I quit 1 week ago today. Started on Antabuse so no chance of relapsing. The problem is I feel horrible. Severe Headaches, nausea, low back pain, etc. I am trying to determine if its the withdrawal, the medication or something else. If this is alcohol withdrawal how long will it last? I feel worse than when I was drinking. I am just a nicer person to be around.
What are the "common" withdrawal symtoms from alcohol?
Question posted by yubugen on 29 Nov 2010
Last updated on 28 December 2017
5 Answers
I urge you to immediately type in antabuse on this site and check out the drug and foods that cause problems while taking antabuse. They are marked by their severity but aspirin may not be good and there are too many for me to mention so I thought I should let you know to go check this out because you may be ingesting something that is countreacting with the antabuse. I know some topical things may not be good and certainly not things that you swallow but these other things may ring a bell for you.
Hi yubugen. I only popped in to tell you that you are in excellent hands! Trust in what my friends tell you. Especially htwooh and sacosam. They have been there and have the battle scars to prove it. Let them be your lifeline here. It sounds like you're off to a good start. But like my friends say, it's a life long battle. It will get easier down the road, and you're right... one minute at a time! Before you know it, one day at a time. Hang in there and find comfort in knowing you are not alone. We all have issues we must deal with on a daily basis. This forum is the best place for support regardless of the problems we have. I can't tell you how much my friends here have helped me through the toughest times in my life.
Be strong!
Miss chris,
I concur !!
Having MAJOR PC problems, grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
I cannot quit thinking about you and your dilema and I am concerned that this is not withdrawal - it's been too long to have some of those symptoms but I do not know how long you have been drinking.. I re read everything and unbelieveably I see sacosam wrote about the aspirin and caffeine which is absoltely correct and then you said you found the fioricet. The fiorict has caffeine, butalbital and acetaminophen (fiorinal has aspirin) both are invaluable meds for headaches and especially migraines. It sound like you stumbled on the remedy however I just want you to be cautious with this med because the butalbital is addicting and only take it for a 'real' headache. I got addicted to it and anything you take for a headache has the potential for rebound headaches if you take it too many days in a row. It doesn't sound like that is what you are doing. I saw your latest post and it sounds like you are going forward.
Your family is hlping you and sounds very supportive but what sacosam and I were referring to is the fact that if you have been down the road of alcoholism there is NO ONE who knows how you feel except another alcoholic. That is what AA was founded on is one man telling another of his agony and the two discovering how much easier it was to talk to a fellow alcoholic. It's just different I don't know how to explain it... but anything that works works for you. Beleive me we all have anxiety that's why we are alcoholic, partly. The stories around the tables are wonderful and no one is judgmental. But there are good groups and not so comfortable meetings so I can't tell you about the area you are in. I just stayed sober using AA - the meetings wereb uplifting and helping another alcoholics down the road when you have years of sobriety is what keeps us sober. The phrase I live by is "You have to give it away to keep it" and that makes us less selfish . The whole thing is just bettering ourselves and learning to live without putting our need for "feeling better" at the middle of the list instead of the front.This MY experience you know but I have alot of experience so let me just tell you this. You can ask me anything and I will tell you the truth. Almost any chemical will get you drunk again if you are not on the right path. I have had relapses from listerine and fiorinal and after using pain meds for a hip surgery but I have leearned from them.I have lived the nightmare of being sober for 10 years at a time and THEN relapsing on listerine so this is not joke that this is a cunning disease. Your family must be very proud of you and so are we. Please keep us posted and I will look forward to hearing from you.
My Dear htwooh; ["LOL"! your handle cracks me up ! !] If I tried for 10 yrs., I could not say... IT... better than you just did... "So I ain't even gonna' try"! (;->)... You are a "TOP DRAWER LADY"! You're really wonderful Kathy... and so am I , and it's called Serenity... Wow! Bill
SACOSAM Thank you. It should have been a simple H2O but you know us alcoholics, we have to be unique so I made it long and hard to remember. My last name is waterbury so it's suppose to be h20bury. haha!!If nothing else, I am like you and I have to laugh at everything, especially my life!! Ditto on the serenity and all your other advise. I knew you were 'one of us' when you first started posting but then you got pissed at something I said so I was afraid of you (haha!) remember I called you 'sarcasmo' for sarcastic - now I don't know if you were actually saying something nice or being mean - never mind - it happened with Chris and I and we are good friends now. It's funny how things always end up the way they should when you keep trying - at almost anything. later H20
It's Day 10. I have to work today so I have to keep this post short. Just want to thank you all again for your help and concern. I am doing better day by day with the withdrawal symptoms. The headaches seem to be staying mostly at bay and I am not using the Fioricet at all. I have wondered about "rebound" headaches because I have been using so much Excedrin so I have been trying to use it only when absolutely necessary. I will write a longer narrative about my progress tomorrow (Friday) when I have more time. My thoughts and prayers are with all of my new friends as we progress on this journey of sobriety together. I also wanted to say that I have been thinking the same thing about this not being withdrawal so I have appts. with both my psychiatrist and regular PCP in the next few days to follow-up on some of the symptoms. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a great day... Sue
htwooh... "Heh , Heh"! Hi kathy, Sacosam here (off & on?) My 'Sis' Christine is a class act [even though she refuses to tell me what "ATU" stands for]... And so are You... "wooh" = I'm a poet , and don't knowit ,but my feet showit , they're "Longfellows!!! That's older than I am "LOL"! I remember you called me "Sarcasmo, but can't remember why. I remember growling a few times , then I started laughing. Love ya! Bill Hogan's... "goat"!
Those are definitely withdrawl symptoms. Other symptoms of withdrawls include any combination of: feeling frequent changes in temperature; feeling like sounds may be louder than they really are; having lighting hurt your eyes; feeling like your skin is tingling or bugs are crawling on your skin; feeling like you have the flu; and stomach cramps. You'll feel better each day, just be sure to drink plenty of water and juices and eat whenever you feel up to it. It's not an easy road to travel (in fact, it's much easier to just give in and relapse), but the rewards are great! I would suggest getting involved with an AA group (Alcoholics Anonymous) because the members will have much insight to offer to you as well as advice from those who have been in your shoes. Good luck and congratulations!
Psyched: I'm really surprised that you would post that ... "IN FACT"... it's much easier to just give in and relapse. ! Neither you, nor anyone else should EVER say anything like that to an Alcoholic, because one does not quit alcohol, one surrenders,to it's power and asks a "Higher Power" for help in overcoming and recovery to sobriety.
Yubugen... first, get away from "Antabuse" as it can kill you, and you are suffering unnecessarily. Get some 10mg. valium to help you sleep. Follow your Dr's instructions with valium, or no more than 2/ 24hr. day. Let
an Alcoholics Anonymous group, instead of antabuse, keep you sober. If necessary, your friends in AA , or an AA Dr. will recommend a 7 day rest period in an AA hospital , "and that ain't too shabby as you'll have company. If nothing else , remember... "live One Day At A Time"I have been an AA member for 21years. My sobriety date is May 12th, 1989, after 40 yrs. of drinking. If you think i'm bragging... you're right... Believe it or not, you stick with the AA program, and not only will you be sober, but you will have a lot of fun doing it, and the best part is that your sober friends will care about you as a friend , not just as a drinkin' partner ! ! My friend Yubugen, welcome to the first day of the rest of your life ! ! I am known around here as "Sacosam"! Any time you need help, or answers, I am here for you
Ditto on all the above - a long time member of AA myself I have been through it a few times before I too surrendered and "accepted" and only then will you be happy and get that 'serenity'. By taking the antabuse you are saying you must be forced to literally take a drug that will scare you so bad that if you drink anything with alcohol it may kill you. I would have died because I am the real sick kind of alcoholic that convinced myself that by swallowing a little listerine it wasn't really drinkingand I had 2 relapses that way.IF you have a Dr. advising you I don't care what your reasons. Do ANYTHING to keep you sober - worry about it why later when you have been sober for 30 years. Just getting there by any means and any reason necessary is the first step and we applaud you. Anytime you want to talk there are many here who will help you.kathy
I am feeling a little better today. Thank you for responding so quickly. I guess I am lucky in that I did not experience tingling skin or bugs crawling on me. My main complaint was the unrelenting ungodly headache and nausea. It is just a dull pain over my whole head. Nothing helps, I spent most of yesterday in bed with the curtains drawn and my head under the covers. Still no relief. I cannot sleep, eat, etc. As far as AA goes, it may sound like a cop out but it really isn't I suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder. I cannot be in a room full of people I know much less one where I don't know anybody. Thank you for your insight, this is a new step for me but one I needed to take.
I think my intentions were not fully understood. What is was meaning was most people find it easier to relapse. I was trying to show support for yubugen because he had chosen to stop drinking. I never intended for anyone to think I would support someone relapsing. I apologize for my answer coming across as if I do.
yubugen; Sacosam here, You need to see an AA Dr. my friend... ASAP' or any Doctor! What you are going through, is totally unnecessary. No human being could face what you're going through, which sounds to me like a severe migraine headache, and communicate in any way at an AA meeting or with friends Are you from the U.S.A.? Yubugen, my friend do not try to drive a motor vehicle while you are having a headache like the one you describe. Wear sunglasses when you go to your choice of Dr. but do get moving. Do you have someone to take you to a Dr. There is a cure or a partial cure for your headache that I learned about during my baseball playing years... "coke & asprin (cocoa-cola-"LOL"!) The caffine in coffee does it in some way? I made a cup of good strong coffee with lots of caffine, and added plenty of milk and whatever? sweetener. You'll need 4 or 5 asprin 325mg...
(no less than 4, no more than six) Your gut is probably not in great shape so you'll want at least 4 oz. of whole milk for each 8 oz. of strong caffinated coffee. Only God knows [remember Him 'cause you'll need His help later "LOL"!] what happens when caffine and asprin combine , I don't know but whatever it is My Friend , it is most wonderful. Swallow the asprins asap, finish drinking your coffee with whole milk... and get back in bed while your designated driver arranges to get you to an AA Dr. or a Dr. who is familier with alcohol. In 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours, you'll be smiling, and the best part is... no drugs ! ! Yubugen , How well I remember those headaches, as I had 4 of them, one lasted 2 days., and I ran out of coffee.
I would gladly have drank a gallon of warm Horse urine to cure that one.Ok.
first, get off the antabuse, 2nd, get to an AA Dr. As Soon As Possible,3rd. eat ice cream, it's good for your stomach , and remember... there's 5 of us that I know of (Probably more) all pushing for you so keep us posted on how you're doing... Any questions and ol' Sacosam will be right here... one more thing , God loves You ! ! If you don't believe it , you will... (:->) S.S.
Hi htwooh; Just wanted to say thanks for your kind, & thoughtful words of wisdom. The "Serinity"(Sp?) is the heart of the program. It sounds like you've "been there and done that"... "Keep it Simple" -"One day at a time"! Sacosam I am!
Good Morning to all - I appreciate all the wisdom and words of encouragement I have received so far from htwooh, psyched and sacosam. You have been wonderful. I am so glad I found you, I have been surfing the web for days with no responses.
Today's day 9 -- Yeah for me. I just want you to know that I am seeing a dr., not an AA dr., but a dr. (psychiatrist) that does have alcohol experience. After debating for over 2 weeks we decided that the Antabuse was the way to start this journey. I am already taking 3 mgs a day of Klonopin for my anxiety disroder so I don't think adding another drug (valium) would be a good idea. As for the headaches, believe me I have tried everything. I have tried Extra Strength Exedrin "The Headache Medicine" which usually works for me, NOT this time. I drink a lot of ice tea as I am not a coffee person. I finally found an old bottle (2007) of Fioricet that I had tucked in the back of my medicine cabinet. Finally some relief.
I had this from when I was having migraines back then. I woke up with the headache yesterday but today at 7:10 a.m. EST it is just starting. Yes, I am in the USA, I live in Delaware. I have a ton of support from my family, especially my 14 yo daughter, friends and my boyfriend of 4 years is finally coming around to understand that is is not something I can "just do myself" that I need help. I am in therapy and in fact have an appointment today. She has been great. God has become a great influence in my life. I look to him for strength everyday. I was raised Methodist but my daughter actually goes to a small private Catholic school. So I am embracing that and using it to help me through. I have accepted the fact that all I can do is TAKE IT ONE MINUTE AT A TIME. I will keep you posted as my journey progesses. I am always happy to hear from you (and anyone) with experiences, slips, "tricks", advice, etc. I know I am going to need all the help I can get. Again, that you guys for all the support you have shown me so far, I now feel that I am not alone in this.
Pattisahn61 - I did not intentionally leave you out in the above post, I just sorta missed you when I responded. It's early morning here, I am not awake and my headache is just starting to hit full force. Also, I am finding that I am having trouble remembering little things even though I have stopped drinking. Hope this will go away. Have a great day to all my new friends.
Hi; What worries me, my friend is all the drugs your shrink is pileing on you.
Those drugs mean money in his pocket. If he's a shrink, he knows what will happen to you down the road. It goes like this... right now, your lifestyle and friends are wrapped around a bottle. [been there done that] Sooner or later you will decide you don't want a drug controlled lifestyle, and will say enough with the drugs (especially antabuse) and you will TRY... and maby even succeed in getting off them. Within 6mos. after that you will be right back on the sauce again due to social pressure to... "just have a couple beers dammit, they ain't gonna' hurt'cha"! [Been there, done that too]... Good luck my friend ! Sacosam
Yeah, that sounds like it is wd, plus seizures, anxiety, u could get a bit depressed,shaky feeling. Our counselor practically ordered people coming off alcohol to eat ice cream or anything sweet. The people who did seemed to feel better. You will get better everyday. congrats, hope u feel better soon. PS If you haven't had a seizure, you probably won't, it happens in the earliest days after alcohol cessations. Have 2 mention that tho because it is a symptom of AL. WD.
Who would thumbs down this answer??? Ridiculous!
Great info patti !!
I have been drinking most days for 45 years but now given up for 8 days today n feel good, no sweats or tremors or anything yucky except pins n needles in fingers n toes. I was a heavy drinker and I’m surprised I have found it so easy, is this over with already ? I don’t feel the inclination too drink any more. Is this normal ?
Related topics
antabuse, headache, pain, nausea/vomiting, back pain, withdrawal, alcohol
Further information
- Antabuse uses and safety info
- Antabuse prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Antabuse (detailed)
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