What is a sentanyl 100mg pain patch for?
What is a sentanyl patch?
Question posted by Littlefoot151 on 8 April 2012
Last updated on 12 April 2012 by judipe
if you're talking about fentanyl i'm taking 50mg every 72hrs. i was takilg them from the begging of the rsd all most 2 yrs. ago right now between the fentanyl and all the other meds, i do not get any releaf. it may work on you. 100mg is pretty high, its a patch you wear usally for 72 hrs. it dosen't hurt to try.
hi littlefoot, would you check your spelling on that patch? if its for pain then the word may begin with an f-. but that is very strong medication.not to be taken lightly
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