Vitamin B12 - Hi, I got first B12 shot today and was NOT informed of the side effects that could?
Question posted by cathy423 on 25 Sep 2014
Last updated on 15 March 2020
... happen. I am not going to get another one - it's been 7 hours.
It was more like getting a lollipop from the doctors office.
I am now completely freaked out. What can I do? I got the shot this afternoon and am trying not to panic. I usually research stuff carefully and this time I didn't and I am kicking myself.
I am 44 yo, non smoker, on BCP, level was 190 and HCT was 29.9 (now up to 33.3).
Please help! What can I do now?
Added 25 Sep 2014:
I forgot to mention I am worried about getting blood clots or feeling swollen, etc.
What in the world are you talking about? I do no follow. What do these numbers represent, and lollipops? Please explain further what problems you are having? I took B12 injections for years from the doctor's office, then she prescribed the cyanocobalamin vial and syringes for me to give to myself at home. I don't recall having a single side effect. What have you read and what negative reactions have you experienced? It helped me and gave me more energy when I was suffering from extreme fatigue because of a B12 deficiency that showed up in my blood work.
Votes: +0
28 Dec 2017
*not follow - instead of *no follow, sorry for typo.
28 Dec 2017
I've been on B12 injections for several years now. Don't think I've had any side effects. What side effects have you had?
Votes: +0
7 May 2015
Hi! I actually just found out about a new and apparently the only oral prescription that can now be used to treat B12 deficiency. For you and all those struggling with B12 deficiency, this new alternative to the injections is called Eligen B12, not sure if you heard about it yet. Apparently it is the first and only true alternative to the intramuscular injection. I recently read that it works as well as the IM injection even if you don't have intrinsic factor (so even if you don't have normal gut absorption). It’s a once daily pill that apparently it came out a month or two ago. You might want to check it out. I'm pretty sure they have a website or your doctor may know about it
Votes: +1
Stephen Treloar
25 Sep 2014
What side effects would you expect? Do you have nasty reactions to meat? To lollipops? I'm confused as to your concerns.
PS. 'I am on on BCP..' I couldn't even google.
Votes: +0
25 Sep 2014
You never said exactly what was going on. I must say that in all my years as a nurse I've 'never had a lt react to it.