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Eflornithine topical for Hirsutism User Reviews

Brand names: Vaniqa, Florexa

Eflornithine topical has an average rating of 7.2 out of 10 from a total of 101 reviews for the treatment of Hirsutism. 68% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 25% reported a negative experience.

Eflornithine topical rating summary

7.2 average rating out of 10

101 ratings from 113 user reviews.

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Reviews for Eflornithine topical

  • Shann...
  • January 12, 2023

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I was one of the people who found no benefit after 8 + weeks. I knew that only 1 in 3 seem to see reduction in hair growth."

1 / 10
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  • Joy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 15, 2022

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "This cream is not for me! It burned my skin and I have been dealing with really bad skin since, although I stopped using it as soon as I broke out. My face is completely covered with small pimples and blackheads for weeks. I can't believe I paid this much money for a cream just to have my face get this bad. I'd rather have hair in the face quite honestly."

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2 Report
  • Jah
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • October 18, 2022

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I’ve struggled with coarse, thick upper lip and chin hair for years (really since puberty). As an adult, it had gotten to the point it was negatively impacting my self-esteem, having to tweeze and shave everyday so I didn’t look like a man. I tried laser hair removal & after $1000 in treatments, completely unsuccessful. I went to a dermatologist & he put me on spironolactone, which also didn’t work. I requested a Rx for Vaniqa, after researching this may help (he said it probably wouldn’t help). For about 6 months, I used 1x/day and saw 0 improvement. I went through 1 bottle & after reading more about it online, decided to refill my Rx one last time and try it 2x/day (morning and night). That was the game changer. I immediately started seeing less and less hair growing in. It’s absolutely unbelievable that this is working. I tweeze a few hairs every couple days. It’s expensive @ $165, but worth every penny to me. One tube will last about 3 months."

10 / 10
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  • uglyf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 30, 2022

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "My whole life I had really nice skin. Then, in my late 30's I started to get these patches of thick hairs on my chin and lip that would become ingrown and cause painful acne/folliculitis. My dermatologist suggested Vaniqa. I used it for 6 weeks. My skin became the worst it's ever been. The hairs became deeper ingrown seemingly causing so much pain and I didn't think the grown of the other hair was slowing down at all. I developed the most horrific cystic acne that 18 months later, still in not healed. In the areas I used it, I developed scars where the pigmentation is completely gone and I have deep indentations about 1/2 inch in diameter all over my face. If I ever want to look normal again, I'll need so much cosmetic surgery. The absolute only thing in my regime that was different was the vaniqa and after I stopped using it, the cystic acne slowed and then stopped."

1 / 10
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  • Grate...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 19, 2022

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "In Sept 2021, asked OBGYN for Rx during check up. She was very discouraging, saying she didn't believe it would help someone like me. I'm 10 years past menopause, Mediterranean, light olive w/dark hair that has always had some presence on my face (sideburns, above lip, etc.) Before menopause, and first few years after, this was annoying, but manageable with wax. Recent years turned into huge problem. Vaniqa works perfectly, no side affects. Be patient, takes 3-4 months. My skin is now smooth again from not plucking/waxing daily. Has changed my life - I dream of travel once again in future when I won't have to worry about unfamiliar mirrors/lighting. Now use only every 24 hours & seems to maintain. Is rather spendy, but as other reviewers have said, I'm too happy to mind giving up a few other things to pay for it; honestly, a bargain at twice the price for the relief it has brought me. I wish everyone the same results I've had-don't delay-sorry I'd not known of it sooner."

10 / 10
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  • Maz
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 8, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "OK, so after 25 plus years of Dailly plucking and twice a day shaving of neck and chin, and then random cheeks and lip dark hairs ( amount of hair increasing and growing in strength daily, I started Vanquia on Tuesday morning ( and applied again in the evening ) Wednesday morning I felt a difference"

9 / 10
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3 Report
  • CoCo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 26, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I live in the UK and have battled with dark course chin for years. It had got progressively worse and I would find stray hairs morning, noon and night. I was never without my tweezers. I have a home epl machine, I have tried NoNo and all sorts of other things. None of them worked. I found an online pharmacy that sold Vaniqa. I had to inform my doctor first who checked for contra-indications and then gave the go ahead. I ordered the cream and it arrived next day. Here’s the biggie…. I HAVE SEEN AN IMPROVEMENT IN A WEEK! Very few hairs to pluck and I don’t have that stubbly feeling when I rub cream into my chin. I am so much happier. The £65 I paid is well worth it compared to other so called hair removal products that simply do not work. My friend one gripe is that it cannot be purchased over the counter. I will update my progress in a month or so. Good luck peeps."

10 / 10
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4 Report
  • Lowri
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 15, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I have PCOS and like Sandy further down the reviews I am shocked at how much some women have to pay for this treatment! I am so lucky to to be Welsh for many reasons, one of which is NHS Wales. As a single working mother I would struggle to justify paying so much for something for myself so I am beyond grateful that NHS Wales provides this treatment at no cost. I haven't been using it for long (9 days) but already I can see a huge difference in growth rate. Before I would have to shave every morning but now it's down to every 3 days. I am confident that the growth rate will continue to slow and hopeful that it will halt altogether. I will check back in a few weeks with an update. For now it's 8/10 just for the simple fact that I don't know what my end results with the treatment will be."

8 / 10
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  • Ash...
  • July 20, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I have suffered from hirsutism for years. I recently started on vaniqua 4 weeks ago and notice a huge difference around my chin and upper lip. But I have started developing acne as a side effect or is this folliculitis. Has anyone experienced this? And have any suggestions to help with the acne ( folliculitis) thank you!"

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  • Furbie
  • July 12, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I had to share my experience as this has changed my life. If you’re reading this, you will feel like I feel about your facial hair. Since the birth of my first child, I’ve developed black, thick, coarse, wiry hair under the chin to my neck and my chin, especially both sides. The older I’m getting (43), the worse it’s getting. I used to wax, but I then had to pluck every morning before work, when I came home, and before I went to bed. For some reason, this hair grew like the clappers, and I just had terrible moods and lack of confidence due to this. I’ve actually loved wearing a face mask due to the pandemic as it hides my facial hair, but knowing we’re coming away from this, I finally did something about it. I paid £68 and saw a difference in one week!! The hair slowed down so much I couldn’t believe it. I’m in week 3 now and I’m still in the habit of getting a mirror and plucking, but some days there’s nothing to pluck! I’d say I’m already 50% down on hair regrowth."

9 / 10
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  • Cherry...
  • July 9, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I am 44 & pale skinned. I’ve been a slave to my facial hair for well over 25 years. Shaving, plucking, hair removers (that never work). My hair has caused me depression, embarrassment & paranoia. I never wear my hair up, as my hair is my facial curtain. I’m constantly fixing my hair to cover my jaw line, cheeks and neck. I stumbled across this cream by accident and have been using it religiously for 7 weeks now. I almost gave up at 6 weeks because I didn’t notice any difference. I was still plucking for hours and shaving daily. When I wake up in the morning my stubble would be there thick, strong, dark and very noticeable. A few days ago I noticed my face actually felt a bit smoother. Today is day 3 since I last shaved, and only now am I beginning to feel a few hairs coming through. My face looks smoother with no dark patches from shaving daily. There’s no way I could ever of gone 1 day without shaving and plucking (for hours at night). Loving life right now."

9 / 10
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24 Report
  • boring
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 1, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "Wanted to share a tip for other sufferers. I'm 72: I've had significant chin hair since I was 14. For most of my life I spent an hour a day plucking. In my fifties, I got it down to 45 minutes, plus depilatory for the finer hairs every 2-3 days. I first got Vaniqa when it was still new, & it's been a relief, since I no longer have the energy I once did. It helps a lot if you use it every day, it helps some even if you use it only every 3 days. However, I quickly discovered that it gives me acne -- at least one bump for every application. So before I put it on, I apply a layer of salicylic acid lotion, cheap from CVS. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to effect how well the Vaniqa works at all. About the price. Yes, it's a fortune, but one tube lasts me about a year."

8 / 10
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14 Report
  • V1234
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 17, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I really wanted to write a great review for this, but I just cannot. I started this product 6 weeks ago, so I realized that it may still be too early. I do think that the growth rate has slowed down slightly (still shaving 3 times a day, though). It’s been SO harsh on my skin that my neck looks even worse than before. I have bumps everywhere on my neck and chin that are so hard to cover up, and you can still see and feel stubble seconds after shaving. My self esteem is practically gone, and I don’t know how much longer I can do this. I plan on starting electrolysis in a few weeks, so will continue to use Vaniqa for now. I just wish I saw a better result, I was so hopeful."

3 / 10
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  • Bb28
  • May 11, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I have not bought this due to being really expensive. I was lucky enough and asked my sister if she can get it for me in Germany. Her doctor gave her the prescription and bought it for only $9. I will be receiving it in a week and can’t wait to start using it"

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  • Anony...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I was plucking my chin daily for at least 1 hour a day. My case is not extreme but it was enough that I was embarrassed to be in the sunlight and hoping people would not notice my chin hairs. I waxed and it did not seem to get the stubborn hairs. I debated on spending 189 dollars on vaniqa and finally came to the point of desperation and wanting to try it just to see if it would make a difference. I am so happy that I bought this. Within 3 weeks I noticed a huge difference. I have plucked a few hairs here and there but nothing like I used to. I 100% recommend spending the money on this. I am so happy that I did."

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  • CC30s
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 10, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I got this to help with my facial hair (around chin/jawline). It does not seem to work. I am still plucking and shaving just as often as I was before. When I originally started this medication my testosterone levels were normal, which was confusing as to how I had hair growth in the first place. I have been taking this for about 6 months and my testosterone levels are now high. Not sure if the medication had anything to do with it or if it is in fact undiagnosed PCOS. I would not recommend this medication because it is a waste of money and doesn't work as promised."

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  • Sally
  • April 23, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I have recently tried Vaniqa for facial hair and I have lost so much hair on my scalp I would say 40 percent of my hair. I began noticing so much hair loss once I began using vaniqa for facial hair and I stopped using the product. Not sure if anyone else went through this."

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  • Hirsu...
  • March 18, 2021

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "This was horrible. Had horrible side effects/burned my chin area. Did NOTHING!! I could and would have rather spent the money on multiple effective laser treatments. Very disappointed in money dropped on this worthless product! Literally been using it for months and NOTHING at all! In fact since using it I have noticed more hair! Beware of this no wonder product - doctors never recommend it!"

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  • Bonzo
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 29, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "Worked on facial hair, however I also started to have heavy fall out from the hair on my head. It may have been coincidental but it was enough to make me stop using the cream."

2 / 10
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  • Kajal
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 16, 2020

"I have chin hair dark and coarse. I start doing laser, end up having more hair on my face nearer treated area. Visit Gynaecologist provide me with hormone therapy to control PCOS and ask to go laser. But I decided to end up waxing my face still so depress due to more hair than before. Now my dermatologist suggest me elfora/elyn now I'm using it. Lets see what this brings to me. Hoping for best. Some hair already shedded out in 5 days."

6 / 10
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  • delle
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 11, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "My chin hair was getting worse and worse. I used to wax once every 2 weeks and suddenly I was waxing twice a week and tweezing every day in between. I've had a lot of success with Vaniqa. So far I've used it for 5 weeks, I use it twice a day right after washing my face and drying it, then I apply the cream and rub it in well and leave it for 5 to ten minutes before applying any other products on top. I've seen a huge improvement, my hair is so thin and fine now and barely grows. The hair that does grow is removed extremely easily vs my previous stubborn hairs. I'm so grateful for this product, it is expensive but one tube could easily last 3 months."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • May 21, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "Worked well until the shortage! Totally non effective now! I’m going back to the generic I used while it was not available"

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15 Report
  • Joyce
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 3, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I had used Vaniqa for 5 years, and it worked beautifully. No shaving anymore. Then it went off the market for some time and came back. I ordered it again, and it appears it doesn't work like the old formulation. I have used it for 4 months now, and no results. I am so heartbroken because it was the only treatment that worked for me in the past. Please, if anyone has something that is working for them, please leave a message on here. I will really appreciate it."

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  • Adi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 21, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "I have recently started applying Vaniqa (3weeks now) to my chin since PCOS has affected me greatly in unwanted hair growth. I am only writing to you now because I truly believe in this product, the redness from plucking is almost gone since there hasn't been much need for plucking as much. I do still pluck every day unfortunately but not to the extreme amount I was at one point. By far Vaniqa is the only thing that has helped, I have been on spirolactone, birth control, plucking and even bleaching."

8 / 10
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17 Report
  • Tano
  • April 2, 2020

Vaniqa (eflornithine) "Tried Vaniqa for the hairs on my chin and am absolutely dissatisfied! Very expensive but no results! What more can I say? I’m angry that my dermatologist prescribed it."

1 / 10
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11 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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