pain away every time but now it's not working too well. I am going to see my Pain Management Doctor to ask for help. "

9 / 10
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29 Report
  • major...
  • June 4, 2015

For Chronic Pain "I noticed that a side effect or roxicodone is body aches and pains. The reason I am taking it is because of chronic, severe body aches and pains, especially in my lower back and legs. Is the remedy causing the problem? I guess I will never know because my insurance company will not pre-authorize an MRI."

6 / 10
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23 Report
  • Charley...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 13, 2022

For Chronic Pain "Roxicodone is the most effective pain medication I've had so far. 20 mg every 4 hours. Also, 25 mcg patches of Fentanyl. I'm stage 4 with bone cancer and am a recent 'incomplete quadriplegic' from a cervical, spinal cord injury but learned to walk again. I'll take the cancer any day over the paralysis. I was taking 4mg of Dilaudid every 4 hours in rehab, which was debilitating (to me). I'm starting to build up a tolerance to roxicodone, and was told that I can up the dosage. For me, roxicodone has the fewest side effects and lasts close to 4 hours. At this point, I'm staying with it because I can function well mentally and don't have the foggy / hazy feeling as Dilaudid and morphine gave me."

9 / 10
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7 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 29, 2008

For Pain "This medicine has allowed me to function as a 'normal' productive person. With the proper use of this medicine others have no idea that I live with severe chronic, intractable facial pain. As with any medicine, I can't give it a 10 because I wish I didn't have to take it. There is always the hope for a cure."

9 / 10
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27 Report
  • Peater...
  • March 29, 2011

For Pain "If not for Roxicodone (oxycodone) 30mg tablets I'd have unbearable back and leg pain from a disc herniation. This medicine makes the pain go away, 99.9%! I need 90-120mg/day. I also take Aleve 440mg, once every 2 days. I need something without acetaminophen for the health of my liver. Roxicodone has given me a life."

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 7, 2011

For Pain "I have been on Roxicodone for almost three years due to my compression fractures and other chronic back pain. It worked very well in the first 6 months, but I then built a tolerance and cannot stay out of pain all day. Would recommend the extended release."

6 / 10
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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 21, 2008

For Pain "I've been on Roxicodone for about two years now and this is the ONLY short acting medication that has worked. I have been through all the short acting or break through medicines and Roxicodone is by far the greatest. I am on high doses due to having gastric bypass and not absorbing as a 'normal' person would. I need to have my tailbone removed as it's broken and swinging around back there. Not to mention it's broken at a 90 degree angle or angulated. INSANE pain. "

9 / 10
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22 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.