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Which pain pill is stronger: a Ketorolac 10mg or a Oxycodone 5mg/325mg?


charlyecc 17 May 2010

oxycodone is a narcotic and an opiate based drug. ketorolac is an anti-inflammatory without steroids. ketorolac is usually prescribed in conjunction with another drug to work well, and is just a short term drug. hope that helps

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Inactive 17 May 2010

I guess it sort of depends on why or what you are taking this medication for? In general, the Oxycodone/325 is far stronger as it is a Narcotic medication mixed with Tylenol, the Ketorolac is classified as a NSAID, or anti inflammatory medication, that typically helps with joint pain, sort of like taking Ibuprofen over the counter only stronger.

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