He tends to eat a lot of pickles and drink the juice when he eats them. I would think the Vitamin K would make his INR decreased not increased. Wondering if you can shed any light on this subject for me.
My son's INR is elevated and they think it is because of pickles? What is the correlation?
Question posted by hfinkhouse on 18 Dec 2013
Last updated on 19 December 2013
Probably has to do with the tumeric and garlic (both blood "thinners")used in making pickles. You shouldnt let him drink pickle juice. It is VERY high in sodium and very hard on the stomach lining. It is basically brine. There are a lot of anecdotal stories on the web that say pickle juice is good for you (perhaps in small amounts if you have been perspiring heavily) but science doesnt really back that up. Anything that high in sodium should give you pause. If he really has to have pickle juice, make sure it is no more than a sip or two per day and it is best to add water to make it half and half or have him drink an 8 oz glass of water for every couple oz of pickle juice..
Thank you. I do believe it is the juice, which he does not have to drink.
I don't know if pickles are high in vitamin K. Have they checked his liver function? Vit K is a fat soluable vitamin which means you need fat to absorb it. Does he have chronic diarrhea? One way to find out if its pickles is to stop eating them and drinking the juice. He could be filling up on pickles and not eating things he needs in his body.
Pickles are considered moderate in Vit K
Thank you, we have gone with the no pickles approach. Or at least very limited amounts.
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