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Acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Brand names: Fioricet, Capacet, Zebutal, Phrenilin Forte Vtol LQ Vanatol LQ Anolor 300 Vanatol S

Acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine has an average rating of 8.8 out of 10 from a total of 251 reviews on 85% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 7% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine

  • Anonymous
  • June 4, 2022

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I was in the hospital with sepsis. While in the hospital had a a terrible headache that would not go away. They gave me narco and that did not work. I was in the hospital for a week and they could not get rid of my headache. When I was released I visited with my family Dr and she prescribed Fiorcet and to my surprise my headache was gone. I still cannot believe a whole week in a hospital and they could not help me. I am so grateful to my Dr. Who prescribed this medication to me."

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8 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 11, 2012

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "My son has suffered with severe migraines since the age of 8 when he was diagnosed with seizures. For the better part of the next 9 years, I had to watch him suffer because we were told there was nothing to be done other than diet, etc. No one wants to see their child suffer! At last, we found a wonderful doctor who first prescribed Midrin, which really helped, but then, of course, insurance didn't want to pay for it anymore and suggested Fioricet. Two pills at the most, and I have my happy son back!"

8 / 10
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28 Report
  • not...
  • September 6, 2011

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "Fioricet is truly a wonder drug. I've had migraines since I was 15 (27 now), and if you take it right when the headache starts, lay down for 30 minutes, you'll feel rejuvenated. BUT, Fioricet can cause rebound headaches (headaches that one gets when they are used to taking a medicine for a while), so while it may be hard to just take one pill when your head is throbbing and you have things to do, it will pay off in the long run. So try to alternate with other medicines in there so your body doesn't get used to it. Because I rebounded from Fioricet, which means I have chronic daily migraines = no fun. In conclusion, great medicine."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • ddddd...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 30, 2015

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "Was prescribed this for tension headaches. It does something, but it makes me dizzy and light headed. It seems to start working nearly immediately (reduces the pain by like 50-75%), but after not too long the headache will start slowly creeping back over the course of the next few hours. I actually have a headache I've been attempting to treat with it right now and so far I've taken 7 pills over the course of 26 hours and it's still here."

5 / 10
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22 Report
  • Migra...
  • November 6, 2008

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I get probably 4 or 5 migraines a month. I couldn't bear to be without my Fioricet. It's the only medicine that seems to work for me. If I feel a headache starting, I take 2 tabs and within 20-30 mins, the headache is gone. In addition to being a mother of 4 girls, I have run my family daycare for 17 years, and I just wouldn't be able to function without my Fioricet. I have tried several other medicines before Fioricet, and nothing seemed to help, so I am very thankful for Fioricet. It works great for me. I've tried to avoid things that set off my headaches, like not eating before 2 PM, or my pillows not being right when sleeping, brightness, sounds, smells, and stress. But some can't be avoided. Thank you."

9 / 10
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32 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • June 17, 2008

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I have been taking Fioricet as needed for about 15 years. I love it. If Fioricet doesn't help, nothing does. I do not find it to be habit-forming at all. I do find that if I take it for too many days in a row, it is not as effective, and then I suffer from rebound headaches."

9 / 10
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33 Report
  • Jaglady
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • July 28, 2024

For Headache "I have had migraine headaches for over 50 years. Medications that I have taken in the past never really helped my migraine headaches. Last year, I had a horrible migraine headache that affected both sides of my head. According to my doctors, this is a rare occurrence. The pain was excruciating and resulted in my being hospitalized. The MRI taken at the hospital revealed that I had suffered from a stroke. The medication I was using before just did not help the migraine. I asked my doctor, 'There has got to be something out there that can help me avoid having another stroke due to migraine headaches.' He recommended But/Acetaminophen/Caffeine. The next migraine I had, I started taking this medication, and I was totally amazed at the quick turnaround response. After taking the tablet within about 20 minutes, the migraine was gone. Now I no longer suffer from the debilitating headaches, knowing that when I take this Rx, my migraine will stop. I highly recommend this medicine."

10 / 10
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1 Report
  • Pappy...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 4, 2022

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "Have had migraines for 30+ years, been to private doctors and VA doctors. Like many people I chased the right medication for years. Fioricet has been the best medication for me. Thank god it is not controlled, fioricet takes my headaches away with no side effects."

10 / 10
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7 Report
  • Ash
  • June 27, 2015

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I had a spinal tap recently and unfortunately was in the small percentage of people that have spinal headaches from this procedure. I've had migraines forever but a spinal headache is by far the most debilitating experience. I was prescribed fioricet and was taking 2 every 4 hours it did nothing! I was back hospitalized the next day. So this may work great for migraines but anyone prescribed this for spinal headaches it does not work."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Migra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 25, 2017

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I was prescribed fioricet for migraines. Not only didn't it help the migraine, fioricet caused my heart rate to skyrocket (due to the amount of caffeine it contains) and gave me an absolutely WICKED rebound headache the next day. In fact, the rebound headache was worse than the original migraine. Needless to say, I threw the rest of the pills down the toilet. Fioricet is also EXTREMELY addicting if taken more than 3 times per month. Astonishingly, I was prescribed 1 to 2 tablets EVERY 8 hours for migraines with NO WARNING whatsoever from my doctor about how addicting this medication is. Thank God it didn't work for me or else I'd be a fioricet addict facing withdrawal whenever the drug isn't taken. It should be taken off the market"

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • MIBIW...
  • April 6, 2009

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I was not one prone to headaches until recently. They started at the base of my neck and continued upward until I didn't want to move a muscle. Oddly enough, these were prescribed by my dentist due to an upcoming root canal I was getting ready for. I took one the next time I had a headache, and within 30 minutes, it was completely gone. I was amazed."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • India...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • March 24, 2013

For Headache "I have taken Fioricet for 20 plus years. This is the only medication that takes care of your pain. I am 63 years old and I take approx 8 tablets daily. My liver function tests always come back normal. Does anyone else have a situation like mine?"

10 / 10
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24 Report
  • Julie...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 10, 2016

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I was prescribed fioricet last week for chronic headaches. I have suffered from daily headaches for over 6 years and until recently, have been able to dull them down though they never fully go away, with high doses of otc ibuprofen. I've been to the neurologist and was prescribed imitrex and antidepressants. None worked. I have been taking the fioricet for a week, and every time I take it, it turns my headache into a borderline migraine. Makes it so much worse and My feet and ankles have swollen. Now I have vericos veins and broken capillaries In my ankles. I think I may be the 1% that cannot take this drug. Its a shame because I see so many success stories in these comments, I wish I could share in the relief."

1 / 10
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18 Report
  • ABQMi...
  • April 26, 2010

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "Fioricet works within 15-20 minutes and you feel better than you would normally …. happy, awake, no headache, nothing can really irritate you and literally puts a smile on your face. Don’t eat them daily because they will start causing headaches and you will become tolerant and then they won’t work when you need them to."

10 / 10
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25 Report
  • Nanny...
  • January 23, 2012

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "It is the best medicine for headaches caused by TMJ and degenerative disc diease. I usually never have to take the secound dose. I did at first but now I don't. Don't take it everyday only as needed. Works good for leg aches also."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Sheryl
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • November 3, 2023

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) "I have been prescribed fiorcet for the past thirty years and it is the only prescription medication that works at taking my migraines away better then any other drug I've taken for them. And I don't have any side effects listed. It isn't addicting in my case. I've been happy that I was prescribed this so long ago.. I just pray they don't take it off the market. It is worth the cost. Because it's the only thing that works. I'm soon migraine free very quickly for most of my experiences. I would recommend it to anyone. It also worked for my son who started having migraines at the young age of twelve. He also has had no side effects."

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3 Report
  • Paint...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 24, 2019

For Headache "I had severe migraines and tension headaches for years and tried various medicines. As soon as I would find one then they took it off the market… So a friend had me try this one and it worked! And it was easier to get. My doctor prescribed them for me and it’s a pain because my insurance won’t dispense them through my mail order on a regular basis, but I can get them filled by calling the doctors office and picking them up at the local pharmacist. Definitely get the pill not the capsule! So insurance will pay for most of it. The medicine itself works so well to relieve my symptoms of nausea and pain relief with just a mild sedative feeling of relaxation so I can still work. I am so grateful for this medicine"

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Kelly...
  • April 10, 2017

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I've been getting terrible migraines for almost 20 years now. I currently take Topsmax to prevent them. When I was younger, I was prescribed Fioricet for the pain and never thought it worked very well. I switched to imitrex, which worked miracles and now take Maxalt Melt, the orally disintegrating tablets, which are also a -triptan medication. It is the only type of med to get rid of my migraines. Just tried fioricet again in a pinch and didn't do anything! Tramadol does not work either."

2 / 10
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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • June 9, 2022

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I accidentally discovered that when I took Fioricet for a migraine my vertigo was gone. I mentioned this to my neurologist and he kept me on it. My primary care doctor continues my prescriptions. Unfortunately my insurance doesn’t cover it and it’s very expensive as I have to take six a day for the last 16 years. Without it I cannot even get out of bed without falling over. I hope they never discontinue this medication, it gave me my life back!"

10 / 10
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6 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 1, 2010

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I was originally given Fioricet after a spinal tap caused spinal headaches. I have a history of tension type headaches with pain starting at the base of the skull and then radiates upward. This medicine is the ONLY thing that works for me. Trouble is finding a doctor that will listen and give it to me. Doctors pass out Percocet and Vicodin, but seem to hate prescribing this medicine. Frustrating."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 10, 2017

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "Was given foricet at E.R. for Tension headache and I suffer from severe anxiety I immediately had tachycardia (fast heart beat) after taking this drug it got rid of my headache but it left me miserable with my anxiety never taking this again"

1 / 10
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13 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 19, 2010

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "I am a 61 year old female and have tried everything out there for headaches since my late 20's. This is a wonder medication for me. I started using it in my 30's and is the only thing I can use and still function without being down in bed in pain."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • meg
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 26, 2019

For Headache "I was nervous to take this medicine because of some of the reviews. but WOW! it sure works!! I had a tension headache due to being 17 weeks pregnant and this is the only thing the Doctor could prescribe me as Tylenol was not working. I took this medicine at home first to make sure it didn't make me tired. When I got home it kicked in within 15 minutes, and it did not make me tired! I highly recommend this for severe headaches!"

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 23, 2010

Fioricet (acetaminophen / butalbital / caffeine) for Headache "This is the only medicine I've ever found to actually work on my tension headaches. I have used it about 2 - 3 times a year for a few to several days in a row to knock out my headaches. This is my 'last resort' medication and for great reason - it works. As someone else posted, if this doesn't work, nothing is going to work. I'm so thankful for this medication."

10 / 10
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22 Report
  • Chris...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 5, 2016

For Headache "The Dr. prescribed this to me yesterday. I had a migraine for 3 days straight. I was desperate for relief. I get them often and really hoped to find something for once that would help me. This medicine completely took my migraine away within 20 minutes and no tension in my neck or head! I slept so great that I was ready to get up this morning before 6 which is very unusual for me because I haven't been sleeping well. I am so thankful!"

10 / 10
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14 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.