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Seroquel Questions

Displaying 196 questions associated with Seroquel.

Is there anything other than Seroquel that would help me to sleep?

I pretty much tried other stuff. But I have a very high tolerance to medication. Also some meds will affect me totally opposite than what they intend. As in being more hyper than I am already. I have problems with sleeping, and I get in a very miserable mood gets worse with less sleep. I believe... read more

Can you overdose on Seroquel?

Does Seroquel cause weight gain?

How does Vraylar compare with Seroquel?

Has anyone using Seroquel experienced a weight gain issue? I started @

... around 110lbs now I've gained a conciderable amount of weight. I am a vegetarian I don't do dairy. I do not eat anymore then I ever did. I eat out of necessity I do not over stuff myself. They had me actually writing down my calorie intake daily along with my weight and I wasn't... read more

How do I get off Seroquel xr - can't stand side effects?

I'm diagnosed with bipolar and ptsd - got on Lithium over a month ago and so far so good - however, the dr. added 300 mg of Seroquel xr and I'm having a terrible time with the side effects and I want to stop immediately. Can I just stop taking?

Does anyone get creepy nightmares from Seroquel?

I still take it or I will never fall asleep. The nightmares are repetitive and go all night then haunt me the next day. Is there anyone else with this issue? It sucks because otherwise it helps me... mike

Has anyone taken 25mg. to 50mg of Seroquel and gained or lost weight?

My brother takes 450mg a day and gained weight. He takes it for bipolor. I have high anxity and PTSD. I take Prazosin 4mg. at night and it works wonders. While he has bipolor. Been on many things that made me worse and kinda scared to try this. My Dr told me its such a low does it wont effect my... read more

Experience with taking valdoxan?

Can anyone tell me if they have any experience with taking valdoxan? My doc added it to seroquel 300mg and xanax for severe anxiety and panic attacks,has anyone any comments good or bad with this med? The seroquel was making my anxiety worse and keeping me awake instead of putting me to sleep. He... read more

Anyone takes Seroquel (Quetiapine) 100mg for insomnia for long term and how's the effect?

I want to ask if anyone has been taking Seroquel (Quetiapine) 100 mg for long term insomnia (like more than 2 years). How's the effect? As I have surfed from the web that the sedative power to make you sleep will decrease over time.

Seroquel - heart racing and heavy breathing?

Does anyone else feel like after you walk a few feet that you start to breath heavily and your heart starts to race? I love seroquel cause its the only think that will put me to sleep and I think it works some with my bipolar. But has anyone had an experience like that before?

Just got prescribed Seroquel for insomnia. Kind of scared to take it. I've heard good and bad?

... results from taking it. I have been on so many medications for not just insomnia but anxiety and depression. Nothing seems to work right. Help! Any suggestions?

Is Seroquel a sleeping pill?

Any thoughts on seroquel being used as non-addictive sleeping pill? Other than feeling groggy the next morning I don't notice any side effects. any input?

Has anyone experienced insomnia while taking Seroquel?

While on Seroquel (for several month), I began experiencing severe insomnia, sometimes getting 1 or 2 hours of sleep a night... and many,many nights, ZERO hours of sleep. This, of course, took me off of work. Dr. decided @ that point to take me off the Seroquel ('clean out my system and start... read more

How well does seroquel work for anxiety and panic attacks, is it a tranquilizer?

I have problems with major depression as well as anxiety and panic disorder. I take Effexor for the depression, and Neurontin and Klonopin for the anxiety. This worked well for a while but lately my panic attacks occassionally break through even this. My doctor suggested a small dose of Seroquel.... read more

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