Just genuine curiosity...
I have a perscription for a potassium supplement, and the is a warning label the side that say, "Do not lay down within half an hour of taking this supplement. Now exactly is that? And furthermore, why isn't the same warning on the OTC supplements?
Why can't you lay down after taking a potassium?
Question posted by sweetsonggirl on 18 Nov 2009
Last updated on 26 December 2017
Over the counter supplements should have that warning.
The reason for that is that if you lie down the contents of your stomach (containing potassium) may travel up the esophagus and cause damage.
Ahhhh... I never considered that. I have chronic heartburn so that is a common occurrence for me even when I am standing up. ;p
Thanks for your answer!
There has to be another reason why this statement is on potassium because MY potassium prescription says "do not lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this medication". If the above answer is the only reason, why aren't these warnings on ALL medications? I have many health issues and take about 15 pills in the am and 17 pills in the pm. NO other prescription I take has that warning on it. I think I'll stick to asking my doctor these type of questions.
Related topics
sleep, potassium acetate/potassium bicarbonate/potassium citrate
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