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Disorder Questions (Page 8)

Displaying 187 questions associated with Disorder.

Bupropion - How long does an increase in dose take to work?

I have had panic disorder and depression for years. I maxed out Prozac and was put on welbutrin xl 150. I went up to 300 pretty shortly after and it was fine. Suddenly my panic attacks came back and they r debilitating. The doctor put me on the highest dose of welbutrin xl 450mh. 300 in the am and... read more

Blood Disorders - I am experiencing hair thinning and hair loss from warfarin My doctor switched me?

... to Eliquis 2.5 msg twice daily. Will my hair grow back and get thicker while taking Eliquis. My hair is falling out by the handful, and it’s so thin. I’m 52 yrs old and had a blood clot in the jugular vein coming out of the brain causing me to have a major stroke. But my hair... read more

How long does lithium take to get out of your system?

I was taking lithium carbonate for bipolar disorder. I was wondering how long does it take to get it out of your system? I was taking 600 mg for a month and stopped about a month ago.

How long does it take for clomipramine to work for anxiety?

i am diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder and OCD. i started on a low dose of clomipramine in mid november at 25 mg. currently i am taking 150 mg (for one week so far). my panic attacks are gone, my ocd is mild, but i still struggle with anxiety upon waking and lasting nearly all day. is that typical?

How long does Lexapro take to fully kick in?

I’m going into week 6 on Tuesday of taking 20mg Lexapro which I just started last Monday on the highest dose. I have anxiety and panic disorder. How long does it take to fully kick in so the anxiety goes away?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder - I am on 400 mgs of Lithium and noticed that my urine has a really...

... horrible smell. Is this a side effect? It is making me feel really down, and I am constantly washing and checking. Thank you

Lamictal - How long to kick in and what dose ?

How much did you have to take and how long before you felt anything? I'm on day 12 of of 25mg and I don't feel a thingy but my friend felt it at 25mgs. She's on 150 now but had had benefits since 25 mgs, I'm kind of jealous lol looking for that quietness in my mind. For mood... read more

Bipolar Disorder - I have bipolar and I am feeling so hopeless.

My psychiatrist just changed my meds and I will be starting Lamictal and Viibryd. I am already taking Lithium and several vitamins. I’m at my lowest ever. Does it get better or am I destined to always feel this way?

Good antidepressant to take alongside lamotrigine?

About to start on lamotrigine for my Bipolar Disorder (I had previously been on Depakote however I gained dangerous levels of weight). Lamotrigine's obviously preventative re: depressive episodes and my psychiatrist advised it's not that effective in treating depression, if/when I get it... read more

Generalized Anxiety Disorder - How do you judge when to take your anti-anxiety med, like clonazepam?

I find my anxiety has been building up around 11:00am-12:00pm and the again around 4:00pm -5:00pm. I wait each day to see if I really need it and find that I do. I’m using .25mg twice a day now. I use mirtazapine at night and that works well for sleep. I wonder if the anxiety will ever... read more

What are the best meds to treat BPD? If any exist?

I am not 100% sure what medications are available to treat borderline personality disorder (BPD) because so far the only thing I have been told is that medications do not help with borderline personality disorder only therapy.

Took Depakote for a week and now I've wet my bed 3 times in 10 days !?

My doctor I saw while I was in the hospital for several days gave a low dose of depakote 3 x a day. I don't have mania or bipolar disorder just depression. I don't want to pick up the medication as all it did was make me numb and I wet my bed 2 times. I don't need this right?... read more

Low dose lithium as effective as high dose?

The common lithium doses currently given daily for bipolar disorder (1200 mg) may be too high and in long-term prescription causing renal tube damage, hypothyroidism, cardiac disturbance, and the common lithium carbonate side effects. If low doses from 150 mg to 300 mg have a good stabilizing... read more

Prazosin - Is this drug for OCD and PTSD and anxiety disorder?

I have had major depression and anxiety disorders and panic attacks all my life ,I wonder if this drug will help me thanks

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