i am diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder and OCD. i started on a low dose of clomipramine in mid november at 25 mg. currently i am taking 150 mg (for one week so far). my panic attacks are gone, my ocd is mild, but i still struggle with anxiety upon waking and lasting nearly all day. is that typical?
How long does it take for clomipramine to work for anxiety?
Question posted by lkl00123 on 23 Jan 2021
Last updated on 4 February 2021
Hi, lkl00123!
Clomipramine takes time to become fully effective but it sounds like you're making good progress!
"When will clomipramine start working?
When used to treat OCD, clomipramine may need to be taken for 6 to 12 weeks before you notice an improvement in your
symptoms. It may take 4 to 6 months to see the full effect of this medication. Since this medication takes time to work,
do not increase, decrease or stop it without discussing it with your doctor first.
If you are not feeling better within 4 to 6 months, your doctor may recommend you take a different medication. There is a
small chance that depression or anxiety symptoms may worsen or that you may experience increased thoughts of self
harm during the first months of taking this medication. If this happens, tell your doctor
You should also avoid any type of grapefruit and grapefruit products.
Best regards and hang in there.
thank you for answering my question. when you mentioned the small chance of worsened anxiety did you mean as a side effect?
also, i’m curious if you know how many mg are typically used to treat anxiety? that’s my biggest complaint. thank you!
As with most if not all antidepressants increased anxiety is a potential side effect when first starting the medication. Usually you'll notice it within days to the first couple of weeks and then it generally resolves.
Also, with most, anxiety is the hardest and longest to treat. Clomipramine is used most commonly for OCD but is effective against anxiety disorders too... eventually.
"Usual Adult Dose for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:
Initial dose: 25 mg orally once a day at bedtime
Maintenance dose: 100-150mg orally per day
Maximum dose: 250 mg/day
-The dose should be increased gradually, as tolerated, to 100 mg during the first 2 weeks. After the initial titration, the dose may be increased gradually over the next several weeks to a maximum of 250 mg/day."
Sorry for the copy/paste. I like to answer that way because it gets right to the point.
thank you again. i hope you don’t mind one more question. if 150 is my targeted dose, how long should it take to feel “back to normal”... regarding the anxiety? i’m currently on leave because it can get pretty intense. i know there’s no concrete answer, i’m just kind of ready to have my life back.
You're more than welcome... we're here to share information and experiences.
It's been a very long time since I've taken it so I don't remember all that well but I do know that it knocked out my OCD rather quickly. The anxieties took a couple months I'm sorry to say.
Try to be patient and get through this initial period because you should be feeling a little better quickly now. Stay positive!
thank you so much. the doctor increased my dose to 175. i feel kind of scared/fearful at the moment, but trying to remind myself that it’s just a side effect... i hope.
any advice wildcat? day 5 of 175 and i’ve tolerated about all the anxiety and nausea one person can handle.
Is your doctor aware of these side effects. I don't have any ideas about the anxiety except essence of time. :(
You might talk to your pharmacist about some possible OTC remedies for the nausea like dramamine, Pepto-Bismol, or meclizine. These could possibly cause some drowsiness/dizziness if taken with your clomipramine.
Sorry I can't think of anything else. Good luck and try to hang in there and give it a few more days.
Related topics
anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, clomipramine, dosage, disorder, diagnosis
Further information
- Clomipramine uses and safety info
- Clomipramine prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clomipramine (detailed)
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