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Why not just take an Antabuse tablet every other day if its effects last a couple or more weeks?


Inactive 1 May 2012

Hello RonitaE. Simply that if taken on a daily basis say 500mg, the drug will be working to its desired effect. The longer the time interval betwwen taking the drug versus alcohol, the weaker the reaction when doing so. As Delila suggested, I would not hazard to drink any alcohol for at least 36 hours after last taking a dose of Antabuse. Regards, pledge

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Delila 20 Sep 2011

Hi i' a bit unsure if you are asking as the person taking the medication and if the medication is new to you/someone you know? One tablet will not last a couple of weeks, generally each tablet will stay in your system, and affect you when alcohol is consumed, between 36 and 48 hours. I know after i take my last tablet i can safely have an alcoholic drink 36 hours later. I'm not recommending this, just speaking from experience. I don't know if this helps at all?

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