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Seroquel Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 196 questions associated with Seroquel.

Seroquel XR weight gain?

I've recently been put on 300mg Seroquel XR which I take once at night to compliment long term use of Seroxat for anxiety. The Seroquel seems to be working really well for the anxiety but my weight has increased rapidly. Since I started on the Seroquel only a few weeks ago I have put on about... read more

I am on day 5 with Topamax, I feel like crap, when do these side effects go away?

I am on day 5 of Topamax 50 mg 2 times a day, 50mg of seroquil at bed time, I just recently started taking again and I have been taking 10 mgs of adderal 2 times a day since I was five. Right now my hands, feet, and head go numb off and on during the day during the day and I feel like a Zombie. I... read more

I heard my doctor say you can get diabetes, from taking seroquel. Is this right, who out there did?

My doctor also said weight gain also. I know about that one.But does any body know someone who have gotten diabetes, from taking this medicine.Is the status of catching diabetes from this medication high. I used to take geodon, but that medication made me feel like a zombie.I also was taking... read more

How long did it take for Seroquel to kick in? Aside for the sleeping effect, which I appreciate?

I've been on Quetiapine Fumarate for almost 2 weeks. I started at 25mg at bedtime and then went up to 50mg at bedtime. This Friday night will mark 2 weeks. I've been diagnosed with Cyclothymia, a slight case of Borderline, and ADHD. I'm also going through a breakup, so I'm in a... read more

Gaining weight very quickly after stopping Cymbalta?

I recently quit taking Cymbalta about a month ago and am just now getting over the horrible withdrawals. I am a 19 year old female and have been taking this drug since I was 17 along with Seroquel which I stopped about 2 months ago. Since stopping I have gained 20 pounds in a month. I have not had... read more

Does anyone know if seroquel decreases sex drive?

I am up to 200mg of seroquel XR & my partner & I have both noticed that my sex drive is not like it use to be. I use to want it all the time & couldn't keep my hands off him. Now I could care less about sex. I know when I go back to the DR she is going to up it to 300mg & if... read more

What can I take to sleep and not dream, I have been of meds after meds nothing is working?

on meds for bipolar and not even seroquel will make me sleep

I am taking Seroquel and having dreams every night. Some are scary and some are OK regular.

I don't remember dreaming like this before. Is it my bipolar or the medication?

Any differences between seroquel vs quetiapine?

I have been on seroquel for 16 yrs for bipolar. Now that there is a generic, my insurance wont pay for seroquel. Has anyone noticed a difference since they switched to the generic?

How do I stop taking 25mg. of Seroquel at night?

My doctor wants me to stop and says that I can just stop as it is the lowest dose. I wondered if there would be any effects from stopping suddenly. Thanks.

Do most people taking Seroquel gain weight?

I was taking Seroquel last year for about 6 weeks for sleep. It worked really well for me, but I ended up gaining weight so I discontinued it. I am still having problems with sleep, so my dr prescribed Saphris, which I don't really like so far. I was thinking of going back to Seroquel. Do most... read more

Is quetiapine causing my over-vivid exhausting dreams???

Hi everyone, im new to this forum but i am desperate for some answers, or any help advice you can give please. I am diagnosed with BPD and major depression & have been on quetiapine for about 10 years (also on 375mg venlafaxine) Over the past year i have been slowly reducing my dose from 100mg... read more

Seroquel XR - If you stop taking this medication, how long does it take to get out of your system?

Started taking this medicene, and it is completely messing me up! I want it out of my body, and want to know how long it will take to be gone completely!

Bipolar Disorder - Please help!! I was on seroquel for 15 months for bipolar; I stopped this and?

... have been on Geodon for my bipolar for 3 months (since October/09) I thought something must have happened to my metabolism due to drug as I gained 70 lbs. I am also on Levothyroxine for my thyroid even tho my tests indicate levels are normal; I was weighed today at over 200 lbs; 24 lbs heavier... read more

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