A pimple with a white puss pocket? It looks like a spider bite kinda. Do they spread easy if it is a staph infection? could it be an ingrown hair? Or a boil? Or maybe just a big pimple on a part of the body that usually does not get acne? How would I of gotten it? How do I get rid of it?
What does a staph infection look like when it first starts?
Question posted by b boh on 21 Sep 2009
Last updated on 25 March 2017 by cajuanadm
7 Answers
You could of gotten it several different ways , 1. staph can live on our skin and a simple thing such as scratching can break the skin allowing staph to enter our body. 2. You may get staph from an infected person or a carrier who may not have washed their hands even by cooking food with unclean hands. 3. also from a hospital in which you may or may not had a procedure. 4. you can also be infected by contac from a person with staph. 5. also you may be infected by eating food cooked by unclean hands and or touching things that have been touched by an infected person or a carrier. 6. staph can live in your nose i believe 25% of us have staph in our nose percentage may be higher or lower it would be hard to determine accurate percentage . 7. you can develop staph from receiving a shot. 8. food poisoning can cause staph. I believe there are other instances as well.
this is a mean nasty relentless infection, I know I have had it so I'm speaking from experience! If you see or feel any of these warning signs or even some that aren't listed please get an examination.. I had it for a long time and it was the worst thing I've ever had.. I was misdiagnosed several times giving this nasty infection time to do more and more damage some that will last. So please go get checked even if you don't jave all the symptoms if it dosen't seem right it probably isn't and if you do not feel that what your doctor has told you remember you know your body better than anyone if you feel its just not right then please go and get another's opinion! I may have some things wrong these are things I have learned and the reason I studied this awful besides the fact that it can be fatal also the fact that numerous health care professionals had a hard time diagnosing it aside from all of that , how It made me feel was a definite indication of how serios staph can be. I've neen through a lot of different illnesses but this is at the top of my list.. it is painful to me almost debilitating it is just unbelievable as to what it can cause.. So yes I had to become familiar with the infection so I wont ever let it get so far again.
staph looks like a pimple when it first comes up, and then after awhile it will begin to get bigger and bigger. the staph area will get really sore and get red all the way around it. the staph infection does spread very eaasily. the best way tp prevent not getting it if soemone around you has it or lives in the same house as you, Make sure you keep everything really clean.when I had it i made sure to wear gloves while doctoring the infection. then make sure everything is washed that you have touched in really hot water by itsself. there is a lot of ways gettin the infection such as; sitting on a toilet seat, using someone elses razors, bathtubs, sex, and it goes on. The best way i treated mine, first go to the doctor and get put on antiboctics, then what i done is put a hot wash clothe on the infection an let it come to a head, then mashed all the infection out.
I had it a lot of time and everytime i go to the doctor they tell me not to mash the infection, but thats the fastest way to get rid out it. I had it three times and with doing what i have jus explained it went away in about a week. Just to prevent from other people gettin the staph, make sure you clean everything in your house and wash everything. Clean the area around th staph VERYY good w peroxide. If you have any ?'s feel free to ask, I know this S*** hurts very badly. I have had it in 4 different places in the past two months:(
Phillip is right, I will try and explain I developed something that looked just like a pimple full of Junk (fourth of July-2 years ago) the following Monday I went in and saw my doctor, it was red looking, inflammed, I had a fever, she said I needed to enter the hospital and have IV antibiotics (I am allergic to those pills you mention) she said they would kill the bacteria and otherwise it would not improve, I was taken to surgery, before I went was put on IV Vancomycin, after they opened it they were able to culture it, it turned out to be MRSA, I spent 14 days in the hospital, once I came home I had to go every day for 6 weeks as an outpatient and have IV Vancomycin to be sure the bacteria was killed, So sometimes things that cannot be seen are in need of care faster than others, probably the best thing is as soon as you can make an appointment and have him go in and let the doctor have a look, It may be simple and easily treated but its always better to be on the safe side,
some people are pron to getting pimples like these that can be cause by a hair not growing in right, or instead of the pimple comig outward in goes inward and other treatment needs to be considered, Please let us know how this goes, I am interested, My first name is Billy my site name is , I will add you as a friend you do the same and then you can write me with a private message if you wish, I hope I have been of help to you
if any one does get staph it's highly contagious and can spread to other parts of the body even up the nose.my mom works at a hospital and says she sees it all the time.to keep the area really clean u can buy hepi cleanse that's what doctors use to wash up before surgery and you can buy it at any drug store.some staph can start out looking sort of like a pimple and then crust over to a honey colored crust or yellowy color.also there are ointments prescribed to put on staff and even a derm. can prescribe it,also staph can be itchy too.
It is an infection, and the staff infection can be quite virullent, you need to see a GP, and get antibiotic treatment, and also topical cream. When you get this type of infection it can spread to other areas easily as it is in your blood stream. If you need to remove a boil, you need to take care not to spread the germ. You need to have clean hands, you could get some hot but not boiling water, and some cotton wool, soak the c wool in the water and place it on the boil. This will help to bring the boil to a head, to remove it you will need to remove the surface puss and a core which is the inner part of the boil. However the antibiotics do clear boils after they kick in to your bloodstream. Hope this helps,
Keep the area really clean and use some hydrogen peroxide on it. See if you are running fever, check to see if it is getting more angry looking or starting to really hurt. It could be a pimple, and ingrown hair,or a boil. If you are running fever and it starts to hurt really bad or gets a red line running away from it, see a doctor stat.
sounds like a random "super" pimple(my personal name for it) i usually get them inside of thigh and other random areas. if you are however concerned that this is a problem to worry about just do it the old-fashioned way and see doc. without a picture and/or locational information it is impossible to be sure.
The picture is I have staph infection in or on my scalp.
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infections, acne, skin infection
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