I can name a few narcotics that will cause a positive drug test. Correct me if i am wrong, but, methadone and syboxin will not because they are synthetic. And lower grade pain Pills such as darvocets, tramodal, fleurocets, ultracets, etc. Will not show up. Please tell me if I am wrong and list the other things, besides poppies that could cause a false positive, thanks.
What will make u test positive for opiates?
Question posted by Sharon70 on 7 April 2011
Last updated on 10 September 2016
There are quite a few things,I recently found out that liver disease, kidney disease, & infection can cause a false positive.
Wrong. These things can't cause a
Wrong. These things can't cause a
Wrong. These things can't cause a fal
Of all the things you listed, suboxone is the only one that won't test positive as an opiate because of the way they were designed not to, they only will test positive as bupenoprhine. They were designed this way so that subs doctors and clinics could check the progress of a patient to make sure they were not taking opiates, so therefore it can not test positive as an opiate.All the other things you listed will show up, and suboxone will too, if they check for buprenorphine. I am pretty sure methadone shows up as opiate, it has nothing to do with anything being synthetic. Drug tests can definitely be flawed whether they are a simple urine in a cup quickie or a mail to the lab test, but I am not sure other than the poppy seeds what would also show up false positive as opiate. There is a member named ChristineATU who knows of a link that gives a list of what meds or substances give false positives. It also depends on the sensitivity of some of the tests nowadays.
Hi ((((((((((((patti))))))))))))) can u tell me that link that tells u what shows up positive on a urine test? if u dont mind i amm new and such. i dont need to know really it si for a friend who gets drug tested everytinme she goes to her doc? ty in advance if u know of it
lol janymak
Also the cough med Delsym, Dexamathoryphan (sp? Too lazy to get up and check bottle) will make a positive opiod screen if taken in larger amounts. FDA really needs to address a black box warning on label for Delsym.
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darvocet-n 100, pain, methadone, opiate, narcotic
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