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Results for 'Xifaxan Traveling'

Traveling Safely with Medicines

When taking Xifaxan 550 can it cause a yeast infection in females?

I have been taking Xifaxan 550 for about 4weeks now. An now I haves yeast infection. Is it possible that the drug has caused the infection.

When should I take Xifaxan 550mg tablets?

I'm supposed to take one tablet three times a day so how many hours should I wait before taking the next dose?

Xifaxan - Can I take Xifaxin indefinitely?

Before seeing Xifaxin advertised on TV, I sat my husband down and told him I did not want to hurt myself, but if someone didn't help me, I was... read more

Xifaxan - Why is this drug so expensive?

My sister takes this drug for encephalopathy caused by cirrhosis to her liver during cancer radiation treatment. She is on disability currently and... read more

Xifaxan - just started today! anyone have ibs with constipation and severe bloating and dissension?

My problem is IBS with pain, bloating, severe distension end of day. Can hardly wear clothes sometimes because of it. Also some constipation. At wits... read more

How long does Xifaxan 550 mg stay in your system?

Taking Xifaxan with Align probiotic?

I am taking Align Provo and just got prescribed Xifaxan. Since Align is a probiotic and Xifaxan is an antibiotic does this cancel each... read more

Is it OK to crush a 550mg Xifaxan tablet for someone who cannot swallow any pills?

My daughter has been prescribed 55mg Xifaxan, but cannot swallow pills. Is it OK to crush the tablets and take it with food such as apple... read more

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