Pain on right side of chest. Goes from chest to back of shoulder. Sore on right side of chest and sharp pain. Has lasted three days now.
Sharp pain in chest on right side through to shoulder - heart related?
Question posted by Jus Me on 22 Feb 2012
Last updated on 8 February 2018 by Jeanna1960
7 Answers
When I worked at a hospital in the emergency room we were generally instructed that when someone came in with chest pain to ask if the pain radiated anywhere and if it went down the arm we were to call a nurse or doctor immediately because it could indicate a possible heart attack. It's always best to see a doctor though if u are having any issues that might have to do with the heart. It's always better to be on the safe side.
I have a pain on my right side chest by my shoulder blade it hurts when I move my arm up or lift something my right side of neck feels swollen a bit when I press it as well
Any stress or anxiety? Spine problems? Suffered many years to find I needed a muscle relaxer and not opiods.
Constant pain ion right arm and chest.
Many people with chest pain fear a heart attack.
The most common symptom of a heart attack is chest pain, usually described as crushing, squeezing, pressing, heavy, or occasionally, stabbing or burning. Chest pain tends to be focused either in the center of the chest or just below the center of the rib cage, and it can spread to the arms, abdomen, neck, lower jaw or neck.
Other symptoms can include sudden weakness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, breathlessness, or lightheadedness.
However, there are many possible causes of chest pain. Some causes are not dangerous to your health, while other causes are serious.
New onset chest pain always requires evaluation by your doctor.
Hi Jus Me,
When I was younger I had a really active and social life. My doctor at the time who specialized in the heart told me to cut my friends and keep about 3 only close friends. I was getting sharp chest pains all the time.It would hurt to breathe. I did what he asked and it went away. Now I have a very relaxed life.
Hope you find out what is happening with you too.
Lynne, if I cut my friends down to three, I would lose over 187 (at last count) just here! Can't lose you all. You are my life line... Mary
Only you know if you feel stressed having so many friends. He meant 3 good friends that you see etc... I have a lot on line but I'm not busy with them silly.
Take care,
I know what you meant, but you know me, just couldn't resist the challenge... Mary
Funny girl!
Lol :o)
Yes, I agree, heart would be center or left side with pain going to jaw or neck or down left arm. Altho' it is always better to err on the side of caution, especially if you are a woman. Our heart attacks are very unusual & different than most men. If you feel incapacitated, I would go to the ER or have someone take you or call 911 if it gets unbearable & doesn't stop soon...
Should have said I agree with last poster about either heartburn or spasm of the esphoegus. You could also have what is called pleurasy(sp) which is in inflammation of the lung lining & they don't do much for treatment. Hurts clear thru to shoulder blade. I have had this for years. Never hurts to call your codtor just in case. Good luck to you... Mary
Sorry Anonymous, you are wrong..I had the widow maker (100%blockade ). My pain was on the upper right side of my chest straight through to my right shoulder blade. My late husband ( passed due to cancer) only had problem with breath, no pain. Plus FYI Rosie O'Donnell was only sore in her arms... There different signs for everybody... Just thought you would like to know. Have a good day !!
Yes, such symptoms can be any number of things and heart attack symptoms can vary quite a bit from person to person. For those reasons alone, "you're wrong" is not a statement of fact.
I have experienced unexplained scary symptoms more times than I can count and each time it turned out to be nothing serious. Life is full of aches and pains; it would be quite a costly mess if everyone high-tailed it to their clinic for each and every one.
If you have trouble calming down and thinking rationally about what's going on with you, by all means get checked out by your doc to put your mind at ease; you will know then if it is something concerning enough to monitor closely or just something minor that will run its course.
Not to sound flippant, but as a nurse, my advice is to try TUMS... sounds more like indigestion to me. I know it may hurt like the devil, but give antacids a try before you panic. We have a LOT of people come in with similar symptoms, thinking they are having a heart attack when all they need is some sodium bicarb.. Munch a couple of tums. Now if that DOESN'T work, of course check with you Internal Med doc...
That just where I had pain with both my heart attacks..the first was 100% blockage. Thought it was a pulled muscle in my should blade to start with. Oh and when my husband had his heart attack the only symptom he was trouble breathing, no pain..he had quadruple bypass surgery.
You are a nurse you shouldn’t give advice the person could be in more than what you think it is or may be. My dad was a doctor I worked in his office and I would say go to the emergency room no matter what. My mom had symptoms of a heart attack but it was as a stroke glad we took her to the ER
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heart attack, pain, chest pain, shoulder
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