Would low iron levels in your blood cause low blood pressure?
Question posted by red sky on 10 April 2010
Last updated on 12 April 2010
What causes low blood pressure?
My girlfriend suffers from bouts of breathing problems where sometimes she can't breathe for periods of up to 10 or 15 seconds almost like an asthma attack. I've put this down to low iron levels (already tested low) because when she takes an iron supplement every day her breathing slowly returns to normal. But when she has these attacks her blood pressure is always very low so I'm trying to understand what causes her blood pressure to fall.
No, low iron levels in body should not cause low blood pressure.
These are the symptoms of anemia.
* Blue color to whites of the eyes * Brittle nails * Decreased appetite (especially in children) * Fatigue * Headache * Irritability * Pale skin color * Shortness of breath * Sore tongue * Unusual food cravings (called pica) * Weakness
Note: There may be no symptoms if the anemia is mild.
So what causes low blood pressure? My girlfriend suffers from bouts of breathing problems where sometimes she can't breathe for periods of up to 10 or 15 seconds almost like an asthma attack. I've put this down to low iron levels (already tested low) because when she takes an iron supplement her breathing slowly returns to normal. But when she has these attacks her blood pressure is always very low so I'm trying to understand what causes her blood pressure to fall.
12 April 2010
If her iron levels are that low and is causing shortness of breath she must see the doctor and ... if they are really low she may need some sort of replacement/transfusion ... but the doctor would know best.