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Substance Questions

Displaying 30 questions associated with Substance.

Why is Nuvigil a controlled substance?

Is Belbuca a controlled substance?

Is Dyanavel XR a controlled substance?

Is Symproic a controlled substance?

Why is my alprazolam 1mg tablets turning into fine powder when I store it correctly?

I get this particular medicine filled every month and for the past three months straight it has been disintegrating and turning into a fine powder substance and this has been making me run short of this medication every month now. I want you to know that I store it correctly and nobody besides my... read more

Pharmacy - Can you get a refill on a non controlled substance early?

I got a tizanidine 1 pill a day filled on 2/14/17 it had three refills on it. Tried to refill 2/27/17, pharmacist would not refill. Why is that?

Recently gabapentin has been made into a controlled substance.Does this mean its a scheduled drug?

I am curious which schedule it falls under?

Poison Ivy

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