It's my brothers birthday this weekend and there will obviously be drinking involved, I’ve been on 5mg of cipralex for almost a week now and I’m a little nervous about drinking. What is everyone’s experience drinking on 5mg of cipralex who have only been on it for a week??
I know that it’s not suggested at all to drink on this medication. It’s making me consider maybe coming off of it because drinking is a solid part of my summer with friends.
Hi, illianamar! It's a topic that's forever being debated. Some people claim that they can have drink , even heavily, without any problems. Others have passed out, acted obnoxious and stupid, even crashed their cars. Your best bet if you're going to drink is to try it out ahead of time in a safe environment. If you're partying be sure and have a designated driver. Try to limit yourself to 1-2 drinks of beer/wine. Something else to consider is that alcohol is a central nervous depressant and Cipralex is an antidepressant. It depends on you and your response but remember that the Cipralex was prescribed for a reason. Ask yourself if you can live with what it was prescribed for or is alcohol more important to you?