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Lexapro for Depression User Reviews (Page 2)

Lexapro has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 576 reviews for the treatment of Depression. 63% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 18% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Lexapro

  • mcoll...
  • March 9, 2009

"I've been on Lexapro for several years. I have to say, for some, the initial side effects can be overwhelming, but stick with it because it will help most of us. You can train yourself to overcome the sexual side effects, and weight gain can be controlled through proper exercise and diet. I'm not an active person, but have to remind myself to hit the gym several times a week. Doing so will greatly and positively affect your mood as well, so just pretend like you have no choice and GO. Also, please remember there is no 'magic pill', we have to take responsibility for our own happiness, which includes lots more than just taking antidepressants! Hope this helps some!"

8 / 10
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341 Report
  • My ex...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 11, 2020

"I used to overthink to the point where I could not sleep or think straight sometimes. I was just so exhausted. I didn’t want to eat much, it was terrible. I don’t wish anxiety or depression on anyone. I started taking Lexapro about 3 months ago, and it has been awesome. It makes me feel better, I can sleep better, and my appetite is back! If you experience negative overthinking, you should try this. Good luck!"

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118 Report
  • RB81
  • November 15, 2015

"To anyone taking Lexapro or any antidepressant: DO NOT believe all the negative reviews you read here or elsewhere. Do not let them scare you away from taking one of these drugs. The drugs are not miracle workers, but they do help some by taking the edge off and by not letting you obsess on your feelings and thoughts. You have to give them time, at least SIX WEEKS. If no improvement, up the dose per your Dr's permission or switch to another. The side effects are mild, and that is despite what anyone says to the contrary. Antidepressants work best in combination with psychotherapy, but they are also effective when taken by themselves. You will eventually feel better."

7 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Krist...
  • September 23, 2014

"Lexapro has been a major positive in my life. I've suffered from depression for over 10 years now, and taking this pill has solved so many issues I didn't even know where to begin to diagnose myself. My head became stable and generally positive and happy every day. It's almost impossible to feel THAT down anymore. Another few positives have been that it has helped me slow way way down on my smoking, and I have no real desire to drink alcohol, not that I'm free from stress. My sexual desire has actually INCREASED. When you are so stressed all the time, your sex drive normally goes down, so now that I am released from stress because of this pill, I'm doing things I was never able to do before."

9 / 10
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  • Prplr...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 26, 2013

"I have suffered from depression for years. At first, I was a little apprehensive to take any medication, but I had reached a low point. Every day, I woke up with a storm cloud over my head. I was irritable, quick to anger, and always grumpy. I could literally feel the weight of my mood on me at all times. I barely laughed anymore, and I didn't find anything enjoyable. I have been taking 10mg of Lexapro for three weeks now, and I am floored by the difference it has made. It's like I can feel again. I know this sounds cliché, but everything is more vivid, more colorful, and more lively. I didn't experience any side effects other than loss of appetite."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Carbini
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 23, 2015

"At the age of 55, I found the only drug that has worked for me in 35 years. I can't even begin to explain my childhood or experiences thereafter. As soon as I could, I sought medical attention with my limited finances. Before that, all I could do was drink and have a good time. I thank God I finally was given Lexapro (Escitalopram). I felt relief immediately, whereas NOTHING else did, and was happy. After all the drugs I tried, I have no side effects with Lexapro. I hope this gives hope to those who have been searching. God bless you above and beyond your dreams. With LOVE."

10 / 10
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205 Report
  • Final...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 23, 2016

"Lexapro made me feel normal again. I was severely depressed and so scared I would never feel normal again. I started at 5mg and worked up to 15mg over a few months. At three months I felt like me again. It was a roller coaster getting there with good days and down days where I never thought I would feel like me again. But at the three-month mark, I feel great! I promised myself that when I felt good again, I would share my experience. Hang in there, you will feel good again, just give it time. And when you have a down moment, think of happy times and remember you will get better. Side effects initially were yawning a lot. I can finally sleep again, and I gained my weight back because I actually want to eat again. Life is good now. Thank you Lex!"

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • November 17, 2009

"I'm a 33-year-old female, and this is my first time being on any kind of antidepressant. I've been on Lexapro 10mg for about a month now. I noticed an immediate increase in energy and even felt a little jittery. The doctor said it typically takes 2-3 weeks for it to fully kick in, but some people notice a change within 24-48 hours, which was me. I have decreased appetite, and a lot of foods upset my stomach, so I'm eating less as well. Subsequently, I've lost some weight (which I like since I need to lose some!). I feel like doing things again and actually have some sort of sex drive, which had been completely absent for a while with the depression. I'm sleeping better, and it's easier to get out of bed. So far, so good."

9 / 10
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282 Report
  • Mandy...
  • October 9, 2013

"I'm 27 and have been on Lexapro for 8 months. I take 10mg/day (5mg in the morning, 5mg in the evening). I've been depressed since I was 14 and as an adult started having severe anxiety. I was in therapy for 10 years but still having a lot of trouble functioning. Lexapro has really made me FUNCTIONAL and happy. I enjoy my hobbies/friends more, and I no longer obsess about things until I break myself down. The major effect for me is reducing obsessive thoughts and cycles of worry/loneliness. I'm so happy with this medicine and want to be on it the rest of my life. My friendships, work, and romantic relationships are healthier. The only side effects are drowsiness (fixed by taking 2 small doses instead of 1 big one) and vivid dreams (awesome)."

10 / 10
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217 Report
  • doglo...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 11, 2024

"I promised I would write a review on Lexapro once I felt better. I was on 10mg since pre-covid (my Celexa decided to stop working after 8 years so I was switched to Lexapro). Last year, fall of 2023, a close friend passed away, so of course, I attributed my increase in sadness to that. However, my stomach was causing me a lot of pain as winter approached and despite all of the testing, I apparently was 'fine' physically. Emotionally, I started to slide downwards to the point I had a very hard time eating and found very little joy in life. Nothing seemed to help. I was isolating and getting worse. I saw my doctor and he determined I was completely stripped of serotonin, so he increased my dosage to 20mg. Titrating up or down is living hell. I would read reviews on this site over and over and over hoping that someone out there was experiencing what I was so I would have a glimmer of hope. It took me 6 to 8 weeks to FINALLY see the light. I can’t thank Lexapro enough."

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Focus...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 16, 2014

"I've always had anxiety more than most for years since I was a kid. In the last few years (I am a 50-year-old male) this grew into depression. It got to the point where I would get paralyzed by the next task, overthinking it - I couldn't be decisive. Then I would get depressed because I couldn't get things under control, which led to a lack of sleep - a continuous cycle. I was always against antidepressants (thinking they were for the weak). I tried everything - exercise, no alcohol, no sugar, sleep aids - with little success. I finally gave Lexapro a chance. It brought the anxiety noise level and depression way down and allowed me to gain perspective and sleep. Occasional chills, but they lessened over time. No other side effects for me. Glad I did it."

9 / 10
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205 Report
  • Trinak
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 8, 2020

"Spiral led into horrific depression with anxiety. After a couple of meds, I tried Lexapro. After a few weeks and some bearable side effects, I felt a cloud lift, and it kept getting better. At first, I took the max dose with Abilify and occasional Ativan, but eventually I was able to stop both of those. So here’s the hard part, it worked awesome for 8 years. The only side effects were 20 lbs weight gain and lessened libido - a small price to pay when you felt how I did. But then I was in a period of insane stress and re-traumatized, and suddenly the med would not work. It’s been a journey since, but I am so grateful for the quality of life I had for those 8 years."

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • lulzcat
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 14, 2017

"All I can say is wow. I can't believe the difference Lexapro has made in my life. I used to have horrible anxiety, suicidal thoughts, no motivation. Now I am excited for life, chasing after it. Colors are brighter, everything tastes better. Memories of my childhood that I couldn't recall before came back. I've also been waking up early when I used to fight to wake up at noon. Now, these results took a while. I felt an improvement in mood at about three weeks, and an increase in motivation at about five weeks. The first two weeks were rough - I experienced many side effects including mood swings, night sweats, nausea, increase in intrusive thoughts... but boy was it worth it."

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156 Report
  • bbmom
  • October 16, 2019

"First off, you have to realize that every drug is different for every person. It is so easy to come on here and read the negative reviews and get discouraged. I got really depressed. I went to my doctor, and he prescribed 20 mg of Lexapro. Side effects were feeling tired and hungry. It did not work right away. After taking it for a week, it made me stop crying every day. After 2 months, I was starting to get the benefits from it. I knew I needed to go down in dose only because of how tired it made me. So, I did it the correct way. I broke my 20 mg in half and took 10 mg. It takes your body a good couple of weeks to get used to taking the 10 mg. My body wanted the 20 mg again, but I held off and gave it time. After a month of 10 mg, I went down to 5 mg. The same thing, my body said oh no, but I hung in there. I will stay on 5 mg for a while, and I am more than okay with that. I do have bad days, we all do, meds or not. Those of us who suffer from Anxiety or Depression - we have PTSD, and we never want to be at our worst ever again."

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112 Report
  • Anxiety...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 8, 2020

"Let me start off by saying that Lexapro was the first medication that I went on to combat my anxiety and depression. At first, I was optimistic about medication, but after taking Lexapro, I was totally shaken up. It caused me to have severe mood swings. I went from the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, all the way down to rock bottom in not even 2-3 hours. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND."

1 / 10
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105 Report
  • Depre...
  • December 1, 2016

"I was diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, and MDD. My life was falling apart. I had dark thoughts, wasn't cleaning my house, completely let myself go, no patience with my kids, and a negative outlook on life. My anxiety was so bad I was taking Xanax to cope. Lexapro has been a lifesaver for me. Six weeks later, I'm back to my 'normal self'. I'm very productive, positive, I take care of my house, myself. It will not make you happy or 'high' but make life so much more enjoyable and easier. I'm at 20 mg of Lexapro a day! And I thank God for it. I'm 10 lbs down. SSRIs work differently for everyone, but if two months ago someone told me my life would change for the better, I would have never believed it! Give it a try! We are all survivors! Good luck!"

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157 Report
  • AllTh...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 21, 2015

"I used this page for support when I first started out on Lexapro, so I thought I'd give back. I was prescribed Lexapro 10mg for dysthymia (mild chronic depression) and anxiety. The first few weeks were accompanied by a persistent mild headache and some nausea. I was much more tired - slept 8-hour nights plus an afternoon nap. 10 days into my prescription, I was at the beach and I noticed some people's swimsuits appeared to have brighter colors. The world slowly began to appear more vivid visually and to have more 'depth'. At some point, rumination almost completely stopped. Two months in, the world seems much more inviting and much less harsh than it used to. This drug works for me."

9 / 10
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167 Report
  • Sara
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 17, 2019

"For someone who has suffered as long as she can remember from depression and anxiety, I can attest to the fact that Lexapro does wonders. I have never been happier or mentally stable in my entire life. I don’t have much else to tell you."

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115 Report
  • Mataya
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 24, 2020

"I am a 24-year-old woman whose anxiety and depression have recently worsened to an extreme. Desperate for help, I consulted my doctor. She started me on Lexapro 10mg a day and told me to split it in half and take 5mg for the first few days. It took me to the darkest place I have ever been, honestly. The first day, I was in the ER with a severe panic attack, and I was right back the next day. The reason I felt like I was having the attacks is that the medicine was causing severe burning/tingling sensations in my arms and legs that would not stop. My hands and feet would not stop sweating, and it made me feel like I had something else going on, but everything came back normal. The ER doctors told me to hang in there and that things might get worse before they get better. But honestly, I physically couldn't take it. So I have stopped it. And kudos to you guys who did stay strong and are seeing the benefits from it now ❤️"

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98 Report
  • TS80
  • April 9, 2014

"Lexapro has been an absolute miracle for me. I had become so depressed I could no longer get out of bed, and was crying every day. I hated the idea of getting on medicines, but I felt at that point I had no choice. The only regret I have now is that I didn't do it sooner. I had some pretty bad fatigue on the medicine for the first month or two, but that has now gone away. I am so glad I finally did this."

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181 Report
  • November 18, 2009

"This is the greatest drug yet invented. I had no idea what happiness was until Lexapro came into my mouth! I cannot even begin to imagine life without this medicine. Once the mild side effects had gone, my life changed forever. My sex drive and orgasm are now incredible! Depression was banished, and life is full of colors, insight, love, and passion in my soul-filled realm. God only knows what will happen if it stops working, as I have tried every other antidepressant medicine available, and Lexapro is it."

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  • katzy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 18, 2014

"This has helped me so much! I was prescribed this for my anxiety but also have a history of depression. The first day on this, I noticed a huge difference. I went from having anxiety attacks 5 times a day to basically none. I'm so happy I got lucky with my first try at any antidepressant. This really is great."

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  • fattah
  • February 24, 2017

"I have been on Lexapro 10 mg for six weeks. I was really nervous to start because I have never taken any type of medication before. The first few weeks I did have side effects (including nausea, dry mouth, and a kind of out-of-it feeling). It worried me but I stuck it out for four weeks because all of my medical friends insisted that I do. I am so glad that I did! I feel so at ease about everything that used to control my mind excessively. I am so much more bubbly and comfortable with conversations with others. It really just took that edge off for me. All of the side effects have gone away. I strongly recommend."

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137 Report
  • Blessed...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • October 10, 2019

"I started Lexapro about two years ago after having a horrible panic attack from smoking marijuana and being too high, I guess. After that night, I kept having panic attacks. I thought I was going to die, my heart was pounding out of my chest, and I had shakiness. I was diagnosed with GAD and panic disorder. I was put on 10mg Lexapro and 0.5mg of Klonopin short term until the Lexapro kicked in. Long story short, I upped the Lexapro dose to 20mg and got off the Klonopin, and let me tell you, this was the game-changer. I have been off Lexapro, and every time I get back to it, I work my way up to 20mg, and it’s the LIFESAVER. My advice is, if you’re experiencing side effects from the medication like increased anxiety, etc., hang in there and work with your prescriber in increasing the dose if needed. 20mg is the magical pill. I hope this helps, and I can help anyone in need. You’re not alone in this, and you can fight depression. Trust me on this!"

8 / 10
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99 Report
  • moody...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 12, 2015

"I'm a 21-year-old female and have been taking Lexapro for only a short while, but I can honestly say that it has been a miracle for me. I've been treated for depression since I was 13. I've been on everything: Paxil, Celexa, Wellbutrin, Zoloft, Abilify (taken with Paxil), and nothing ever worked. I had been suicidal and had been self-harming for as long as I can remember. I also have crippling anxiety that made social interaction painful and almost unbearable. I had been hospitalized once as a teenager for a suicide attempt. But I got a new doctor recently, and she prescribed Lexapro. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel happy. I can actually sleep and not be eaten up by worry or hopeless depression. I finally feel like a human being. :)"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.