I'm currently on Requip, but I would like to know if anyone has tried Mirapex, Baclofen, Horizant, or anything else for Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement? If so, what did you like or dislike about the drug? Also, this applies to what has worked or not worked for you pertaining to, muscle spasms, muscle twitching, and parkinsons disease, etc...
What drugs have you found effective in treating RLS and PLM?
Question posted by HPoole on 10 Aug 2011
Last updated on 14 June 2024 by bbbmom52
49 Answers
I have had RLS since I was a teenager, I'm 72 now. It presented itself periodically and was managed with aspirin or Tylenol. In about 2001 it had progressed to the point where every night it became difficult to sleep. I saw a neurologist who prescribed ropinirole and with dosage adjustments it was like heaven. Over the years the RLS worsened and my dose was increased until in 2018 I was up to 4 mg three times a day. I saw Drs who reviewed my medications and never questioned the high dose of ropinirole. In 2023 I was seeing a PA and he suggested that I try to decrease or eliminate some medications. We started with the ropinirole, by decreasing one dose from b to 2mg. The RLS came back with a vengence, it required several doses and Percocet to get back on top of it. I did some research and found that ropinirole causes augmentation of RLS. In other words, it works for awhile, the RLS worsens, the dose increases, better for a period and then it worsens. This happened to me.
I saw a neurologist who was a sleep specialist and he set me up to wean off of the ropinirole with the help of an opioid and gabapentin. I was unable to tolerate the gabapentin. It took 9 months to wean off of the ropinirole, and it was a living hell even with the opioid. If you're on a dopamine agonist like ropinirole or mirapex, get help to get off of it. I will be on an opioid for the rest of my life unless a cure is developed. Mayo clinic, The RLS foundation; Webinars on YouTube by reliable MDs will give you the whole background of these horrible drugs and this horrible disease. Good luck and God bless.
I too have RLS. it's the pits!
I take Mirapex 1mg, and 50 mg of Hydroxyzine PAM, 30 minutes before I go to bed in the evenings. The two medications together have been a God send for me. I still have the urge to move my legs some before I fall asleep, but not for long. Prior to taking these two medications 30 minutes BEFORE I GO TO BED I walked the floor at night.
I have also found having a 12" fan running on low at night on my legs helps tremendously. Why I Don't know, but it does.
I've tried Baclofen and it did nothing for me. I'V TRIED NUMEROUS media ovations BEFORE a new doctor checked me out & found an old injury to my kind knees where I had broken nt atnonentone.ad me b feel so much better than taking something else
So far other than it making me sleepy so I fall asleep fairly easily I have had no side effects that I am aware of.
I took Morales some years ago and because I was also taking Clonazepam which is also great for RLS, but highly addictive, I went off of the Mirapex. What I didn't know was that I was going to have to come off of the Mirpexes gradually because when I stopped cold turkey my RLS became doubly bad and I felt as though I was going to come out of my skin. So I cut the 1mg tablet of Mirapex in half and only took one half tablet for a month and then quit taking them all together. Since I was also on 1mg of clonazepam my RLS didn't bother me. It wasn't until my psychiatrist took me off of the clonazepam cold turkey (that's another story) that my RLS came back with a vengence. Thus, I went back on the Mirapex, 1mg and 50mg of Hydroxyzine 50 mg before I lost my mind. I also have a different doctor now.
The 2 drugs aren't perfect, but compared to were I was 1 year ago they have been a life saver for me.
All I can say is be cautious in taking Mirpex as it " can" really change your life if you decide to stop taking it.
I've had severe restless legs since I was in college, 40+ years ago. I've been taking requip for over 30 years. My doctor wants me to get off requip, so I'm taking gabapentin and clonidine with a 1/4 tablet of Percocet. My dad had severe restless legs and ended up with Parkinson's, which he died from. Many family members also have it. Sleep is a constant struggle.
I have an extremely acute case of RLS combined with an equally acute case of peripheral neuropathy and have tried every drug listed for it listed on the official RLS website. Nothing worked for me until my doctor at Emory (widely regarded as the top RLS researcher in the world - Dr. David Rye) prescribed Methadone as the "treatment of last resort". He also added in Lyrica, and it made a massive difference in how I felt. This was 8 years ago. And while other neurologists have continued the Methadone, they did so exclusively because of Dr. Rye's reputation. Since then doctors have become increasingly unwilling to prescribe narcotics for RLS, even though for some of us it is the only thing that works.
I have not tried medical Marijuana for RLS. though many patients in states where it is available swear by it. I would love to try it, but I've never in my life been a recreational drug user. If I am ever denied Methadone I will probably find one way or another to try pot, since no combo of Neurontin, Gabepetin, Lyrica, etc. without Methadone has helped in the least.
Note: in many states the ONLY kind of doctor who can prescribe a narcotic on a permanent basis is a neurologist, since in most states the only conditions recognized as treatable by narcotics are neurological ones, like RLS and neuropathy. So sleep specialists and pain specialists are unable to help you on a permanent basis.
As far as OTC medications go, there are four you might try. Some cases of RLS are helped by magnesium or zinc. Neither helped me, but I do seem to get some extremely mild benefit from B12/Methyl Folate and from Alpha Lipoic Acid. These have both been shown in clinical trials to have some positive affects. I get about 90% of my help from Methadone, 8% from Lyrica, and 1% each from B12/Methyl Folate and Alpha Lipoic Acid. I also highly recommend getting a powerful percussive massager. I've mainly relied on various thumper massagers, although they are not cheap.
I suffer from both conditions and I never know when it will come on but lately it has been almost every night and I can't stand it!!! I have been on Gabapentin for the past several years and I take a high dosage of 1200 my. It will last for 2-4 hours of pain and discomfort and I don't get much sleep. I also suffer from Osteoarthritis in.my knees and it makes my life miserable... if I don't take my pills as prescribed it won't work And I'll be up all night
I am 83 and have had restless legs since my early 50s. My oldest daughter also has it, so it appears to be genetic. It has become so severe in last 15 years that I have taken meds. Gabapentin, Mirapex, clonazepam, etc. Nothing works for me except Norco which primary care dr was prescribing. Only took 1 pill a night. Dr prescribed for about a year and then came Opioid crisis and dr would no longer prescribe. Neurologist put me on clonazepam which keeps me asleep for 2 hours whether I take 1 pill or 2. Side effect is that my legs seem weak next day.So manage to get about 2 hrs sleep a night. Sometimes RLS starts around 3pm. Other than the RLS I am in good health, but don't know how long that will last without sleep. Good luck to you. Would appreciate any suggestions from others suffering from RLS
Ropineol is the best. Some medicines work fine for what they are prescribed for, but then I'll have terrible restless leg syndrome while trying to sleep & I can't take it. Restless legs are so miserable that sleep is impossible. My old doctor could tell that I had that & he prescribed ropinerol. The doctor that I have now won't give it to me & keeps prescribing other things. I'll tell him next time I go in that I just cannot use all these other things, especially when the ropinerol was perfect. For restless legs only... for me. I may not be spelling the medication correctly.
Hi H, Mirapex is the same drug as Sifrol which I use for Restless Legs. I use Baclofen for cramps. I have a paralysed leg and have both symptoms in that leg. I do find it's best to take the Sifrol awhile before going to bed to give it time to work.Best wishes!
I am 61 years old have been using Mirapex since I was diagnosed with RLS in 2001 at age 46, so about 15 years now. It continues to work well for me. If I don't take it at the right time, however, I will struggle with RLS for a couple of hours or more before things finally settle down and I can sleep. The key is to take it about 2 to 3 hours before you plan to go to bed. Then it works quite well and consistently. Unlike some of the previous responders, I have only had my dosage raised one time in the 15 years I have been taking it. And I do have a severe case of RLS. I also do not have the other side effects mentioned in the previous comments. I have been on Mirapex for a long, long time now so it may be that my body has acclimated itself well to the medication. I also do not take any other medications as I am in general good health except for the RLS. This could be why I have so few side-effects and why my dosage has only been raised one time in all these years.
I can truly say Mirapex has been quite effective in treating my RLS. I hope this helps as you consider talking with your doctor about medications.
My entire family has RLS! I've found baclofen & benzos helpful in reducing/stopping the RLS symptoms! I currently take Klonopin 0.5mgs ( 2 @ bedtime ) & thus far it is helping!
SIFROL -fantastic and got rid of the horrible sensations. I certainly recommend Sifrol to all. I believe it is also a Parkinson's drug.
have tried most prescribed drugs for rls which I have had for 25 yrs. Only started trying meds for the last 4 yrs as it got progressively worse,but too many side effects. Only thing I have found that works is Norco which I think can be addictive and had to beg my dr for it. But it is not addictive to me and I take one low dose at bedtime or if my legs start bothering me in the early evening.
Mirapex did nothing for me but others say its good.
I am so sorry to hear you have restless leg syndrome. I get it once in a while and I take 5mg Valium and it helpse.
Good luck
I have had rls for over 25 yrs, in beginning just thought I was restless. About 4 yrs ago it got progressively worse so started taking many of the above meds you mention. Had too many side effects. Happened to take vicodin for a dental procedure and found I had no rls so begged my dr for vicodin because I had no life getting only about 2 hrs sleep at a time. Now take a low dose of vidodin at bedtime and though I still get rls on occasion, most of the time it works and no side effects. People warn about getting addicted with this drug, but I have no problem not taking it and seldom take more than one pill at night.
Related topics
mirapex, requip, muscle spasm, parkinson's disease, chronic spasticity, restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, baclofen, muscle twitching, horizant
Further information
- Mirapex uses and warnings
- Requip uses and warnings
- Baclofen uses and warnings
- Horizant uses and warnings
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