I'm with my husband in fl for the wellington horse show but we live in NYC so my prescription refills for suboxne are from NY. My daughters nanny has authorization to pick up my refills for me. My question is can she mail my meds to me here in fl? Cause she's done it before because we come here every season but I guess someone told her it was illegal to do that now I'm scared the post office will hold my mail and that we will get in trouble. I'm going on 3 days without my meds and they should be here tomorrow if all is well
Can someone send my meds over the mail?
Question posted by putie31 on 3 Dec 2014
Last updated on 14 June 2018
It is illegal to send narcotics in the mail. They aren't going to do anything to you for the ones that were sent, they obviously didn't know about it. The post office doesn't employ a drug sniffing dog in every office. They go after the ones who are using the postal service to send the illegal meds.
I was on vacation I live in South Carolina my friend lives in Georgia I took my prescription narcotic medication with me and I forgot to bring them I have the bottle and it is a valid prescription I forgot to bring them back home with me my friend doesn't drive so he sent it priority mail to me at my father's address I normally stay at my fathers through out the weekdays and I need to take this med every day the postmaster left it at the front desk at the office I mention this to a friend he said I will go by the office and pick it up for you while you watch your dad the landlord said if your name is not on the lease I will send the package back it was the regular carrier and she knows me very well she said she would go back up to the office and retrieve the package and bring it to the door for me there for the package was not there the landlord said she gave the package back to the postmaster the postmaster says other she wavered for the package my question is I would ...
like to know if I would get in trouble if I filed a claim for my missing meds. And it is a federal crime to tamper with the mail in which the landlord stole my package
Wow that is one long run on sentence. Have you heard of a comma or period?
@Gatorsmom78 "Wow that is one long run on sentence. Have you heard of a comma or period?" Have you ever heard of Grammarly?
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