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Mirtazapine for Anxiety User Reviews (Page 5)

Brand names: Remeron, Remeron SolTab

Mirtazapine has an average rating of 6.7 out of 10 from a total of 517 reviews for the off-label treatment of Anxiety. 55% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirtazapine

  • Aano
  • June 22, 2019

"Firstly, I was put on Prozac by my GP, made my anxiety so much worse. I didn’t know it at the time because I had never been on an antidepressant before. I’m already very skinny, my normal weight is 113 lb, and I’m 5’5”, I lost those 13 pounds within a week. My therapist was scared for my health, so she told my parents that I needed to get off Prozac. Then I saw a psychiatrist for the first time, he immediately took me off it and put me on a low dose of Remeron. Before, I couldn't go to school, hang out with my friends, go to a store, eat, go into cars, or even go to a family event. It got rid of my derealization, and now I’m on 22.5 mg of Remeron and exactly how I used to be before all the anxiety issues. I gained all the weight back, and then some. I absolutely love eating, before, my anxiety took that away. This drug may not work for you, Prozac works for others, but I am not one of those people. If your symptoms aren’t getting a tiny bit better on any drug after a week or two weeks, change it. Please keep trying."

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • Jane
  • October 13, 2015

"I was previously on Citalopram, which I didn't think was doing me any good, so the doctor changed me to Mirtazapine, which I am very glad about. It's helped my sleep and appetite, which were both very up and down. It has also helped my anxiety and racing negative thoughts. In turn, I feel more upbeat and positive. The only slight downside is feeling groggy during the day, which I hope is just a small side effect while I get used to it. Overall, I'm very happy with this so far."

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • Sal...
  • September 25, 2013

"I am taking mirtazapine for anxiety for the past 5 months now. After 3 weeks of the start of this medicine, my anxiety was gone until a couple of days ago. All of a sudden, I started getting anxiety attacks and palpitations. It feels like the effect of the medicine is gone. I am seeing my doctor in a week, and let's see what he suggests. Currently taking Xanax to control my anxiety. I have experienced that whenever I have anxiety, 5 minutes of workout (treadmill or fast walking) does help relieve my anxiety. Try it."

9 / 10
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90 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Taz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 10, 2019

"I used to wake up every morning, puking up stomach acid from stress. In the 26 days since I have been on mirtazapine, I haven't puked once. I have suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life, and the relief this drug has given me is amazing."

9 / 10
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52 Report
  • scc
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 4, 2023

"Thank god for this drug. After 6 months of trying Lexapro, Prozac, and Valdoxan, I have finally found a drug that is working, and fast! I have anxiety, PTSD and recently lost a close relative. My anxiety turned to panic attacks, and I was turning to benzodiazepines far too regularly to manage my anxiety. My GP tried me on SSRI and I vomited for days until I had to stop. Our last resort was mirtazapine. I wish we had tried this first! I took it (7.5 mg) and I slept incredibly well, and most importantly my anxiety was reduced the very next day. I’m on day 5, and I’m not nauseous. I have zero side effects, I’m not groggy in the mornings. I can have a large coffee and go train and not get the caffeine jitters. The only thing I notice is as soon as I take my tablet 7.5 mg at this stage ~ I fall asleep within 30 minutes. So far I have slept 8-9 hours every night. Most importantly when an anxious thought comes in it goes very quickly."

10 / 10
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18 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 2, 2015

"I was on every SSRI/SNRI possible. They all exacerbated my sleep problems. Remeron has given me my sleep back and virtually no anxiety! I highly recommend for people with anxiety and insomnia. Therapy also helped, it's not always just about taking a pill. I highly recommend this and plan on never coming off!"

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Sher
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 1, 2020

"Prescribed this medication yesterday. Took one pill at 8 PM and 20 minutes later I felt so dizzy I could barely see and had to get into bed quickly. I passed out almost immediately and slept for 14 hours. YES, 14 HOURS! I normally sleep 8. The next day I struggled getting out of bed. By 6 PM I was still feeling like a zombie, and even though I was not hungry, I ate way more than usual. I have only taken this pill once and I am scared to take it again as there is no way I can work, drive, or let alone walk properly on this! I do feel very rested, but no way I can handle staying on these! I'm sure for other people it is great, but not for me."

1 / 10
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45 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 24, 2012

Remeron (mirtazapine) "I've been on this medicine for about 2 years now. I started out on it for anxiety/depression at 15mg. It worked great for a while. My depression is gone but my anxiety still has its times where it is bad and uncontrollable. After about a year, my dose was increased to 30mg for anxiety. It worked great again this time for a couple of months, but it still creeped back. After a while, I was seeing a new psychiatrist, and she tried putting me on Fluvoxamine to try getting me off of Remeron. I liked the feeling of the new medicine, but I felt nausea and upset stomach for about a week and a half. So she put me back on Remeron 30mg, but I only took 15mg, and I felt better than before when I was on 30mg. In all, this medicine has worked great for me."

8 / 10
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92 Report
  • J1993
  • November 29, 2015

"At 19, I went on Sertraline as I had struggled with varying levels of anxiety throughout my teens. About a year later, I tapered off and came off for about 6 months. Then, completely out of the blue, I felt almost an electric shock in bed one night and spiraled into the most awful depression and panic imaginable. After Sertraline failed to work, I was on the verge of admitting myself to a psych ward. It was truly the most painful experience imaginable. My GP prescribed Mirtazapine as an attempt to pull me back into balance, and I can honestly say that in about 2 weeks, I had recovered. I cannot speak of the difference it made. Utterly unbelievable. The best benefit was its sleep-inducing effects, as I'd always stay up all night in panic."

9 / 10
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72 Report
  • a_mot...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 28, 2015

"I have just started on Remeron while tapering Zoloft for my anxiety and sleep issues. This may change, but I wanted to post this to possibly give someone hope. I am not a big eater, I never have been. When I started Remeron, I was expecting this ravenous appetite to start. Not only did that not happen, I have less of an appetite than I normally do. I am not super thin, average for my height and have never had any food issues. So the weight gain thing does not happen to everyone."

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72 Report
  • Dt1807
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 15, 2021

"I take 15 mg mirtazapine every night and have for 10 months now. I suffer from severe panic disorder, anxiety, and sleep disorder. It’s the only medication that makes me feel normal. I know there are so many bad comments made about mirtazapine, but for me, it’s saved me, and I feel more normal. My panic attacks are less frequent and also numbed. Some days I have them, but it’s like I can feel them twitching, but they can’t raise their ugly head. It’s a wonder medication for me. Helped me so much, all while managing a hectic life and managing my own hectic brain. I cannot recommend it enough. I’ve had no side effects at all. I vivid dream at night now, before, I couldn’t even sleep because I would have panic attacks in bed. I wouldn’t sleep for days at a time. It’s amazing for me."

10 / 10
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32 Report
  • Kansa...
  • September 30, 2015

"I have bad anxiety for years and I tried a few meds but they weren't working for me. Now I am on Mirtazapine 15 mg. I only take one pill at night. The first night I felt great, a little tired but the anxiety stopped. The second night was a little different. I had a few anxiety attacks but I managed to control them. I feel really tired and have a few attacks during the day but not as bad as before. I'm going to give this medicine a try and I'm going to have to go to therapy as the doctor told me it will help, since I have been diagnosed with anxiety for years. I pray this will help me and get my life back. Good luck to all of you that are having tough times with anxiety and depression."

4 / 10
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72 Report
  • Kaye
  • August 10, 2019

"Horrible! Gives me extreme heart palpitations and chest pains. I have been in a constant panic attack for a week and just went to the hospital today. My anxiety was bad before mirtazapine, but it's unbearable on it. My vision's shaky, my arms and my legs fall asleep, I'm zombified until hours after I wake up, and then it's panic attack mode. The FDA has issued several warnings for this drug. I do NOT recommend!"

1 / 10
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47 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 23, 2011

Remeron (mirtazapine) "For two years, I have had chronic nausea that starts about an hour after waking up and lasts through mid-afternoon. It is so bad I usually have to skip lunch. For various reasons, I believed it was anxiety-related, and after some research, asked my doctor if I could try mirtazapine due to its anti-anxiety, antiemetic, and appetite-stimulating properties. I could not be happier! The nausea was better the first day after taking it, and within two or three days was totally gone. I finally have my appetite back, too. I don't know that I'd recommend this medicine to people who are overweight, but for those who can afford or even want to gain weight it can be a lifesaver!"

10 / 10
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92 Report
  • lolan...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 19, 2012

Remeron (mirtazapine) "Improved the physical and mental symptoms I had with anxiety/depression but in a reduced dose. More than 10 mg would keep me too drowsy and make me forgetful. I have been on it for 19 years and have tried to get off it several times but my physical symptoms (stomach cramping) return after a few days. The generic form was far less effective. Does cause constipation with me."

7 / 10
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87 Report
  • verma...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 9, 2012

"I was on Citalopram for a year because of my clinical depression, and it did help, but it didn't do much for anxiety as I have social anxiety disorder. My doctor prescribed Mirtazapine, and I responded to it, and my anxiety symptoms have diminished. I used to get very nauseous, have a loss of appetite, and suffer from insomnia because of my anxiety, but Mirtazapine pretty much did the job. I'm pleased that I finally got the right medication!"

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88 Report
  • Foxx
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 13, 2020

"I have been on Remeron (mirtazapine) for anxiety, depression, insomnia, all that fun stuff. I have been on and off this medication for about 8 years now, I’m 28 now. I was very anorexic when I first got put on it and extremely insomniac. I gained about 40 pounds, which was great, cured my insomnia instantly, but I don’t think it ever did anything for my depression and anxiety, I’m taking Celexa for that."

6 / 10
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40 Report
  • Mirta...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 24, 2022

"Do not ever take these for anxiety. I wish I’d done more research on the way an SNRI works . It’s increases Norepinephrine which is ok if your very depressed but it will make your own anxiety far worse ! The sleeping effect wears off pretty quickly too and they’re horrible to try and taper off of ."

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21 Report
  • yea
  • April 6, 2013

"I've been taking the medicine for 1 week now. I read all the stories but for me it works great. I sleep more, less anxious, my appetite now.... check this out I used to wake up starving, eating until I fell back to sleep. Would wake up at 5 every morning like clockwork, I hated it. Now on the medicine, I don't wake up hungry."

10 / 10
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81 Report
  • fl2016
  • February 13, 2016

"Mirtazapine has been a lifesaver for me. I had severe anxiety to the point I was feeling suicidal. I couldn't function, and my obsessive thoughts were constant. I couldn't sleep more than one hour without waking up from a panic attack. I started taking 50 mg of Pristiq, and five days later, I was put on 15 mg of Mirtazapine to speed up the process and help with sleep and appetite. I took the tablet an hour before bed and was knocked out almost instantly, sleeping the whole night. It's been four days since I started Mirtazapine, and I am able to go to work, etc. I am still feeling a bit anxious, but it's bearable. It definitely increased my hunger, but I don't give in to the cravings! I eat normally, if not less. I will see how it progresses, but only good things so far!"

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65 Report
  • Tiny
  • September 8, 2013

"At first Remeron was amazing. Felt so much better in a short period of time. After being on it approximately 6 weeks, I began to develop horrible leg pain. Random joint pain in elbows, hands, knees. My fingers also started to swell. As soon as I was off and out of my system, these side effects went away. If not for the side effects, I would still be on it. I've just about run the line with these medicines and don't seem to tolerate any very well."

6 / 10
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76 Report
  • Speced
  • September 1, 2019

"Have been on 15 mg mirtazapine for 2 weeks. Second try on this drug. Shaking. Trembling. Nauseated. Exhausted and zombie-like. Panicky. Rapid heartbeat. Freely agitated and angry. Keep clear of this. Want my Zoloft back."

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42 Report
  • DylPill
  • June 11, 2015

"I must say, mirtazapine was extremely helpful for my anxiety and depression, along with taking fluvoxamine for anxiety, depression, and OCD. A lot of the physical symptoms of anxiety as well as mental symptoms have diminished. Concentration has also improved. Although the weight gain from increased appetite and the sluggish feeling in the morning have become problematic. I have my mind set on discontinuing."

8 / 10
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66 Report
  • Forsey
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2019

"I'm on day 7 now of 15 mg Mirtazapine for anxiety and panic disorder, which led to agoraphobia, then depression. I was housebound for 2 months! I could only leave the house to see the doctor by self-medicating with alcohol. I wasn't eating, only a tiny snack in the evening, and was scared of coming on to these tablets. Well, what can I say? I left the house yesterday. My appetite is back, and I am sleeping and having dreams again, that was after 6 days on the Mirtazapine. I feel more positive now and will continue to use. All I can say is everybody is different, but do stick with these and give them a try."

8 / 10
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43 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 7, 2009

Remeron (mirtazapine) "Taking Remeron at night and Effexor in the morning helped me a lot. Before I started it, it took me 2-4 hours to fall asleep every night, which left me with six hours of sleep at most. Now I'm able to fall asleep easily and sleep through the night. I never had any trouble with the side effects, so it worked out well for me."

10 / 10
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94 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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