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Eczema Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 52 questions associated with Eczema.

How do you use Eucrisa (crisaborole) ointment?

Answers to the most common questions asked about Eucrisa ointment.

How do you use Dupixent?

What are the side effects of probiotics?

What's difference between Olux and Olux-E?

My mother took Bactrim, then developed a rash all over her body, has anyone had this?

Her legs look sunburned.The dermatologist said it was stress related eczema. I don't think it is. I think is an allergy to bactrim and I think she needs to go to an allergist. Has anyone had this problem'

I have a rash that itches, its like torture,can't stop from scratching. No sleep, loss of work?

I have tried everything, treated for eczema, nothing suggested is working. Creams, lotions, oatmeal, been to the dermatologist, have even made appt. for naturopathic doctor. I stay inside the heat, sun, humidity make it worse. It's not helping that I am a single mom not able to enjoy/do... read more

Is it safe to have vitamin supplements with Methotrexate tablets?

ie - Vit B12,Iron, Vit D- Ostelin, multivitamin,evening primrose,fish oils,caltrate, cold and flu tablets, Xalatran eye drops, diprosone ointment. Thanks for checking these drug interaction with Methotrexate dose and are there any other documented drug reaction ?? Cheers Helen Park

If Prednisone inhibits or slows healing, why do I heal so well when taking it?

I have a severe skin issue that so far has only been diagnosed as "eczema". The cause has not been found, and so neither has a cure. I am often prescribed Prednisone short-term. The doctors tell me "Now you'll stop itching, but your existing wounds will take longer to... read more

Dupixent - Side Effects hurting your quality of life?

I am 54 and managed my eczema all my life. I have been on Dupixent for 4 months now. Reading reviews regarding blindness and other side effects really concerned me. Since I started, my joints and muscles always ache and I am always tired. I went from being very athletic and in the gym 6 days a week... read more

Why not apply Betaderm to the face, underarms, groin, etc.?

I was prescribed it for eczema, but my doctor and many websites have said to keep it off my face. Why?

How long does it really take Dupixent to work?

I am a 54 yr old African-American female who has severe hand & foot eczema for the past 10 years , I also breakout if i am in the sun (was not born with it ... did not have it as a child). Over the years i have tried everything creams, steroids , phototherapy etc etc..nothing worked. My first... read more

How long is the treatment with Dupixent?

It likely depends on the person, but I'm wondering, have any of your doctors indicated the anticipated length of treatment with Dupixent? Is it every 2 weeks for the rest of your life, or will you possibly be able to come off of it at some point? And do the side effect subside with longer use?

Prednisone for eczema doses?

I'm 38yrs old and suffered full body eczema for most my life however for the last 5 yrs I have been totally clear of it . UNTIL now :-( Eczema has taken over my face all but my forehead ! even my eyelids are affected .. I'm desperate as I leave in 2 weeks on holiday this is the WORST... read more

How long does levocetirizine stay in a persons system?

I just started taking it and it I have severe eczema. It made me feel weak, sluggish, tired and short of breath.

Elocon - Can you use Elecon on your penis ?

i have eczema on my legs since i was a kid, i have had a flaring up on my penis again, i had it many years ago and i think it was Elecon my doctor prescribed and it got rid of it in days. has anyone else used it in that area ??

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